Item #1: Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Commissioner

Item #2: Agency Clerk to Conduct Election of Chair

Item #3: Incoming Chair to Conduct Election of Vice Chair



Item #5: Update Regarding Heroes, History and Heritage Policy Nomination: Richard Bard Monument

Item #6: Review of City’s Legislative Platform




Welcome to the Citizen Advisory Commission meeting. I'd like to call the meeting to order. The time is now 403. 00:03:37
Madam Clerk, please take roll call. 00:03:47
Commissioner Burke. 00:03:50
Here, Commissioner Moody. 00:03:53
Commissioner Savala here. 00:03:57
Oh, there he is. 00:03:59
Chair bruning and we'll give a vice chair. 00:04:02
I. 00:04:06
And Vice Chair Eau Claire. 00:04:18
Just in the nick of time, I'm present. Thank you. 00:04:22
We will now hear public comments not pertaining to items on the agenda. 00:04:27
Comments are limited to 3 minutes the process. 00:04:32
The same for comments pertaining to each. 00:04:37
Agenda item. 00:04:40
Madam Clerk, do we have anyone who has a public comment? 00:04:42
We have 1 written public comment. It says. Please consider electing Jan Burke, a Citizen Advisory Commission Chairperson. She is 00:04:46
well qualified as a longtime neighborhood resident who is active in the community and in touch with many residents. 00:04:53
The CAC represents. 00:05:01
She currently serves as chairperson of the Whining Me HOA Coalition group and is involved in the local business community as an 00:05:02
owner operator. 00:05:06
Her experience and community connections make for an excellent chairperson candidate. Thank you Mr. Jeffrey Scarberry. 00:05:11
And that concludes public comment. 00:05:18
Thank you. Now we'll have installation of officers. 00:05:21
The oath of office for newly appointed Commissioner. I'd like to welcome our newly appointed Commissioner. 00:05:27
Mark Zavala and Invite of the City Clerk to administer the oath of office. 00:05:33
Hi, Mark Zavala. 00:05:55
Do solemnly swear. 00:05:57
That I will support and defend. 00:06:00
The Constitution of the United States. 00:06:03
In the constitution of the State of California. 00:06:07
Against all enemies. 00:06:10
Foreign and domestic. 00:06:12
That I will bear true faith and allegiance. 00:06:15
To the Constitution of the United States. 00:06:20
Into the constitution of the State of California. 00:06:24
Did I take this kind of this obligation freely? 00:06:28
Without any mental reservations. 00:06:32
Or purpose of evasion. 00:06:36
And I will. 00:06:39
Well and faithfully. 00:06:40
Discharge the duties. 00:06:43
Upon which I am about to enter. 00:06:46
Well, thank you. 00:06:49
Thank you. 00:06:51
Commissioner Savala, would you like to say a few words? 00:06:53
Very few. 00:06:57
Sure. I'll just just a little short history. My name is Mark Zavala. 00:06:59
I was born and raised in Illinois. Went to school there. 00:07:05
Initially went to college and ran out of money, so I joined the Air Force at 4:00. 00:07:10
14 months in Vietnam when I got out of the Air Force. 00:07:16
Finished college at Western Illinois University. Applied for a job with the Los Angeles Police Department. 00:07:19
Came out here in 1972. 00:07:25
I worked 33 years with them. 00:07:28
And I'm happily married. I live in Port Hueneme. I've been here since 2006. 00:07:31
When I retired, I had a house up here. Little house. 00:07:37
And I have a daughter in San Diego. She's a District Attorney. I have a daughter in. 00:07:41
Bend OR. 00:07:46
And she's working on her master's as a teacher. 00:07:48
And I've got 4 grandchildren. 00:07:52
And happily married and I love poor Amy. 00:07:55
So. 00:08:00
OK, now I will turn it over to the clerk for this next item. 00:08:05
We are going to open nominations for the election of Chair. Do I have any nominations? 00:08:11
I would like to nominate Steven Eau Claire. 00:08:20
Do I have any other nominations? 00:08:26
OK, hearing none, I will proceed with a roll call vote for the nomination of Stephen Ecclair for Chair. 00:08:30
Commissioner Burke. 00:08:37
Commissioner Moody. 00:08:41
Commissioner Zavala. 00:08:44
Chair Rooney, Mr. Eau Claire. 00:08:48
Epstein abstain. OK, motion passes with Mr. Claire abstaining. 00:08:53
Welcome and congratulations, Carol, Claire and you may know conduct. 00:09:00
The yay. Thank you. I have a oh, OK. 00:09:04
So I now declare the The next thing we're going to be doing is electing conducting the election of a vice chair. 00:09:18
The position of the vice chair is vacant. The floor is now open for nominations for vice chair of this Commission. Are there any 00:09:25
nominations from a commissioner? 00:09:29
Yeah, I know. I need. 00:09:34
OK, there is one nomination. Are there any other nominations? 00:09:38
Any other nominations? Clerk if you'd like to call the roll. 00:09:45
OK. Thank you. 00:09:49
We will go with. 00:09:51
Commissioner Moody. 00:09:53
Commissioner Zavala. 00:09:56
Commissioner Bernie. 00:09:59
