ITEM #3 - Brackish Water Reclamation Demonstration Facility – Operational Report

ITEM #4 - PHWA Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023

ITEM #5 - Renewal and Reconsideration of Remote Meetings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953(e)



If I get a thumbs up from IT that we're recording. 00:03:26
Somewhere. 00:03:31
There we go. Public view. I just got the thumbs up. 00:03:36
Welcome to the Port Hueneme Water Agency regular meeting for December. I'm calling this meeting to order. It's currently 4:03 PM. 00:03:40
Want to remind everybody that this meeting is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 54953. 00:03:51
Subdivision E and the recommendation of the Ventura County Health officer issued September 21st, 2021 following social distancing 00:03:59
recommendations. 00:04:05
Madam Clerk, if you could, please take the role for this evening. 00:04:10
Member Bouchard. 00:04:15
Present Member Perez here Member Roland. 00:04:17
Vice Chair Fernandez here and chair Dublin. 00:04:21
Here. 00:04:25
This is the time for public comment. We will now hear any general public comments. 00:04:28
Not pertaining to items on the agenda for tonight. 00:04:34
Including those written comments received by our clerk, any comments from those who are participating live with us this evening 00:04:37
and. 00:04:41
We'd like to ask that you use the Zoom's raise Hand feature so we can call on you during the appropriate comment times. 00:04:45
This will be the same process for comments pertaining to each agenda item as well. 00:04:52
Staff will unmute your mic and you'll have 3 minutes to provide oral comment. 00:04:56
Does anybody have any oral comments for tonight? 00:05:01
And Madam Clerk, do we receive any written comments for tonight? 00:05:06
No. 00:05:11
OK. 00:05:12
Then we will go ahead and close the public comment. 00:05:14
May I have a motion and a second to approve the agenda for tonight? 00:05:19
Move the move. 00:05:24
Jack. 00:05:25
I think that was a three-way tie for the. 00:05:30
Who wants to? 00:05:34
Member Perez will say, I I I think I saw your lips moving first before I heard it. So we'll we'll say member Perez made the motion 00:05:36
and member Rollins that provided the 2nd. 00:05:41
We will do. We need a roll call for that. 00:05:50
Madam Clerk, so I'll just go ahead and remember. 00:05:56
Yes, remember. 00:06:01
Yes, somehow my video isn't going on. 00:06:03
I can't see everybody else, but yes. 00:06:07
Member Bouchard. 00:06:10
Yes, Vice chair Hernandez and chair. 00:06:12
Yes. 00:06:16
Great. Thank you. 00:06:18
Doesn't look like we have any presentations tonight. 00:06:20
So we'll move on to the consent calendar. We will now consider items on the consent calendar, which will be enacted in one motion 00:06:24
unless an agency member has a request to remove an item for discussion. 00:06:30
Do we have any items that would like to be removed for discussion tonight? 00:06:38
Seeing none. 00:06:45
May I have a motion a second to approve our consent calendar? 00:06:47
I'll move to approve the consent calendar 2nd. 00:06:50
Madam Clerk. 00:06:56
Thank you. 00:06:58
Yes, yes. 00:07:01
Member Perez Yes, yes. 00:07:03
Yes. 00:07:08
Great. Thank you. 00:07:11
Zipping right along. We do not have any public hearings for tonight, so we'll move on to business items. 00:07:13
Item number three on the agenda is the Brackish Water Reclamation Demonstration Facility Operational Report. 00:07:20
I believe Director Villafana will be providing that tonight. 00:07:27
If you're doing this, the whole thing so. 00:07:38
I'm not sure who's picking that up. 00:07:43
Yeah, it sounds very distant and I didn't see director Villafana's square light up and so he was speaking either. I'm not sure 00:07:48
where that was coming from. 00:07:52
He's unmuted. 00:07:58
So Don, are you with us right now ready to do the? 00:08:00
OPS report. 00:08:04
You may not expected us to get to it so quickly. 00:08:07
We're quick and efficient tonight, last meeting of the year. 00:08:11
I don't see. I don't see him on at all. 00:08:18
There. 00:08:24
OK. Can you hear me now? 00:08:25
OK, great. 00:08:29
All right. 00:08:30
All right. Good afternoon, Chair Deadly board members, this is. 00:08:35
Brackish Water Reclamation Operational Report for the month of November. The plant operated the entire month of November. 00:08:41
And our water demand was 2. 00:08:50
Nine, 2,000,000 gallons per day last November 2021. The plant operated the entire month and the water demand. 00:08:53
Just over 3 million. 00:09:03
Gallons per day. So again, we're using less water this November than last November. For the month of November, United Water 00:09:05
supplied approximately 86% of our water. Cayega supplied approximately 14% of our water. 00:09:13
And just for information, we are on a calendar year for water allocation, our annual United. 00:09:21
Allocation is. 00:09:29
3 three 3657 acre feet and we've used through. 00:09:31
2954 acre feet or 81% of our allocation from United. So we're not going to use 19% more in the month of December. So we're below 00:09:38
what our United Water allegation is. 00:09:47
With respect to chi. 00:09:56
We have an allocation of 1480 acre feet per year. 00:09:58
And to date we have used 678. 00:10:05
Which is only 40 percent, 46% of our water allocation. So you know, we are using less water, we're under our allocation and that's 00:10:09
all good news. 00:10:14
Also, I think the board may be aware that we have the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency and that groundwater issues are 00:10:21
very contentious. 00:10:27
Next month, Mr. Peter Candy will be giving us an update on. 00:10:33
The water, the adjudication for the groundwater. 00:10:39
And it is going to go to adjudication. 00:10:43
But he will. He will bring the board up to up to speed on that. 00:10:46
Are there any questions? 00:10:53
OK. Can I go? Chair Dudley? Yeah, sorry about that. My microphone was muted as training. OK, Yeah. And I couldn't find my yellow 00:10:59
hand to erase quick enough. Well, thank you, Mr. Villafana, for your report. That probably explains to me why the Fox Canyon 00:11:06
Groundwater Management Agency meeting went seven hours. I, you know, I try to watch it when I can. 00:11:13
And I tuned in and I thought, wow, 7 hours I don't think I have. I can watch that in one sitting. 00:11:21
Umm. 00:11:27
So that's just a comment observation of what's what's happening there. But my question is because we are below our allocation and 00:11:28
and in light of what's happening with the Fox Canyon water. 00:11:34
Would you expect that? 00:11:42
If they see us using less water, they're noting we're using less water, that they're going to reduce our allocation even further. 00:11:44
No, what will happen? 00:11:53
An allocation right now and it and it's in. 00:11:56
But to the best of my knowledge our our starting allocation will be somewhere around 4200 acre feet per year, which is still about 00:12:00
600 acre feet over what our current allocations. So the first several years of ramp down will not adversely affect PHW. 00:12:09
What and then one of the things we had discussed and we'll be bringing this back to the board in January and certainly in 00:12:20
February, the board has got to look at. 00:12:26
How we're going to move forward with our water treatment plant? 00:12:32
We use we we we discharge to brine approximately 400 acre feet a year. 00:12:35
Uh. 00:12:42
Well, we're using. 00:12:43
So if we did not use the plant we would save 400 acre feet of water which equates to approximately $280,000 a year which between 00:12:45
which would help us meet our ramp down in the future. So but all those all those specifics will be will be brought forth before 00:12:52
the board for. 00:12:59
Open discussion at a. 00:13:07
And but that's a little more background on. 00:13:10
So right now we're in a good place. All right, Thank you. 00:13:13
Member Bouchard, you had a comment or question. 00:13:19
Yeah, I I appreciate that and I I think that that goes to show the the. 00:13:22
Good work that staff is doing both city staff, beach district staff and Navy base and and showing reductions year in and year out. 00:13:29
I I would however though like to and and maybe just just make the request that that we ask. 00:13:38
Mr. Candy when he brings the update. 00:13:46
The report, as you stated, Director Villafana talks about the fact that the OH pipeline or that allocation is on a calendar year. 00:13:49
However, when we talk about the GMA, that is not a calendar year. It's a water year from September 30th. 00:13:58
To October one. 00:14:05
And I would just like to know how those relationships. 00:14:07
Made-up where maybe the contractual obligation under United is and the OH pipeline is a calendar year look back, but how does the 00:14:12
sub allocation that's written into the GM? 00:14:18
Allocation ordinance which is calculated on. 00:14:25
Water year. How do those two things interplay with one another? And I I know it's unfair to ask for a response to that right now, 00:14:28
but perhaps it's one of the things Mr. Candy can explain to us when he has the opportunity. 00:14:34
I'll discuss that further with Mr. Candy, but I'll probably reach out to. 00:14:42
Possibly Jeff Pratt and see what his staff has. I'll I'll just if you could, if you could. 00:14:47
Just forward me a quick e-mail so that I have exactly what you would like. 00:14:53
Ask you know obviously it's calendar year versus water year, but any other anything else you would like me to ask when I do touch 00:14:58
base with Jeff? 00:15:02
All right. I appreciate that. I'll, I'll send the e-mail out either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. 00:15:07
Any other questions? 00:15:15
Hearing none, did we receive any public comments on this item for tonight? 00:15:19
No public comments. 00:15:25
And are there any member comments beyond what was already stated? 00:15:26
Hearing none. 00:15:34
Maybe have a motion to receive and file this report? 00:15:36
So moved. 00:15:40
2nd. 00:15:42
So member Bouchard and seconded by member Rollins. 00:15:44
Madam Clerk, can I have a roll call vote please? 00:15:48
Sorry, I was on mute. 00:15:59
Yes, yes. 00:16:02
Number. Perize. Yes, I care, Hernandez. Yes. 00:16:05
Yes. 00:16:10
Moving on to item 4 is the PHWA operating budget for fiscal year 2223. 00:16:14
I believe Director Villafana is going to make this presentation as well for tonight. 00:16:20
Chairman Debly the recommendation. This is for the PHWA operating budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. The recommendation is that the 00:16:25
PHWA. 00:16:32
Review and adopt the proposed fiscal year 2022-2023 PHWA operating budget and the proposed fixed and variable water rate 00:16:39
components. 00:16:44
At this time, we're going to be presenting a PowerPoint presentation. 00:16:50
That. 00:16:54
Go over the. 00:16:56
And. 00:16:57
If we could put if we have share the screen now. 00:16:59
The. 00:17:07
I don't know where that background noise is coming from. Is. Is that you? Don? Do you have people in the background talking? Oh 00:17:12
no, that's not no. OK. 00:17:16
All right, this is the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. And 1st I'd like to thank our team, Avella Hernandez, our 00:17:34
Administrative Specialist Mike Oakley with Milner via Consulting. 00:17:42
And Pete Martinez with the Beach district who will be Co presenting this with me. 00:17:50
Next slide. 00:17:56
Our current reserve balance. 00:17:59
608,969. 00:18:02
And part of that 172,269 was earmarked for membrane replacement. But membrane replacement project is on hold until further 00:18:05
analysis is completed. 00:18:10
On the future of the water plant operations that is presented to the board for the review. 00:18:16
In addition, $50,000 per year is added to the budget to fund the reserve for unanticipated expenses, looks like. 00:18:21
The proposed budget does not include maintenance projects that were identified in the PHWA master plan condition. 00:18:30
Assessment report until future plans are finalized. 00:18:38
The proposed budget includes a number of capital projects that have been approved and implement. 00:18:48
By United Water Conservation District, for which PHWA is responsible for their prorated share of the cost of the Oxnard Whitney 00:18:53
Pipeline Fund and the current fiscal year rate structure includes funding for these projects. 00:19:00
The Oxford Whitening Pipeline, commonly referred to as the OH Pipeline. This pipeline was constructed by United Water Conservation 00:19:08
District to provide service to the following agencies and districts called contractors the City of Oxnard, Fort Wayne Water 00:19:15
Agency, the Dempsey Rd. Mutual Water Company, and a number of smaller. 00:19:22
Mutual Water Companies. 00:19:30
The United Water Conservation District's Oxnard Whitney Pipeline Fund. 00:19:32
The fund is used to account for the resources and costs of operating and maintaining of the Oxford Whitening Pipeline. The 00:19:37
district delivers potable water via groundwater treatment to the Oxford Whitney area. The pipeline delivers water for municipal, 00:19:42
industrial and agricultural uses. 00:19:48
Resources for the cost of managing and maintaining the Oxford Whitening Pipeline are derived from the customers who directly 00:19:54
benefit from the delivery of the water. 00:19:59
Expenditures of the funds shall be based on a common benefit or sole benefit and invoiced accordingly to the contractors. 00:20:04
The oh, pipeline contractors. 00:20:14
Assigned capacity. 00:20:19
You can see that the city of Oxnard takes the lion's share with 50.47%, then the Port Hueneme water agency at 42.45%. The Dempsey 00:20:23
Rd. Mutual Water company comes in at just over 1.5%, and then the other smaller mutual companies pick up the remainder of it. 00:20:33
Yeah. 00:20:47
All right, the OH pipeline contractors, the fixed well replacement charge, United Water Conservation District is replacing wells 00:20:51
at the Wellfield. 00:20:55
And this is a fixed well replacement charge. City of Oxnard picks up 63% of that. 00:21:00
Port Wynemia Water Agency. 00:21:08
32.5 Dempsey Mutual picks up 1.4 and then again the other smaller agencies of Mutual water agencies pick up the remainder. 00:21:11
United Water Conservation District CIP summary project. At this time, I'm going to be turning the presentation over to Mr. Pete 00:21:21
Martinez. He will be going over the various capital projects that United Water is working on and is included in this budget. 00:21:30
Good afternoon, board. Can everybody hear me OK? 00:21:40
Yes, OK. Like Don mentioned, so today I'll be going over some of the CIP projects from United. So as you're aware, United is the 00:21:43
major supplier about 80% of our water supply source. So here's an overview of of some of the projects that are included in this 00:21:50
fiscal year's budget. 00:21:56
So it's in comparison to last year, it is down about half $1,000,000 and the PHWA share is just under 500,000 for this fiscal year 00:22:02
as you see in the bottom right hand corner of the slide. 00:22:09
Next slide please. 00:22:17
So there there are three components in coming up with the rates for PHWA and what they charge the member agencies. 00:22:21
The first one is what we have here is the United. So two pieces here are the fixed, the fixed side, and then you have the variable 00:22:30
side. 00:22:34
So what I want to draw your attention to this fiscal year, there is a substantial increase in the variable charge. So as you can 00:22:40
see there in the middle of the page, in comparison to last year, the variable rate was about $200 per acre foot, whereas now this 00:22:46
fiscal year it's gone up to 363. 00:22:52
So, so like you're probably thinking right now, well what's you know, what's the, what's the reason for this rate increase? 00:22:59
If if some of the members can remember back with the onset of the pandemic, there was an ask from many of the member agencies I 00:23:07
know, specifically the city of Oxnard, the city of Fort Wayne. They wrote letters when the pandemic began to freeze any rate 00:23:15
increases, so these letters were written to United to freeze increases at that time. 00:23:23
So United went ahead and honored you know that that request and. 00:23:30
However, contractually in the OH pipeline agreement, United is obligated to maintain a reserve fund of $1 million. So because 00:23:37
rates were frozen during that during the pandemic, you know those those reserve targets were not being met. 00:23:48
So we so we entered this fiscal year and it's it's going to be playing a little bit of catch up. So we started off this fiscal 00:23:58
year and conversations with their CFO at a deficit of about 700,000. 00:24:05
So that's the reason why you see the $163 per acre foot increase this fiscal year? 00:24:12
Once the reserve targets are met, so we may see the same number or around the same number next fiscal year as well. But it's very 00:24:19
likely that once that target, once, once we hit that, that these numbers will drop back to you know, not not $200 per acre foot 00:24:26
but somewhere, somewhere close we hope. 00:24:33
Next slide. 00:24:41
So now a little bit about the project. So the first big one is the iron and manganese treatment project. So just real quick, now 00:24:45
this project is about 85% complete. 00:24:50
And what it is is to remove dissolved iron and manganese from the lower system. So there's three wells. And this is especially 00:24:55
important during drought conditions. 00:25:01
So what it really does. The goal is to reduce the silt density index from these well. 00:25:07
And how PHWA benefits is when that silt density index is below 3, that plant can continue to run. So it really allows for PHWA to 00:25:13
supply a very good quality of water for the best price. 00:25:21
So we look to in talking with United, this is probably going to go online Midsummer. 00:25:30
Next slide. 00:25:38
So the total project cost for this project is about 12 and a half million dollars and much credit to United, United was able to as 00:25:43
you can see. 00:25:49
Secure grant funding in the total amount of $7,000,000. 00:25:55
So. 00:26:01
You know, huge benefit to the member agencies and all of the ratepayers for doing so. 00:26:02
Now looking at last fiscal year, you can see that. 00:26:10
1.2 million was funded and this year there is nothing allocated for this for this project. Next slide. 00:26:14
Don talked a little bit about this before, so this is the well replacement project. 00:26:25
So United initiated a asset management or PM program to replace the upper wells supplying the OH pipeline. So the goal here is to 00:26:30
replace one well every three to five years until all seven of the upper wells have been replaced. And right now there have been 4 00:26:37
to date that have been replaced. 00:26:44
Next slide. 00:26:51
This total project cost is just under two and a half million. 00:26:54
In our share is $342,303.00 this fiscal year. 00:26:58
Next slide. 00:27:06
This is a computerized maintenance management program. 00:27:10
This project is near completion, so this is something that United invested in to allow them to one track their assets and then you 00:27:14
know just really operate as efficiently as possible with with this system in place. So next slide the cost is about I believe 800 00:27:20
and next slide please. 00:27:27
OK. So the cost is, yeah, about $812.00 for the PHWA share. So this is, this is nearly. 00:27:39
Next slide. 00:27:47
Server replacement So this is replacement servers at the Oxnard headquarters and the servers at first gate at the El Rio office. 00:27:51
Next slide so this has. 00:27:56
This has been complete. 00:28:01
You can advance this slide. Yeah, OK. So yeah, this has been completed. Just thought it was helpful to leave these, you guys see 00:28:04
these projects, you know, listed year after year and I just wanted to share that some, you know, have been completed as well. Next 00:28:09
slide. 00:28:14
This is a SCADA continuous threat detection system. 00:28:21
So you know, as everyone's aware, this is this is a really hot topic. 00:28:25
Of discussion. So it really allows some control in in any type of threat detection system. 00:28:30
You know that United is open to our next slide. 00:28:40
And this has also been complete. So there's no, no, no money is being allocated out of this fiscal year's budget. 00:28:46
Next slide. 00:28:55
This is the OH pipeline low flow upgrade. So this is includes the installation of a low flow bypass meter and booster pump. So 00:28:58
this is going to allow United to continue to operate during low flow periods. 00:29:06
And the cost for PHWA for this project is this fiscal year is about $87,000. 00:29:16
Next slide. 00:29:24
And now so I mentioned there's three components. So we just, we just went over the United component, so that's the largest. And 00:29:27
now we have the Cayegas that make up this budget, right. So, so we have United, we have Cayegas and then we have the PHWA 00:29:33
operating which don't finish up with in a minute, but this is Cayega. So you can see there's about a 7% increase here on the fixed 00:29:40
side and then on the variable side 4%. So we're going from. 00:29:47
1534 to $1600 per acre foot for Cayegas Water. 00:29:54
Next slide. 00:30:01
And as I mentioned, so with that I'm going to, I'm going to hand it back off to Don to finish it up with the PHWA operation. 00:30:04
You. 00:30:16
We'll finish this off here. 00:30:20
Just a second. 00:30:25