We'll say Eau Claire, aye and. 00:10:03
Miss Burke? 00:10:06
I too will abstain. 00:10:08
OK, motion passes. 00:10:09
Vice Chair Burke abstaining. 00:10:12
Thank you and congratulations. This is going to be a good year. So we're now going to move to the next item, which is the consent 00:10:15
calendar. 00:10:19
These items are considered together as one unless a member wishes to discuss it. 00:10:24
May I entertain a motion and a second to approve? The consent calendar contains the minutes from our last meeting. 00:10:29
Is there a motion? 00:10:36
I'll make a motion to accept it. There is a motion. Is there a second? Second. 00:10:38
There is a second. 00:10:43
Are there any opposed to the motion or all in favor? 00:10:48
Say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:10:51
Seeing none, the consent calendar is agreed to and the minutes are adopted, we're now going to move to business item number 2, 00:10:54
which is. 00:10:59
A business item. 00:11:07
And that is the update regarding the Heroes history and Heritage policy policy nomination. 00:11:10
Which is the Richard Bard monument. Will staff please present the report. 00:11:16
Good afternoon and congratulations to Chair Eau Claire and Vice Chair Burke. 00:11:24
As many of you will recall, the Commission reviewed Oxnard Harbor District's application for a Barred monument. 00:11:30
At its November 13th, 2023 meeting. 00:11:38
The item is included on today's agenda in order to provide. 00:11:41
An update. Since that review happened, no action is requested from the Commission this afternoon. 00:11:44
After the commission's review, the item was discussed at a city. 00:11:52
Port joint committee meeting. 00:11:56
And the port indicated their intent to develop a survey to receive public input about the location of the proposed monument. 00:11:58
A draft survey which was included in your agenda packet. 00:12:06
Was presented to the City Council on March 18th. 00:12:10
And reviewed At that time, the Council supported the use of the survey, but made specific requests for amendments to the draft 00:12:14
survey that had been prepared. 00:12:18
Specifically the changes that were requested. 00:12:23
Included ensuring the location options on the survey are properly described. 00:12:26
That a map which identifies the geographic locations. 00:12:32
Is included. 00:12:35
In a statement indicating that the survey was intended for Port Hueneme, residents also be included on the survey. 00:12:37
I am recently advised that the survey that the port had developed is on hold. 00:12:45
And that the Oxnard Harbor District will be meeting to consider. 00:12:52
An alternate location to the one that was initially presented to this body. 00:12:57
As you may have noticed in the audience, Miguel Rodriguez, a representative from the Oxnard Harbor District, is here. 00:13:04
Again, this was intended as an update, since this body reviewed the item and it did go to council. An additional review and 00:13:11
consideration and direction was provided by Council. 00:13:15
No action has been requested if there are questions for staff. 00:13:19
Or for Mr. Rodriguez, we'd be happy to respond. 00:13:23
Thank you very much. Does the Commission have any questions for staff? This is only take questions at the time. 00:13:30
At this time Rather comments and discussion will be heard later after public comment. Are there any questions clarifying questions 00:13:37
though of staff? 00:13:40
Just a clarifying question, so turn on your mic, OK? 00:13:44
So if if I heard you right. 00:13:51
They're looking to the original proposed location is going to be. 00:13:55
Not considered and they're going to consider other locations. Is that correct, Might did I hear that right? 00:14:01
I'll give a, I'll give a quick answer and then Miguel can provide clarity. If I don't state it right. I think that the. 00:14:07
Commissioners are going to meet and consider an alternative location. Other than the one that was presented, I don't know that any 00:14:15
firm decision has been made to officially. 00:14:19
Omit anything but there is interest in considering alternate locations. 00:14:27
Is that correct? Thank you. Any other clarifying questions of staff from the commissioners? 00:14:32
OK, we're now going to move to public comment. Are there any public comments? 00:14:40
From the applicants or others on this item. No public comments. 00:14:45
OK. With that, are there any? 00:14:49
Comments from the Commissioners on this item. 00:14:55
Our discussion. 00:14:59
Right. I do want to thank the the port and the city for working on this item. I know it's. 00:15:04
It's been a long, I think a couple of years that they've been working on this going back and forth and so. 00:15:10
While in some ways. 00:15:16
They're having to go back to the. 00:15:18
The drawing board and exactly where it's placed, I appreciate that. Hopefully there's collaboration between the port and the city 00:15:21
and they're going to find a location for this statue. 00:15:25