PHWA costs, go back to the slide please, PHWA cost to member agencies. 00:30:31
The PWA total fixed cost per month is increasing approximately 16%. 00:30:36
Fiscal year 2122 was 228,488. 00:30:43
Fiscal year 2223 is 260-5145. 00:30:48
The variable. 00:30:53
Per. 00:30:55
Was 20 and 2122800 and 1197. 00:30:58
And proposed 2220. 00:31:02
96263 And again, as Pete pointed out, we all went to United Water District to ask them to put a freeze on. 00:31:05
New costs or new new rate? 00:31:16
This is catch up time and and that is why those increases are so so high. Next slide. 00:31:21
PHWA Cost per customer The City of Port Hueneme. 00:31:29
We use the lion's share of the water and we pick up the lion's share of the cost. You can see that the fixed O&M cost is 142,000. 00:31:32
120 excuse me? 00:31:41
For. 00:31:44
Naval Base Port Hueneme picks up 44,256, Naval Base Point Magoo picks up 38,660, and the Beach District comes in at 40,106. And 00:31:45
the variable rate stays the same for all the agencies, but you can see the city picks up the lion's share and that's the rest of 00:31:53
the distribution. The next slide. 00:32:01
That concludes our presentation. Again, I want to thank my team and Mr. Martinez for Co presenting with me. 00:32:10
Does the board have any questions? 00:32:17
Sorry about that. 00:32:32
Vice Chair Hernandez, you have questions for Director Villafana or Mr. Martinez? 00:32:35
I do. First of all thank you staff for your work on this and. 00:32:41
And Mr. Villafana as well. Can we get a copy of the PowerPoint? 00:32:46
Because it has a lot of good budget information in it, I'd like to get a copy. 00:32:52
So. 00:32:58
I had a question regarding the earlier percentages. 00:32:59
If you could go back to slide #3. 00:33:03
It showed the percentage of. 00:33:10
Among the AG. 00:33:15
And then the share when it came down to the percentage share when it came down to the rates is different. Can you explain that? 00:33:17
Yeah. Keep going, keep going. OK. So I think that was it. 00:33:25
No, it wasn't three. Keep going. 00:33:34
Keep going. 00:33:39
Yeah, just keep going this one here. 00:33:40
Yeah, that one there. 00:33:45
When we talk about and, we could be talking about or I could be talking about apples and oranges here, But when we talk about 00:33:47
capacity. 00:33:51
We're at, I think we are. I think I I'm, I'm misinterpreting it since we're looking at capacity here. So our capacity was 42.45% 00:33:55
but then when it came to the rating. 00:34:01
We were at like 3732%. 00:34:09
Does that have any relationship? 00:34:14
That's the maximum. That's the maximum capacity. 00:34:16
OK. 00:34:23
That's why there's a difference, OK. And then the other question was in the rate increases, are there anything, are there any 00:34:24
other costs included in the rate increases other than just? 00:34:30
Making up for the frozen rate that we asked for during COVID. 00:34:38
Mr. Martinez was in direct contact with United someone that let Mr. Martinez answer that question. 00:34:46
Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. No, good question. Thank you. So, yes, in talking with them with United, the other cost as we all know just 00:34:54
inflation. So it's it's, it's really. 00:34:59
Energy, chemicals and just equipment cost, those are the three things that he pointed out. So that was the other reason for the 00:35:06
increases. 00:35:10
So I imagine then that. 00:35:17
Those costs have gone. 00:35:19
Yes, like everything else, like yes, exactly. Yeah, chemicals, energy, yeah, power, yeah, those are the the other drivers of the 00:35:21
increases as well. OK. And then one more question. So for 2023, we're looking at then three projects that will be on our list of 00:35:27
priorities. 00:35:33
The. 00:35:39
The iron magazines. 00:35:42
Well replacement. 00:35:44
The CMMMSCMMMS. 00:35:49
And then the, the sewer replacement, oh, that's completed. 00:35:56
Can you clarify what projects will be looking? 00:36:01
Overseeing next year. 00:36:04
I'm obviously confused. No, no, no. Yeah, no problem. Yeah. So the iron and manganese again is 85% complete. So they hope to be 00:36:07
operational Midsummer probably late July well replacement project. So that's those are that's ongoing. 00:36:14
The computerized maintenance management system, that's it's near completion, it's it's it's pretty minimal. 00:36:22
At this point and then the SCADA is complete. The other one is the the low flow upgrade. So that one will be also half this fiscal 00:36:28
year. 00:36:35
Thank you. 00:36:43
Yes. 00:36:44
Member Bouchard, you have some questions for. Yeah. Thank you for the presentation. 00:36:46
That was very helpful. 00:36:54
When you look at some of those increased costs and breaking it down for us, I really appreciate you guys taking the time to go 00:36:58
through that for us. 00:37:02
I'm going to go back to part of the staff report. 00:37:07
And the. 00:37:12
Budget for the fiscal year. 00:37:16
And I I just it's a it's a question that was included in the staff report and where we have the summary and I'll go directly to. 00:37:19
Gosh, I guess it doesn't have a specific coding number next to it. 00:37:30
It would be under personnel. 00:37:35
Water plant operations 443. 00:37:38
And just below. 00:37:46
Program 10-O, four standby. 00:37:49
We total up taxes and benefits. 00:37:54
And I'm looking at taxes and benefits. 00:37:57
That exceeds the actual amount. 00:38:00
Of wages. 00:38:03
And is that just a typo or is there some explanation? 00:38:05
Umm, how we might arrive at at that number and then and then additionally? 00:38:11
Uh, when we look at this fiscal year's budget. 00:38:16
Budget number. That number is proposed. 00:38:21
To be almost 50% of full time wages and I'm just, I'm just curious because it hasn't been. 00:38:25
Or at least it doesn't appear historically. That's. 00:38:31
A1 to one relationship or even close to a one to one or exceeding that. 00:38:36
Is there anything you all could help me with with that? 00:38:42
On that, you know we did have an increase in standby pay with the recent. 00:38:48
Labor negotiations, but I will have to, I'd have to research that specifically and double check with our finance department. 00:38:54
And I have to get back to you. I don't have the answer right now. 00:39:02
OK. 00:39:07
Fair enough. 00:39:09
It is within the staff report. You said you guys would be bringing it back. 00:39:13
With their. 00:39:19
It just concerns me. 00:39:21
Fine, as part of a board member and fiduciary responsibility, to approve a budget that shows that and say that it's OK. 00:39:24
If I was getting to a place to be comfortable. 00:39:32
To make a recommendation to approve the budget would would it be OK with staff if we? 00:39:36
With the with the exception that it's approved for. 00:39:45
The first quarter until staff brings brings an explanation for that back. Would would that would that put any hampering on the 00:39:50
staff? 00:39:54
I don't think so. I think that would be fine, Mr. Martinez. 00:39:59
Yeah, that would be fine. Yeah. OK. 00:40:04
If we could go back, I I appreciated direct member Hernandez's question. 00:40:09
I just for for myself so that I understand it the the same two questions she had related to one is a. 00:40:17
UH contract. 00:40:24
Supply. 00:40:26
Allocation and and and what our capacity right into the OH pipeline is. And then my understanding of, correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. 00:40:27
Martinez. 00:40:32
The future one is based. 00:40:39
I think the contract says that if somebody uses more, there's not a penalty, but it's been that's probably based on what the 00:40:42
parties while they have a higher. I'm sorry, I'm kind of jumbling my words here trying to that's a confusing agreement. 00:40:50
We have the capacity right to use up to the 42% of the pipeline without penalty. 00:40:58
However, the variable rate that's driving those cost components. 00:41:05
Within what you presented. 00:41:10
Is based on. 00:41:13
Probably the allocations that we have from the GMA and who will be using what amount of water through the pipeline. 00:41:15
Am I, Is that a fairer assessment? Yes, absolutely. Right. Yeah. 00:41:23
Yeah. Because with the allocation being that 3467 acre feet per year, yes, that's right. It is lower than the actual capacity that 00:41:27
that pipeline, yeah, has the ability to produce. 00:41:33
So, so the. 00:41:39
And and I think it's an important point for us all to understand is we're contractually obligated and want to maintain the 00:41:41
capacity within that pipeline at United for. 00:41:46
Our ability to to to have the ability to move water through. 00:41:51
But the GMA ordinance has affected what we can actually move through it without penalty. 00:41:57
Because it's limited the amount of water supply available that we may have without penalty from the GMA. 00:42:03
So I I think it's an important point where it's just background information for us all to understand and. 00:42:12
I was hopeful I I was recollecting that correctly, but. 00:42:18
Thank you. 00:42:23
Thank you. 00:42:26
Are there any other questions from the members? 00:42:29
If not, I have. 00:42:34
And Director Villafana for the operations manager, are we proposing to fund that position 100% for this fiscal year or 50% since 00:42:37
we're halfway through the year, how are we incorporating that into the? 00:42:44
Wages under personnel. 00:42:51
The water manager. 00:42:55
Was in there we are you. 00:42:57
The water manager is split between the city of Fort Hueneme and. 00:43:00
PHWA. So it's not fully funded by PHW, it's only partially funded. But yes, that cost is already in there. 00:43:08
I'm sorry. Go ahead. 00:43:18
No, and that's I was just curious in looking at the actuals for FY21, 22. 00:43:20
Under the full time and I I saw the increase for 22. 00:43:26
Three, but knowing that we're already halfway through. 00:43:29
And we don't have that position filled. 00:43:33
Curious on that? 00:43:35
You know, on that job. 00:43:37
Well, we just we just filled that position. 00:43:39
That the money is in there. 00:43:44
A good portion of that is of the cost is picked up by for that position is picked up by the city of Port Hueneme. 00:43:47
OK, great. Thank you for that clarification. 00:43:54
Let's see. Does anybody else have any questions? If not, we will move on. 00:44:00
To public comment. Are there any public comments on this item tonight? 00:44:05
No trouble coming. OK, so. 00:44:12
Do any agency members have any comments that they would like to add before we move on? 00:44:16
Hearing none. 00:44:24
Let. 00:44:26
So the recommendation. 00:44:28
It is recommended that the board review the influency. Moving on. 00:44:31
Is this I heard a motion from? 00:44:38
Member Bouchard that he would. 00:44:43
Move on this item for and adopt the budget for the first quarter only, I don't know. Remember Bouchard if you wanted to. 00:44:45
Rephrase or paraphrase that. What were we? What was your action you were proposing? 00:44:52
Well, I I don't want to make it difficult for the clerk or anybody else, but I I would like to move approval of the proposed. 00:44:58
Staff report on the taxes and benefits. 00:45:13
Item I I I'm not sure exactly how to phrase it. Maybe staff can help me with what you're going to return with I I'm remember 00:45:23
Bouchard if I could just offer it maybe advantageous to improve the budget in its current content, but request that information 00:45:29
specific to the items that you have a concern about return to the board. 00:45:35
For review within the first quarter. 00:45:41
I will move that motion. 00:45:45
I'll second. 00:45:53
So we have Member Bouchard with the motion and a second from Member Hernandez. Madam Clerk, we have a role on this. Vote please. 00:45:55
Remember Brous. 00:46:03
Yes, Vice Chair Fernandez, Yes, Member Parade. Yes, Member Roland, Yes, I'm very deadly. 00:46:04
Yes. 00:46:12
Let's see. 00:46:21
Moving on, I guess to item number 5. 00:46:26
Which is the renewal and reconsideration of remote meetings pursuant to Government Code 54953, subsection E. 00:46:30
I believe Mr. Spalding will present on that tonight. 00:46:39
Absolutely. Thank you, Chair. Debley, once again we are renewing the OR attempting to. 00:46:43
Determine whether or not remote meetings. 00:46:50
Continue under 8361. As this Board is no doubt aware, on March 4th, 2020, Governor Newsom issued a state of emergency. 00:46:52
And that state of emergency remains in effect until approximately February 16th, 2023, at which point the state has indicated it 00:47:02
will expire, making 8361 meetings impossible. 00:47:08
Notwithstanding, every 30 days, the board is required to renew said findings in order to continue meeting remotely. 00:47:14
On those findings alone, the board is is. 00:47:54
Authorized to make the finding to continue remote meetings for at least another month. 00:47:57
But like I said on February 16th, 2023, it is very likely the State of California will rescind the state of emergency and AB361 00:48:02
will not be available. 00:48:06
Kevin does that. 00:48:11
We cannot do Zoom meetings anymore and we're mandated to go back to in person. 00:48:13
That will be correct, and there are revisions to the Brown Act that determine when council members or any members of a board 00:48:18
subject to the Brown Act. 00:48:23
May participate remotely without providing their teleconference location. I believe off the top of my head it will be limited to 00:48:27
three times annually. 00:48:31
Interesting. 00:48:39
Does the agency have any other questions for staff? 00:48:43
I think I would like to well. 00:48:48
Again, I I I don't know. It doesn't matter. Is the city going to go back to in person? Are you guys going to do Hybrid? We're in 00:48:50
Hybrid now, but council members are in person. 00:48:55
Right. The way that it, the way that it works, Mr. Bouchard, is that. 00:49:01
We offer the public and staff the opportunity of the City to to attend remotely and to participate remotely, however, any members 00:49:06
subject to the Brown Act, such as council members or members of this board. 00:49:11
UH, in the event the body is not under AB361, if one of the members wanted to attend remotely, they would have to comply with the 00:49:17
teleconferencing provision of Brown Act, which basically means you have to post an agenda at the location. We need advance notice 00:49:23
all that. And then there is a Brown Act change or amendment that is going into effect on January 1st. 00:49:30
That will allow for members of a board to attend remotely, without posting their location and without hosting the public at that 00:49:37
location, but only under very narrow circumstances and only up to three times per year. 00:49:44
Thank you. 00:49:56
Is there any other questions? 00:49:59
Hearing None. Did we receive any public comments on this item? 00:50:03
No public comment. 00:50:08
Does the agency have any comments that they'd like to make before we? 00:50:11
Take action. 00:50:15
I have a comment. 00:50:18
You know, I prefer to stay remote for now because of the time. Well. 00:50:21
I just prefer to stay remote for the time being, but once we pass that February deadline. 00:50:26
Would it be permissible to look at scheduling the meetings so that we don't have? 00:50:33
The An hour break before this meeting ends and the City Council meeting begins. 00:50:39
Would the board be open to? 00:50:47
Revising the schedule. 00:50:50
To start later. So would the proposal be to start at 5:00? Is that? 00:50:54
What I'm hearing it just it would have to be, I think we'd have to be flexible because sometimes we have closed session meetings. 00:50:59
We are. We are off topic for this agenda item. With respect to any Brown Act discussion, that's certainly something that could be 00:51:11
requested for a future agenda item. 00:51:15
Thank you. 00:51:22
OK, so we'll save that for member comments and recommendations. 00:51:23
And. 00:51:28
If we don't have any other comments. 00:51:30
Do we have a motion on this item? 00:51:33
Move to approve. 00:51:38
And I'll second it. 00:51:40
Yeah, the clarification is that a move to continue remote meetings based upon findings that state or local officials continue to 00:51:42
impose or recommend social distancing? 00:51:46
Yes. 00:51:51
Vice Chair Hernandez. Yes, yes. 00:51:57
Great. Thank you. Moving on to board member. 00:52:10
Reports, comments, and requests for future agenda items. 00:52:15
I'd like to remind agency members that this that all requested items will be will require a motion, a second and a majority vote 00:52:20
to be placed on the future agenda. 00:52:24
Does anybody have any requests for future agenda items? 00:52:29
Member Hernandez. 00:52:34
No. 00:52:35
I think Mayor Rollins or a chair. 00:52:39
Remember, Rollins has his hand up before mine. 00:52:43
Mine will just be on comments, not necessarily. 00:52:48
Request for future agenda items, so I don't know if you want to handle that first or. 00:52:52
Move into comments or both. 00:52:58
Why don't we take care of the agenda item 1st and then we'll go on to board member comments. 00:53:05
OK, so I would like to request. 00:53:11
That we place on next meetings agenda a discussion. 00:53:15
Flexing our time schedule, our meeting schedule to coincide with our City Council meetings. 00:53:22
Period. That's it. 00:53:31
So we have a motion by member Hernandez. 00:53:37
And by member Perez, could we have a roll call vote on this? Can can I speak to the motion before we have a roll call? 00:53:40
Unfortunately, under the Brown Act, any discussion on this motion has not been agendized, so typically there can be no discussion 00:53:50
on this motion. It's a yes or no vote. 00:53:54
Would it be appropriate, Council Spalding, I was just going to ask for an amendment to add to the motion, not to discuss it in its 00:53:59
general, but just to add to it to broader context. 00:54:05
That that would be appropriate. A friendly amendment would be appropriate. 00:54:11
So my request would be that either maybe we broaden it to just discuss PHWA meeting times. 00:54:15
Rather than your Your motion was specific to before the council meeting and I'd like to just broaden it so that we're not getting 00:54:25
outside of the the Brown Act when it's agenda is just that, it's not related to council meeting agendas. Sure, sure, I'll accept. 00:54:32
Do I need to 2nd that? 00:54:44
Sure, we have a second by. 00:54:47
Member Perez, for the amended agenda item. Madam Clerk, we have a roll call. Vote on that please. 00:54:51
Council Member Hernandez, I mean, sorry, Vice Chair Hernandez, yes. 00:54:57
I remember for us, yes, member Bouchard, Yes, member Rollin. 00:55:03
Yes. 00:55:10
Great. Thank you. OK, moving on to board member comments. 00:55:12
Member Owens, you had a comment to make. 00:55:17
Yeah, sure. I just wanted to make an announcement to the board that this will be. 00:55:20
Last meeting representing the City Council. 00:55:25
I've been a member of the Port Hueneme Water Association for four years and when I was given the opportunity four years ago, I 00:55:29
jumped at the opportunity to be involved in some of the most vital needs to our community. 00:55:36
Through the Port Hueneme Water Association and then the Ventura County Air Pollution Board. 00:55:43
I've been very impressed by our staff always being proactive and progressive. 00:55:50
Taking actions and. 00:55:57
Using methods to keep our water clean. 00:56:01
And always running. I don't think the water ever stopped in the four years that. 00:56:04
Involved. 00:56:08
I've been very impressed with this water shortage that the the community has rose to the occasion. 00:56:10
And uh, as our recent report showed, they've, uh, dropped the water usage over the past few years. So I'm and then finally I've 00:56:17
been. It's been great working with all of you. 00:56:23
I know that. 00:56:31
The use of water and our quality of water will be left in good hands. 00:56:34
Great, thank. Thank you for those comments. Member Rollins and you kind of took the words right out of my mouth. I wanted to 00:56:43
congratulate you on you know your success story working with Fort Wayne IN with PHWA and wish you all the best. 00:56:51
And also just everybody, happy holidays and you know, spend some quality time with your family during this holiday period. 00:57:00
Member Bouchard. 00:57:11
Yeah, maybe I'll, I'll keep this really short. I just wanted to say thank you member Rollins for your time and your commitment. 00:57:13
All of us that that do this don't do it for self-serving. 00:57:19
Purposes. We do it for the greater benefit of our community and really appreciate your time effort in serving. 00:57:24
Your. 00:57:33
The PHWA and Naval Base Ventura County and and wish you well and wish the rest of this board and staff here in attendance. A 00:57:35
fantastic holiday season and look forward to seeing you all next year. 00:57:42
Yes, happy holidays everyone. 00:57:50
Stay safe. 00:57:52
Member Hernandez, did you want to make some final comments here? 00:57:55
I did. I just wanted to thank member Rollins for his service and especially while he served his chair of this agency. He did a 00:57:58
great job in exercising leadership and providing direction to to staff and I wish you the best of luck. 00:58:08
Member Rollins and Happy holidays to everyone. Thank you so much. 00:58:17
If nobody has any additional comments to make. 00:58:27
We will adjourn this meeting. 00:58:31
At 4:58. 00:58:35
And just to remind you, the next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th. 00:58:38
2023. 00:58:44
At 4:00 PM. 00:58:46