And I look forward to a. 00:15:31
An update in the future. 00:15:33
Commissioners, any other comments? 00:15:36
OK, go ahead, Commissioner Moody. 00:15:39
On for this survey. 00:15:44
Is is it going to be only what Port Hueneme residents or is it? 00:15:45
Oxnard residents also. 00:15:50
Commissioner Moody, to answer your question right now, the survey will be placed on hold, however, based on the recommendations. 00:15:56
From City Council At the council meeting, there was a stipulation that the survey include text or language to differentiate 00:16:04
residents from my name from other residents. So. But as of right now there's. 00:16:12
No movement on the survey whatsoever. OK, It's on hold. Thank you, Sir. 00:16:20
I too just want to say thank you for. 00:16:28
Reevaluating the situation and trying to look for the best possible solution here, because I don't think anybody we know that 00:16:31
statues right now is not necessarily really popular topic. 00:16:37
From society but. 00:16:44
We appreciate Mr. Bard's contribution to our city. 00:16:46
And we do want to acknowledge that and we just want to find the right home for him. 00:16:50
Thank you. 00:16:55
Any other comments from any other commissioners? 00:16:57
OK, this item is a. 00:17:02
Receive and file and it's on the update. Rather, it's an update on the status of the application of the Bard monument. 00:17:05
Is there a motion now since we've received the update to receive and file this report? 00:17:12
I'll make a motion. I'll second. 00:17:20
It's been moved in second seconded. 00:17:23
Are there any all in favor? Say aye. 00:17:25
Aye. Are there any opposed? 00:17:28
Hearing none, the motion passes and is agreed to. 00:17:30
And the item is received and filed. Thank you to staff. 00:17:33
We're now going to move to a business item. 00:17:38
Well, it's a. 00:17:42
Interesting. It's the next business item which is the to review the cities legislative platform. 00:17:45
Will staff please present the report on this item? 00:17:52
OK. So the next business item, as the Chair indicated, is an opportunity to review the city's legislative platform? 00:17:57
A legislative platform allows. 00:18:04
For a prompt response by the city to propose legislation at the county, state or federal levels. 00:18:07
Also provides clarity regarding the City's position on various forms of legislation. 00:18:15
And allows for either the. 00:18:20
Mayor Pro Tem where city manager to issue a letter of support or opposition based on that position. 00:18:22
The Commission reviewed the city's proposed legislative platform back in October of 2022. 00:18:28
When the platform was initially put together, the document was reviewed by the Commission and forwarded to council. They reviewed 00:18:35
it on December 19th. 00:18:39
2022 and January 17, 2023 and was ultimately approved at the subsequent Council meeting on February 6th of 2023. 00:18:44
The version presented to CAC was amended through that council review process. 00:18:53
And I wanted to let the Commission know specifically how it was amended from when it was presented to the Commission. 00:18:59
So it's included in the staff report, but I'll just read it for those who may be watching the meeting or listening. 00:19:06
First, the section 12A. 00:19:14
Which referred to opposing legislation that would increase work. 00:19:19
Workman's compensation benefits. 00:19:22
That would result in additional employer costs was removed from the platform. 00:19:24
Also removed with section 31F. 00:19:29
Which Reads support legislation that would. 00:19:33
Support reimbursement by federal government for costs associated with incarcerating deportable criminals. 00:19:36
And then we had some additions. Section 7 is a new section of the platform entitled Mental Health. 00:19:44
And it expresses the city's support for community based mental health initiatives. 00:19:49
Outreach to those in need of mental health services. 00:19:54
Providing a continuum of mental health care for all, Increasing funding and services for suicide awareness and prevention. 00:19:57
And access to telehealth services. 00:20:03
There was also language that enhanced the scope of support for legislation relating to veterans services, military spouses and 00:20:06
financial incentives for former and current service members. 00:20:11
That was added to section 12 of the platform. 00:20:17
And then lastly, Section 13 entitled Law Enforcement was added and again as a new section to express the city's advocacy for law 00:20:20
enforcement related legislation in the following categories. 00:20:26
Social support, peer support and mental health suicide prevention training. 00:20:32
Familial support and technology in the field of law enforcement. 00:20:37
So those were the changes that were made and approved by the Council after the Commission had the opportunity to review that. 00:20:42
It's prudent for any city to review and consider its legislative platform periodically and that's why it is once again brought 00:20:49
forward. Not necessarily that there are any required changes, but it's an opportunity for the Commission to review, weigh in and 00:20:55
provide any. 00:21:01
Advice to ensure that. 00:21:07
Current or anticipated future needs within the Community are accounted for in the legislative platform. 00:21:10
So the item provides the opportunity for the commissioners and any interested members of the public to provide input on the 00:21:17
document. 00:21:20
Any recommended changes? 00:21:23
Would be presented to Council for final consideration. 00:21:25
That concludes the staff presentation available to answer any questions the Commission may have. 00:21:30
Thank you to the staff for that. 00:21:38
Presentation and preparing this report. Does the Commission have any questions for staff? Only questions at this time? 00:21:40
I have one question. 00:21:50
Given this started in 22 and 23. 00:21:53
And just as a point of clarification, the current city manager. 00:21:58
Did he have any chance or opportunity to weigh in on some of these changes? 00:22:04
As the new leader of our organization here. 00:22:09
Just curious because it this took place prior to his coming on board. 00:22:14
And if you had any recommendations or changes that he would like to. 00:22:20
Put forward. 00:22:23
Yeah, I did have a conversation with him. And you're absolutely correct in stating that both the original draft and the changes 00:22:25
that were made by the council, both of those. 00:22:29
We're prepared and approved prior to his arrival to the city. 00:22:33
He did not have any recommended changes for the Commission to consider. 00:22:37
The one conversation we did have there are. 00:22:42
Certain things happening out in the Ethos Metropolitan Water District recently raised some rates which will have a direct impact 00:22:45
on our water users. 00:22:49
So that may be things of that nature just, you know, kind of the protection of. 00:22:54
Our taxpayers. Our residents. Utility users. 00:22:59
Protection from unfunded mandates or pass through costs from other agencies, things of that nature. 00:23:03
But other than that, no specific requests or recommendations for the Commission to consider. 00:23:10
Any other questions of staff on this item? We can enter into discussion after this. 00:23:20
OK, we're now going to move to public comments. Are there any public comments regarding this item? No public comments. 00:23:26
There are no public comments on this item. The recommendation is to conduct a review of the legislative platform and consider the 00:23:32
need for. 00:23:36
Rather consider the need for recommended changes to the city councils consideration. 00:23:40
I'll now invite. 00:23:47
A discussion regarding any recommended changes to this item. Before we do that, Commissioners, I recommend that we take maybe two 00:23:48
or three minutes to review the document. 00:23:53
I'm sure many of us have reviewed this before we came to the meeting, but I know it's a long document, so let's take maybe 3 00:23:58
minutes to just. 00:24:00
Look through it. 00:24:04
And glance through and see if we have any questions. 00:24:06
You don't have a OK, so it should be. 00:24:10
Yeah, it should be. 00:24:14
Tab 6 I believe. 00:24:16
Yeah, so if you go to tab 6, it's a Gray tab. 00:24:20
Absolutely. So we're going to take just a few minutes to review this. 00:24:24
And then we'll come back together, Commissioners, and discuss. 00:24:28
We're now going to be entering discussion on this item. Again, this is the consideration of. 00:29:13
The legislative platform, Any recommendations we have or general feedback for staff? 00:29:19
We're not, of course, the final body on this, we're just providing feedback that eventually will go on to the. 00:29:25
The council members. 00:29:30
What feedback does the Commission have or discussion or recommendations? 00:29:32
I have one. I think overall this is well done. 00:29:39
On the section Public Protection section #3. 00:29:45
Crime F. 00:29:51
It says support legislation that would enhance local control over public nuisances. 00:29:55
Including adult entertainment problem, alcohol establishments and properties where illegal drugs are sold. 00:30:01
I'm just curious why we wouldn't just say. 00:30:08
Included, but not limited to. 00:30:11
It seems like it's. I mean, we don't, first of all, we don't even have an alcohol establishment anymore. We don't even have a bar 00:30:13
in our town. So it just seems kind of limited as far as. 00:30:18
What it is calling out specifically? 00:30:24
So these are just examples and just. 00:30:28
Just one. It's just a little wordsmithing, that's all. 00:30:32
OK. Is there any other feedback? 00:30:37
Commissioner Burke. 00:30:40
Well done. Any other commissioners? 00:30:44
Yeah. 00:30:49
On page 15. 00:30:53
Number Roman numeral #10. 00:30:57
And it speaks of the arts. 00:31:00