Thank you. Have a great night. 00:58:48
Goodnight, Happy holidays. 00:58:50
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If I get a thumbs up from IT that we're recording. 00:03:26
Somewhere. 00:03:31
There we go. Public view. I just got the thumbs up. 00:03:36
Welcome to the Port Hueneme Water Agency regular meeting for December. I'm calling this meeting to order. It's currently 4:03 PM. 00:03:40
Want to remind everybody that this meeting is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 54953. 00:03:51
Subdivision E and the recommendation of the Ventura County Health officer issued September 21st, 2021 following social distancing 00:03:59
recommendations. 00:04:05
Madam Clerk, if you could, please take the role for this evening. 00:04:10
Member Bouchard. 00:04:15
Present Member Perez here Member Roland. 00:04:17
Vice Chair Fernandez here and chair Dublin. 00:04:21
Here. 00:04:25
This is the time for public comment. We will now hear any general public comments. 00:04:28
Not pertaining to items on the agenda for tonight. 00:04:34
Including those written comments received by our clerk, any comments from those who are participating live with us this evening 00:04:37
and. 00:04:41
We'd like to ask that you use the Zoom's raise Hand feature so we can call on you during the appropriate comment times. 00:04:45
This will be the same process for comments pertaining to each agenda item as well. 00:04:52
Staff will unmute your mic and you'll have 3 minutes to provide oral comment. 00:04:56
Does anybody have any oral comments for tonight? 00:05:01
And Madam Clerk, do we receive any written comments for tonight? 00:05:06
No. 00:05:11
OK. 00:05:12
Then we will go ahead and close the public comment. 00:05:14
May I have a motion and a second to approve the agenda for tonight? 00:05:19
Move the move. 00:05:24
Jack. 00:05:25
I think that was a three-way tie for the. 00:05:30
Who wants to? 00:05:34
Member Perez will say, I I I think I saw your lips moving first before I heard it. So we'll we'll say member Perez made the motion 00:05:36
and member Rollins that provided the 2nd. 00:05:41
We will do. We need a roll call for that. 00:05:50
Madam Clerk, so I'll just go ahead and remember. 00:05:56
Yes, remember. 00:06:01
Yes, somehow my video isn't going on. 00:06:03
I can't see everybody else, but yes. 00:06:07
Member Bouchard. 00:06:10
Yes, Vice chair Hernandez and chair. 00:06:12
Yes. 00:06:16
Great. Thank you. 00:06:18
Doesn't look like we have any presentations tonight. 00:06:20
So we'll move on to the consent calendar. We will now consider items on the consent calendar, which will be enacted in one motion 00:06:24
unless an agency member has a request to remove an item for discussion. 00:06:30
Do we have any items that would like to be removed for discussion tonight? 00:06:38
Seeing none. 00:06:45
May I have a motion a second to approve our consent calendar? 00:06:47
I'll move to approve the consent calendar 2nd. 00:06:50
Madam Clerk. 00:06:56
Thank you. 00:06:58
Yes, yes. 00:07:01
Member Perez Yes, yes. 00:07:03
Yes. 00:07:08
Great. Thank you. 00:07:11
Zipping right along. We do not have any public hearings for tonight, so we'll move on to business items. 00:07:13
Item number three on the agenda is the Brackish Water Reclamation Demonstration Facility Operational Report. 00:07:20
I believe Director Villafana will be providing that tonight. 00:07:27
If you're doing this, the whole thing so. 00:07:38
I'm not sure who's picking that up. 00:07:43
Yeah, it sounds very distant and I didn't see director Villafana's square light up and so he was speaking either. I'm not sure 00:07:48
where that was coming from. 00:07:52
He's unmuted. 00:07:58
So Don, are you with us right now ready to do the? 00:08:00
OPS report. 00:08:04
You may not expected us to get to it so quickly. 00:08:07
We're quick and efficient tonight, last meeting of the year. 00:08:11
I don't see. I don't see him on at all. 00:08:18
There. 00:08:24
OK. Can you hear me now? 00:08:25
OK, great. 00:08:29
All right. 00:08:30
All right. Good afternoon, Chair Deadly board members, this is. 00:08:35
Brackish Water Reclamation Operational Report for the month of November. The plant operated the entire month of November. 00:08:41
And our water demand was 2. 00:08:50
Nine, 2,000,000 gallons per day last November 2021. The plant operated the entire month and the water demand. 00:08:53
Just over 3 million. 00:09:03
Gallons per day. So again, we're using less water this November than last November. For the month of November, United Water 00:09:05
supplied approximately 86% of our water. Cayega supplied approximately 14% of our water. 00:09:13
And just for information, we are on a calendar year for water allocation, our annual United. 00:09:21
Allocation is. 00:09:29
3 three 3657 acre feet and we've used through. 00:09:31
2954 acre feet or 81% of our allocation from United. So we're not going to use 19% more in the month of December. So we're below 00:09:38
what our United Water allegation is. 00:09:47
With respect to chi. 00:09:56
We have an allocation of 1480 acre feet per year. 00:09:58
And to date we have used 678. 00:10:05
Which is only 40 percent, 46% of our water allocation. So you know, we are using less water, we're under our allocation and that's 00:10:09
all good news. 00:10:14
Also, I think the board may be aware that we have the Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency and that groundwater issues are 00:10:21
very contentious. 00:10:27
Next month, Mr. Peter Candy will be giving us an update on. 00:10:33
The water, the adjudication for the groundwater. 00:10:39
And it is going to go to adjudication. 00:10:43
But he will. He will bring the board up to up to speed on that. 00:10:46
Are there any questions? 00:10:53
OK. Can I go? Chair Dudley? Yeah, sorry about that. My microphone was muted as training. OK, Yeah. And I couldn't find my yellow 00:10:59
hand to erase quick enough. Well, thank you, Mr. Villafana, for your report. That probably explains to me why the Fox Canyon 00:11:06
Groundwater Management Agency meeting went seven hours. I, you know, I try to watch it when I can. 00:11:13
And I tuned in and I thought, wow, 7 hours I don't think I have. I can watch that in one sitting. 00:11:21
Umm. 00:11:27
So that's just a comment observation of what's what's happening there. But my question is because we are below our allocation and 00:11:28
and in light of what's happening with the Fox Canyon water. 00:11:34
Would you expect that? 00:11:42
If they see us using less water, they're noting we're using less water, that they're going to reduce our allocation even further. 00:11:44
No, what will happen? 00:11:53
An allocation right now and it and it's in. 00:11:56
But to the best of my knowledge our our starting allocation will be somewhere around 4200 acre feet per year, which is still about 00:12:00
600 acre feet over what our current allocations. So the first several years of ramp down will not adversely affect PHW. 00:12:09
What and then one of the things we had discussed and we'll be bringing this back to the board in January and certainly in 00:12:20
February, the board has got to look at. 00:12:26
How we're going to move forward with our water treatment plant? 00:12:32
We use we we we discharge to brine approximately 400 acre feet a year. 00:12:35
Uh. 00:12:42
Well, we're using. 00:12:43
So if we did not use the plant we would save 400 acre feet of water which equates to approximately $280,000 a year which between 00:12:45
which would help us meet our ramp down in the future. So but all those all those specifics will be will be brought forth before 00:12:52
the board for. 00:12:59
Open discussion at a. 00:13:07
And but that's a little more background on. 00:13:10
So right now we're in a good place. All right, Thank you. 00:13:13
Member Bouchard, you had a comment or question. 00:13:19
Yeah, I I appreciate that and I I think that that goes to show the the. 00:13:22
Good work that staff is doing both city staff, beach district staff and Navy base and and showing reductions year in and year out. 00:13:29
I I would however though like to and and maybe just just make the request that that we ask. 00:13:38
Mr. Candy when he brings the update. 00:13:46
The report, as you stated, Director Villafana talks about the fact that the OH pipeline or that allocation is on a calendar year. 00:13:49
However, when we talk about the GMA, that is not a calendar year. It's a water year from September 30th. 00:13:58
To October one. 00:14:05
And I would just like to know how those relationships. 00:14:07
Made-up where maybe the contractual obligation under United is and the OH pipeline is a calendar year look back, but how does the 00:14:12
sub allocation that's written into the GM? 00:14:18
Allocation ordinance which is calculated on. 00:14:25
Water year. How do those two things interplay with one another? And I I know it's unfair to ask for a response to that right now, 00:14:28
but perhaps it's one of the things Mr. Candy can explain to us when he has the opportunity. 00:14:34
I'll discuss that further with Mr. Candy, but I'll probably reach out to. 00:14:42
Possibly Jeff Pratt and see what his staff has. I'll I'll just if you could, if you could. 00:14:47
Just forward me a quick e-mail so that I have exactly what you would like. 00:14:53
Ask you know obviously it's calendar year versus water year, but any other anything else you would like me to ask when I do touch 00:14:58
base with Jeff? 00:15:02
All right. I appreciate that. I'll, I'll send the e-mail out either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. 00:15:07
Any other questions? 00:15:15
Hearing none, did we receive any public comments on this item for tonight? 00:15:19
No public comments. 00:15:25
And are there any member comments beyond what was already stated? 00:15:26
Hearing none. 00:15:34
Maybe have a motion to receive and file this report? 00:15:36
So moved. 00:15:40
2nd. 00:15:42
So member Bouchard and seconded by member Rollins. 00:15:44
Madam Clerk, can I have a roll call vote please? 00:15:48
Sorry, I was on mute. 00:15:59
Yes, yes. 00:16:02
Number. Perize. Yes, I care, Hernandez. Yes. 00:16:05
Yes. 00:16:10
Moving on to item 4 is the PHWA operating budget for fiscal year 2223. 00:16:14
I believe Director Villafana is going to make this presentation as well for tonight. 00:16:20
Chairman Debly the recommendation. This is for the PHWA operating budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. The recommendation is that the 00:16:25
PHWA. 00:16:32
Review and adopt the proposed fiscal year 2022-2023 PHWA operating budget and the proposed fixed and variable water rate 00:16:39
components. 00:16:44
At this time, we're going to be presenting a PowerPoint presentation. 00:16:50
That. 00:16:54
Go over the. 00:16:56
And. 00:16:57
If we could put if we have share the screen now. 00:16:59
The. 00:17:07
I don't know where that background noise is coming from. Is. Is that you? Don? Do you have people in the background talking? Oh 00:17:12
no, that's not no. OK. 00:17:16
All right, this is the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. And 1st I'd like to thank our team, Avella Hernandez, our 00:17:34
Administrative Specialist Mike Oakley with Milner via Consulting. 00:17:42
And Pete Martinez with the Beach district who will be Co presenting this with me. 00:17:50
Next slide. 00:17:56
Our current reserve balance. 00:17:59
608,969. 00:18:02
And part of that 172,269 was earmarked for membrane replacement. But membrane replacement project is on hold until further 00:18:05
analysis is completed. 00:18:10
On the future of the water plant operations that is presented to the board for the review. 00:18:16
In addition, $50,000 per year is added to the budget to fund the reserve for unanticipated expenses, looks like. 00:18:21
The proposed budget does not include maintenance projects that were identified in the PHWA master plan condition. 00:18:30
Assessment report until future plans are finalized. 00:18:38
The proposed budget includes a number of capital projects that have been approved and implement. 00:18:48
By United Water Conservation District, for which PHWA is responsible for their prorated share of the cost of the Oxnard Whitney 00:18:53
Pipeline Fund and the current fiscal year rate structure includes funding for these projects. 00:19:00
The Oxford Whitening Pipeline, commonly referred to as the OH Pipeline. This pipeline was constructed by United Water Conservation 00:19:08
District to provide service to the following agencies and districts called contractors the City of Oxnard, Fort Wayne Water 00:19:15
Agency, the Dempsey Rd. Mutual Water Company, and a number of smaller. 00:19:22
Mutual Water Companies. 00:19:30
The United Water Conservation District's Oxnard Whitney Pipeline Fund. 00:19:32
The fund is used to account for the resources and costs of operating and maintaining of the Oxford Whitening Pipeline. The 00:19:37
district delivers potable water via groundwater treatment to the Oxford Whitney area. The pipeline delivers water for municipal, 00:19:42
industrial and agricultural uses. 00:19:48
Resources for the cost of managing and maintaining the Oxford Whitening Pipeline are derived from the customers who directly 00:19:54
benefit from the delivery of the water. 00:19:59
Expenditures of the funds shall be based on a common benefit or sole benefit and invoiced accordingly to the contractors. 00:20:04
The oh, pipeline contractors. 00:20:14
Assigned capacity. 00:20:19
You can see that the city of Oxnard takes the lion's share with 50.47%, then the Port Hueneme water agency at 42.45%. The Dempsey 00:20:23
Rd. Mutual Water company comes in at just over 1.5%, and then the other smaller mutual companies pick up the remainder of it. 00:20:33
Yeah. 00:20:47
All right, the OH pipeline contractors, the fixed well replacement charge, United Water Conservation District is replacing wells 00:20:51
at the Wellfield. 00:20:55
And this is a fixed well replacement charge. City of Oxnard picks up 63% of that. 00:21:00
Port Wynemia Water Agency. 00:21:08
32.5 Dempsey Mutual picks up 1.4 and then again the other smaller agencies of Mutual water agencies pick up the remainder. 00:21:11
United Water Conservation District CIP summary project. At this time, I'm going to be turning the presentation over to Mr. Pete 00:21:21
Martinez. He will be going over the various capital projects that United Water is working on and is included in this budget. 00:21:30
Good afternoon, board. Can everybody hear me OK? 00:21:40
Yes, OK. Like Don mentioned, so today I'll be going over some of the CIP projects from United. So as you're aware, United is the 00:21:43
major supplier about 80% of our water supply source. So here's an overview of of some of the projects that are included in this 00:21:50
fiscal year's budget. 00:21:56
So it's in comparison to last year, it is down about half $1,000,000 and the PHWA share is just under 500,000 for this fiscal year 00:22:02
as you see in the bottom right hand corner of the slide. 00:22:09
Next slide please. 00:22:17
So there there are three components in coming up with the rates for PHWA and what they charge the member agencies. 00:22:21
The first one is what we have here is the United. So two pieces here are the fixed, the fixed side, and then you have the variable 00:22:30
side. 00:22:34
So what I want to draw your attention to this fiscal year, there is a substantial increase in the variable charge. So as you can 00:22:40
see there in the middle of the page, in comparison to last year, the variable rate was about $200 per acre foot, whereas now this 00:22:46
fiscal year it's gone up to 363. 00:22:52
So, so like you're probably thinking right now, well what's you know, what's the, what's the reason for this rate increase? 00:22:59
If if some of the members can remember back with the onset of the pandemic, there was an ask from many of the member agencies I 00:23:07
know, specifically the city of Oxnard, the city of Fort Wayne. They wrote letters when the pandemic began to freeze any rate 00:23:15
increases, so these letters were written to United to freeze increases at that time. 00:23:23
So United went ahead and honored you know that that request and. 00:23:30
However, contractually in the OH pipeline agreement, United is obligated to maintain a reserve fund of $1 million. So because 00:23:37
rates were frozen during that during the pandemic, you know those those reserve targets were not being met. 00:23:48
So we so we entered this fiscal year and it's it's going to be playing a little bit of catch up. So we started off this fiscal 00:23:58
year and conversations with their CFO at a deficit of about 700,000. 00:24:05
So that's the reason why you see the $163 per acre foot increase this fiscal year? 00:24:12
Once the reserve targets are met, so we may see the same number or around the same number next fiscal year as well. But it's very 00:24:19
likely that once that target, once, once we hit that, that these numbers will drop back to you know, not not $200 per acre foot 00:24:26
but somewhere, somewhere close we hope. 00:24:33
Next slide. 00:24:41
So now a little bit about the project. So the first big one is the iron and manganese treatment project. So just real quick, now 00:24:45
this project is about 85% complete. 00:24:50
And what it is is to remove dissolved iron and manganese from the lower system. So there's three wells. And this is especially 00:24:55
important during drought conditions. 00:25:01
So what it really does. The goal is to reduce the silt density index from these well. 00:25:07
And how PHWA benefits is when that silt density index is below 3, that plant can continue to run. So it really allows for PHWA to 00:25:13
supply a very good quality of water for the best price. 00:25:21
So we look to in talking with United, this is probably going to go online Midsummer. 00:25:30
Next slide. 00:25:38
So the total project cost for this project is about 12 and a half million dollars and much credit to United, United was able to as 00:25:43
you can see. 00:25:49
Secure grant funding in the total amount of $7,000,000. 00:25:55
So. 00:26:01
You know, huge benefit to the member agencies and all of the ratepayers for doing so. 00:26:02
Now looking at last fiscal year, you can see that. 00:26:10
1.2 million was funded and this year there is nothing allocated for this for this project. Next slide. 00:26:14
Don talked a little bit about this before, so this is the well replacement project. 00:26:25
So United initiated a asset management or PM program to replace the upper wells supplying the OH pipeline. So the goal here is to 00:26:30
replace one well every three to five years until all seven of the upper wells have been replaced. And right now there have been 4 00:26:37
to date that have been replaced. 00:26:44
Next slide. 00:26:51
This total project cost is just under two and a half million. 00:26:54
In our share is $342,303.00 this fiscal year. 00:26:58
Next slide. 00:27:06
This is a computerized maintenance management program. 00:27:10
This project is near completion, so this is something that United invested in to allow them to one track their assets and then you 00:27:14
know just really operate as efficiently as possible with with this system in place. So next slide the cost is about I believe 800 00:27:20
and next slide please. 00:27:27
OK. So the cost is, yeah, about $812.00 for the PHWA share. So this is, this is nearly. 00:27:39
Next slide. 00:27:47
Server replacement So this is replacement servers at the Oxnard headquarters and the servers at first gate at the El Rio office. 00:27:51
Next slide so this has. 00:27:56
This has been complete. 00:28:01
You can advance this slide. Yeah, OK. So yeah, this has been completed. Just thought it was helpful to leave these, you guys see 00:28:04
these projects, you know, listed year after year and I just wanted to share that some, you know, have been completed as well. Next 00:28:09
slide. 00:28:14
This is a SCADA continuous threat detection system. 00:28:21
So you know, as everyone's aware, this is this is a really hot topic. 00:28:25
Of discussion. So it really allows some control in in any type of threat detection system. 00:28:30
You know that United is open to our next slide. 00:28:40
And this has also been complete. So there's no, no, no money is being allocated out of this fiscal year's budget. 00:28:46
Next slide. 00:28:55
This is the OH pipeline low flow upgrade. So this is includes the installation of a low flow bypass meter and booster pump. So 00:28:58
this is going to allow United to continue to operate during low flow periods. 00:29:06
And the cost for PHWA for this project is this fiscal year is about $87,000. 00:29:16
Next slide. 00:29:24
And now so I mentioned there's three components. So we just, we just went over the United component, so that's the largest. And 00:29:27
now we have the Cayegas that make up this budget, right. So, so we have United, we have Cayegas and then we have the PHWA 00:29:33
operating which don't finish up with in a minute, but this is Cayega. So you can see there's about a 7% increase here on the fixed 00:29:40
side and then on the variable side 4%. So we're going from. 00:29:47
1534 to $1600 per acre foot for Cayegas Water. 00:29:54
Next slide. 00:30:01
And as I mentioned, so with that I'm going to, I'm going to hand it back off to Don to finish it up with the PHWA operation. 00:30:04
You. 00:30:16
We'll finish this off here. 00:30:20
Just a second. 00:30:25
PHWA costs, go back to the slide please, PHWA cost to member agencies. 00:30:31
The PWA total fixed cost per month is increasing approximately 16%. 00:30:36
Fiscal year 2122 was 228,488. 00:30:43
Fiscal year 2223 is 260-5145. 00:30:48
The variable. 00:30:53
Per. 00:30:55
Was 20 and 2122800 and 1197. 00:30:58
And proposed 2220. 00:31:02
96263 And again, as Pete pointed out, we all went to United Water District to ask them to put a freeze on. 00:31:05
New costs or new new rate? 00:31:16
This is catch up time and and that is why those increases are so so high. Next slide. 00:31:21
PHWA Cost per customer The City of Port Hueneme. 00:31:29
We use the lion's share of the water and we pick up the lion's share of the cost. You can see that the fixed O&M cost is 142,000. 00:31:32
120 excuse me? 00:31:41
For. 00:31:44
Naval Base Port Hueneme picks up 44,256, Naval Base Point Magoo picks up 38,660, and the Beach District comes in at 40,106. And 00:31:45
the variable rate stays the same for all the agencies, but you can see the city picks up the lion's share and that's the rest of 00:31:53
the distribution. The next slide. 00:32:01
That concludes our presentation. Again, I want to thank my team and Mr. Martinez for Co presenting with me. 00:32:10
Does the board have any questions? 00:32:17
Sorry about that. 00:32:32
Vice Chair Hernandez, you have questions for Director Villafana or Mr. Martinez? 00:32:35
I do. First of all thank you staff for your work on this and. 00:32:41
And Mr. Villafana as well. Can we get a copy of the PowerPoint? 00:32:46
Because it has a lot of good budget information in it, I'd like to get a copy. 00:32:52
So. 00:32:58
I had a question regarding the earlier percentages. 00:32:59
If you could go back to slide #3. 00:33:03
It showed the percentage of. 00:33:10
Among the AG. 00:33:15
And then the share when it came down to the percentage share when it came down to the rates is different. Can you explain that? 00:33:17
Yeah. Keep going, keep going. OK. So I think that was it. 00:33:25
No, it wasn't three. Keep going. 00:33:34
Keep going. 00:33:39
Yeah, just keep going this one here. 00:33:40
Yeah, that one there. 00:33:45
When we talk about and, we could be talking about or I could be talking about apples and oranges here, But when we talk about 00:33:47
capacity. 00:33:51
We're at, I think we are. I think I I'm, I'm misinterpreting it since we're looking at capacity here. So our capacity was 42.45% 00:33:55
but then when it came to the rating. 00:34:01
We were at like 3732%. 00:34:09
Does that have any relationship? 00:34:14
That's the maximum. That's the maximum capacity. 00:34:16
OK. 00:34:23
That's why there's a difference, OK. And then the other question was in the rate increases, are there anything, are there any 00:34:24
other costs included in the rate increases other than just? 00:34:30
Making up for the frozen rate that we asked for during COVID. 00:34:38
Mr. Martinez was in direct contact with United someone that let Mr. Martinez answer that question. 00:34:46
Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. No, good question. Thank you. So, yes, in talking with them with United, the other cost as we all know just 00:34:54
inflation. So it's it's, it's really. 00:34:59
Energy, chemicals and just equipment cost, those are the three things that he pointed out. So that was the other reason for the 00:35:06
increases. 00:35:10
So I imagine then that. 00:35:17
Those costs have gone. 00:35:19
Yes, like everything else, like yes, exactly. Yeah, chemicals, energy, yeah, power, yeah, those are the the other drivers of the 00:35:21
increases as well. OK. And then one more question. So for 2023, we're looking at then three projects that will be on our list of 00:35:27
priorities. 00:35:33
The. 00:35:39
The iron magazines. 00:35:42
Well replacement. 00:35:44
The CMMMSCMMMS. 00:35:49
And then the, the sewer replacement, oh, that's completed. 00:35:56
Can you clarify what projects will be looking? 00:36:01
Overseeing next year. 00:36:04
I'm obviously confused. No, no, no. Yeah, no problem. Yeah. So the iron and manganese again is 85% complete. So they hope to be 00:36:07
operational Midsummer probably late July well replacement project. So that's those are that's ongoing. 00:36:14
The computerized maintenance management system, that's it's near completion, it's it's it's pretty minimal. 00:36:22
At this point and then the SCADA is complete. The other one is the the low flow upgrade. So that one will be also half this fiscal 00:36:28
year. 00:36:35
Thank you. 00:36:43
Yes. 00:36:44
Member Bouchard, you have some questions for. Yeah. Thank you for the presentation. 00:36:46
That was very helpful. 00:36:54
When you look at some of those increased costs and breaking it down for us, I really appreciate you guys taking the time to go 00:36:58
through that for us. 00:37:02
I'm going to go back to part of the staff report. 00:37:07
And the. 00:37:12
Budget for the fiscal year. 00:37:16
And I I just it's a it's a question that was included in the staff report and where we have the summary and I'll go directly to. 00:37:19
Gosh, I guess it doesn't have a specific coding number next to it. 00:37:30
It would be under personnel. 00:37:35
Water plant operations 443. 00:37:38
And just below. 00:37:46
Program 10-O, four standby. 00:37:49
We total up taxes and benefits. 00:37:54
And I'm looking at taxes and benefits. 00:37:57
That exceeds the actual amount. 00:38:00
Of wages. 00:38:03
And is that just a typo or is there some explanation? 00:38:05
Umm, how we might arrive at at that number and then and then additionally? 00:38:11
Uh, when we look at this fiscal year's budget. 00:38:16
Budget number. That number is proposed. 00:38:21
To be almost 50% of full time wages and I'm just, I'm just curious because it hasn't been. 00:38:25
Or at least it doesn't appear historically. That's. 00:38:31
A1 to one relationship or even close to a one to one or exceeding that. 00:38:36
Is there anything you all could help me with with that? 00:38:42
On that, you know we did have an increase in standby pay with the recent. 00:38:48
Labor negotiations, but I will have to, I'd have to research that specifically and double check with our finance department. 00:38:54
And I have to get back to you. I don't have the answer right now. 00:39:02
OK. 00:39:07
Fair enough. 00:39:09
It is within the staff report. You said you guys would be bringing it back. 00:39:13
With their. 00:39:19
It just concerns me. 00:39:21
Fine, as part of a board member and fiduciary responsibility, to approve a budget that shows that and say that it's OK. 00:39:24
If I was getting to a place to be comfortable. 00:39:32
To make a recommendation to approve the budget would would it be OK with staff if we? 00:39:36
With the with the exception that it's approved for. 00:39:45
The first quarter until staff brings brings an explanation for that back. Would would that would that put any hampering on the 00:39:50
staff? 00:39:54
I don't think so. I think that would be fine, Mr. Martinez. 00:39:59
Yeah, that would be fine. Yeah. OK. 00:40:04
If we could go back, I I appreciated direct member Hernandez's question. 00:40:09
I just for for myself so that I understand it the the same two questions she had related to one is a. 00:40:17
UH contract. 00:40:24
Supply. 00:40:26
Allocation and and and what our capacity right into the OH pipeline is. And then my understanding of, correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. 00:40:27
Martinez. 00:40:32
The future one is based. 00:40:39
I think the contract says that if somebody uses more, there's not a penalty, but it's been that's probably based on what the 00:40:42
parties while they have a higher. I'm sorry, I'm kind of jumbling my words here trying to that's a confusing agreement. 00:40:50
We have the capacity right to use up to the 42% of the pipeline without penalty. 00:40:58
However, the variable rate that's driving those cost components. 00:41:05
Within what you presented. 00:41:10
Is based on. 00:41:13
Probably the allocations that we have from the GMA and who will be using what amount of water through the pipeline. 00:41:15
Am I, Is that a fairer assessment? Yes, absolutely. Right. Yeah. 00:41:23
Yeah. Because with the allocation being that 3467 acre feet per year, yes, that's right. It is lower than the actual capacity that 00:41:27
that pipeline, yeah, has the ability to produce. 00:41:33
So, so the. 00:41:39
And and I think it's an important point for us all to understand is we're contractually obligated and want to maintain the 00:41:41
capacity within that pipeline at United for. 00:41:46
Our ability to to to have the ability to move water through. 00:41:51
But the GMA ordinance has affected what we can actually move through it without penalty. 00:41:57
Because it's limited the amount of water supply available that we may have without penalty from the GMA. 00:42:03
So I I think it's an important point where it's just background information for us all to understand and. 00:42:12
I was hopeful I I was recollecting that correctly, but. 00:42:18
Thank you. 00:42:23
Thank you. 00:42:26
Are there any other questions from the members? 00:42:29
If not, I have. 00:42:34
And Director Villafana for the operations manager, are we proposing to fund that position 100% for this fiscal year or 50% since 00:42:37
we're halfway through the year, how are we incorporating that into the? 00:42:44
Wages under personnel. 00:42:51
The water manager. 00:42:55
Was in there we are you. 00:42:57
The water manager is split between the city of Fort Hueneme and. 00:43:00
PHWA. So it's not fully funded by PHW, it's only partially funded. But yes, that cost is already in there. 00:43:08
I'm sorry. Go ahead. 00:43:18
No, and that's I was just curious in looking at the actuals for FY21, 22. 00:43:20
Under the full time and I I saw the increase for 22. 00:43:26
Three, but knowing that we're already halfway through. 00:43:29
And we don't have that position filled. 00:43:33
Curious on that? 00:43:35
You know, on that job. 00:43:37
Well, we just we just filled that position. 00:43:39
That the money is in there. 00:43:44
A good portion of that is of the cost is picked up by for that position is picked up by the city of Port Hueneme. 00:43:47
OK, great. Thank you for that clarification. 00:43:54
Let's see. Does anybody else have any questions? If not, we will move on. 00:44:00
To public comment. Are there any public comments on this item tonight? 00:44:05
No trouble coming. OK, so. 00:44:12
Do any agency members have any comments that they would like to add before we move on? 00:44:16
Hearing none. 00:44:24
Let. 00:44:26
So the recommendation. 00:44:28
It is recommended that the board review the influency. Moving on. 00:44:31
Is this I heard a motion from? 00:44:38
Member Bouchard that he would. 00:44:43
Move on this item for and adopt the budget for the first quarter only, I don't know. Remember Bouchard if you wanted to. 00:44:45
Rephrase or paraphrase that. What were we? What was your action you were proposing? 00:44:52
Well, I I don't want to make it difficult for the clerk or anybody else, but I I would like to move approval of the proposed. 00:44:58
Staff report on the taxes and benefits. 00:45:13
Item I I I'm not sure exactly how to phrase it. Maybe staff can help me with what you're going to return with I I'm remember 00:45:23
Bouchard if I could just offer it maybe advantageous to improve the budget in its current content, but request that information 00:45:29
specific to the items that you have a concern about return to the board. 00:45:35
For review within the first quarter. 00:45:41
I will move that motion. 00:45:45
I'll second. 00:45:53
So we have Member Bouchard with the motion and a second from Member Hernandez. Madam Clerk, we have a role on this. Vote please. 00:45:55
Remember Brous. 00:46:03
Yes, Vice Chair Fernandez, Yes, Member Parade. Yes, Member Roland, Yes, I'm very deadly. 00:46:04
Yes. 00:46:12
Let's see. 00:46:21
Moving on, I guess to item number 5. 00:46:26
Which is the renewal and reconsideration of remote meetings pursuant to Government Code 54953, subsection E. 00:46:30
I believe Mr. Spalding will present on that tonight. 00:46:39
Absolutely. Thank you, Chair. Debley, once again we are renewing the OR attempting to. 00:46:43
Determine whether or not remote meetings. 00:46:50
Continue under 8361. As this Board is no doubt aware, on March 4th, 2020, Governor Newsom issued a state of emergency. 00:46:52
And that state of emergency remains in effect until approximately February 16th, 2023, at which point the state has indicated it 00:47:02
will expire, making 8361 meetings impossible. 00:47:08
Notwithstanding, every 30 days, the board is required to renew said findings in order to continue meeting remotely. 00:47:14
On those findings alone, the board is is. 00:47:54
Authorized to make the finding to continue remote meetings for at least another month. 00:47:57
But like I said on February 16th, 2023, it is very likely the State of California will rescind the state of emergency and AB361 00:48:02
will not be available. 00:48:06
Kevin does that. 00:48:11
We cannot do Zoom meetings anymore and we're mandated to go back to in person. 00:48:13
That will be correct, and there are revisions to the Brown Act that determine when council members or any members of a board 00:48:18
subject to the Brown Act. 00:48:23
May participate remotely without providing their teleconference location. I believe off the top of my head it will be limited to 00:48:27
three times annually. 00:48:31
Interesting. 00:48:39
Does the agency have any other questions for staff? 00:48:43
I think I would like to well. 00:48:48
Again, I I I don't know. It doesn't matter. Is the city going to go back to in person? Are you guys going to do Hybrid? We're in 00:48:50
Hybrid now, but council members are in person. 00:48:55
Right. The way that it, the way that it works, Mr. Bouchard, is that. 00:49:01
We offer the public and staff the opportunity of the City to to attend remotely and to participate remotely, however, any members 00:49:06
subject to the Brown Act, such as council members or members of this board. 00:49:11
UH, in the event the body is not under AB361, if one of the members wanted to attend remotely, they would have to comply with the 00:49:17
teleconferencing provision of Brown Act, which basically means you have to post an agenda at the location. We need advance notice 00:49:23
all that. And then there is a Brown Act change or amendment that is going into effect on January 1st. 00:49:30
That will allow for members of a board to attend remotely, without posting their location and without hosting the public at that 00:49:37
location, but only under very narrow circumstances and only up to three times per year. 00:49:44
Thank you. 00:49:56
Is there any other questions? 00:49:59
Hearing None. Did we receive any public comments on this item? 00:50:03
No public comment. 00:50:08
Does the agency have any comments that they'd like to make before we? 00:50:11
Take action. 00:50:15
I have a comment. 00:50:18
You know, I prefer to stay remote for now because of the time. Well. 00:50:21
I just prefer to stay remote for the time being, but once we pass that February deadline. 00:50:26
Would it be permissible to look at scheduling the meetings so that we don't have? 00:50:33
The An hour break before this meeting ends and the City Council meeting begins. 00:50:39
Would the board be open to? 00:50:47
Revising the schedule. 00:50:50
To start later. So would the proposal be to start at 5:00? Is that? 00:50:54
What I'm hearing it just it would have to be, I think we'd have to be flexible because sometimes we have closed session meetings. 00:50:59
We are. We are off topic for this agenda item. With respect to any Brown Act discussion, that's certainly something that could be 00:51:11
requested for a future agenda item. 00:51:15
Thank you. 00:51:22
OK, so we'll save that for member comments and recommendations. 00:51:23
And. 00:51:28
If we don't have any other comments. 00:51:30
Do we have a motion on this item? 00:51:33
Move to approve. 00:51:38
And I'll second it. 00:51:40
Yeah, the clarification is that a move to continue remote meetings based upon findings that state or local officials continue to 00:51:42
impose or recommend social distancing? 00:51:46
Yes. 00:51:51
Vice Chair Hernandez. Yes, yes. 00:51:57
Great. Thank you. Moving on to board member. 00:52:10
Reports, comments, and requests for future agenda items. 00:52:15
I'd like to remind agency members that this that all requested items will be will require a motion, a second and a majority vote 00:52:20
to be placed on the future agenda. 00:52:24
Does anybody have any requests for future agenda items? 00:52:29
Member Hernandez. 00:52:34
No. 00:52:35
I think Mayor Rollins or a chair. 00:52:39
Remember, Rollins has his hand up before mine. 00:52:43
Mine will just be on comments, not necessarily. 00:52:48
Request for future agenda items, so I don't know if you want to handle that first or. 00:52:52
Move into comments or both. 00:52:58
Why don't we take care of the agenda item 1st and then we'll go on to board member comments. 00:53:05
OK, so I would like to request. 00:53:11
That we place on next meetings agenda a discussion. 00:53:15
Flexing our time schedule, our meeting schedule to coincide with our City Council meetings. 00:53:22
Period. That's it. 00:53:31
So we have a motion by member Hernandez. 00:53:37
And by member Perez, could we have a roll call vote on this? Can can I speak to the motion before we have a roll call? 00:53:40
Unfortunately, under the Brown Act, any discussion on this motion has not been agendized, so typically there can be no discussion 00:53:50
on this motion. It's a yes or no vote. 00:53:54
Would it be appropriate, Council Spalding, I was just going to ask for an amendment to add to the motion, not to discuss it in its 00:53:59
general, but just to add to it to broader context. 00:54:05
That that would be appropriate. A friendly amendment would be appropriate. 00:54:11
So my request would be that either maybe we broaden it to just discuss PHWA meeting times. 00:54:15
Rather than your Your motion was specific to before the council meeting and I'd like to just broaden it so that we're not getting 00:54:25
outside of the the Brown Act when it's agenda is just that, it's not related to council meeting agendas. Sure, sure, I'll accept. 00:54:32
Do I need to 2nd that? 00:54:44
Sure, we have a second by. 00:54:47
Member Perez, for the amended agenda item. Madam Clerk, we have a roll call. Vote on that please. 00:54:51
Council Member Hernandez, I mean, sorry, Vice Chair Hernandez, yes. 00:54:57
I remember for us, yes, member Bouchard, Yes, member Rollin. 00:55:03
Yes. 00:55:10
Great. Thank you. OK, moving on to board member comments. 00:55:12
Member Owens, you had a comment to make. 00:55:17
Yeah, sure. I just wanted to make an announcement to the board that this will be. 00:55:20
Last meeting representing the City Council. 00:55:25
I've been a member of the Port Hueneme Water Association for four years and when I was given the opportunity four years ago, I 00:55:29
jumped at the opportunity to be involved in some of the most vital needs to our community. 00:55:36
Through the Port Hueneme Water Association and then the Ventura County Air Pollution Board. 00:55:43
I've been very impressed by our staff always being proactive and progressive. 00:55:50
Taking actions and. 00:55:57
Using methods to keep our water clean. 00:56:01
And always running. I don't think the water ever stopped in the four years that. 00:56:04
Involved. 00:56:08
I've been very impressed with this water shortage that the the community has rose to the occasion. 00:56:10
And uh, as our recent report showed, they've, uh, dropped the water usage over the past few years. So I'm and then finally I've 00:56:17
been. It's been great working with all of you. 00:56:23
I know that. 00:56:31
The use of water and our quality of water will be left in good hands. 00:56:34
Great, thank. Thank you for those comments. Member Rollins and you kind of took the words right out of my mouth. I wanted to 00:56:43
congratulate you on you know your success story working with Fort Wayne IN with PHWA and wish you all the best. 00:56:51
And also just everybody, happy holidays and you know, spend some quality time with your family during this holiday period. 00:57:00
Member Bouchard. 00:57:11
Yeah, maybe I'll, I'll keep this really short. I just wanted to say thank you member Rollins for your time and your commitment. 00:57:13
All of us that that do this don't do it for self-serving. 00:57:19
Purposes. We do it for the greater benefit of our community and really appreciate your time effort in serving. 00:57:24
Your. 00:57:33
The PHWA and Naval Base Ventura County and and wish you well and wish the rest of this board and staff here in attendance. A 00:57:35
fantastic holiday season and look forward to seeing you all next year. 00:57:42
Yes, happy holidays everyone. 00:57:50
Stay safe. 00:57:52
Member Hernandez, did you want to make some final comments here? 00:57:55
I did. I just wanted to thank member Rollins for his service and especially while he served his chair of this agency. He did a 00:57:58
great job in exercising leadership and providing direction to to staff and I wish you the best of luck. 00:58:08
Member Rollins and Happy holidays to everyone. Thank you so much. 00:58:17
If nobody has any additional comments to make. 00:58:27
We will adjourn this meeting. 00:58:31
At 4:58. 00:58:35
And just to remind you, the next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th. 00:58:38
2023. 00:58:44
At 4:00 PM. 00:58:46
Thank you. Have a great night. 00:58:48
Goodnight, Happy holidays. 00:58:50
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