And I just think it's kind of nebulous. 00:31:03
And I know we talked about it as far as the. 00:31:10
Beach Festival and the funding and. 00:31:15
You know anything that's going to enhance the quality of life and. 00:31:19
I would just think that as far as the arts and cultural resources and. 00:31:24
Historic preservation, You know that that. 00:31:29
Maybe could be flushed out a little bit more. 00:31:33
You know. 00:31:37
You know, and and I'm, you know, and I'm OK with not having any bars, you know, in the city, you know, or anything like that. That 00:31:39
doesn't bother me, but. 00:31:43
But I mean. 00:31:46
You know what would be the? You know there could be a process for. 00:31:48
You know, concerts and. 00:31:53
Poetry readings, you know, or anything that would enhance the quality of life. 00:31:55
And you know, yeah, I understand, you know, when you say support legislation, you know, but. 00:32:01
What specifically are we talking about? 00:32:08
You know, it kind of just makes me think of what I'm. 00:32:11
Teaching kids how to write an essay and the whole thing. 00:32:16
About flushing out your points and stuff like that. 00:32:19
And I just think that that could be something that would be really great for the city. 00:32:23
You know, and we we did speak of. 00:32:26
The budget how it wasn't paying for itself. 00:32:30
I'm just kind of. 00:32:34
You know, we're trying to remember off the top of my head, but. 00:32:35
I would just think those are things that we would want to. 00:32:40
Make sure that we're on point with as far as. 00:32:44
The quality of life for the city, you know, especially for the kids. 00:32:47
You know, being a coach. 00:32:51
I know that. 00:32:54
You know, and I'll just bring up one point and I'll be brief, you know, but with the use of the boys club. 00:32:57
My kids a basketball player and. 00:33:03
You can't. You know you can't use the gym if you're under 18. 00:33:08
You know, and I don't mind bringing him over there. 00:33:12
But it's it's within walking distance of my house and you know, and I feel comfortable having my kid, you know, go down there. 00:33:16
And be able to play pick up games and stuff like that. 00:33:23
I just think it's you know, broad based and I think that we could do a better job as far as you know. 00:33:26
You know, we are talking arts, cultural resources and historic preservation. The other point I'd like to make too is. 00:33:32
Concerning the. 00:33:39
It kind of dovetails with the statue of Mr. Bard. 00:33:41
You know, and perhaps if there was more information. 00:33:46
That talked about, you know, I mean, I I understand, you know, because I was part of the presentation. 00:33:49
When the gentleman was talking about that, but what about other people who? 00:33:55
Don't really know exactly the insurance and outs of everything he did you know to. 00:33:59
To, you know, bring the city to where it is today. 00:34:04
To me, that's like a historic preservation, you know? And I think that that should be really fleshed out. 00:34:06
You know, as far as the legislative process goes, right? 00:34:12
If we're going to put money behind that to make sure that everybody knows what's going on, you know, within this. 00:34:15
You know, especially the residents, and that's why I asked Mr. Miguel. 00:34:20
About the survey concerning if it was only going out to whining residents. 00:34:24
You know who is going to have input. 00:34:29
You know, because it says Oxnard Harbor district, right? So. 00:34:31
I know that they're all connected, right? You know? 00:34:35
And if that makes sense, but that's kind of what I'm thinking right now. 00:34:37
You know, looking at this. 00:34:40
Thank you, Thank you, Commissioner Moody, So I've noted that. 00:34:43
You would like more specifics around the arts platform section of the platform, maybe a little bit more expansive? 00:34:47
Right. Well, just enhance you know, to know exactly where you know. 00:34:53
What the process is? 00:34:57
Any other commissioners? 00:35:04
Well, I have a few. Um. 00:35:11
That I would like a few comments to make. I appreciate that the Council and the proposal that went to Council last time ultimately 00:35:14
removed some of the items. 00:35:18
That I believe I actually made the motion on two of these to have them removed, including the. 00:35:23
Opposition. Or to remove the opposition to rather to oppose legislation that would increase worker compensation benefits. 00:35:28
I stand by that. I think it was. 00:35:38
Not great. It's not a good look as a city to say let's pay our staff as little as possible when it comes to work or compensation. 00:35:41
And then the other item which I. 00:35:49
Was still shocked was in that proposal, which had to do with reimbursement of incarcerating deportable criminals, as it says. 00:35:52
In a community that has undocumented individuals, that's language we should not have in our platform and I'm glad that it was 00:35:59
removed. 00:36:03
And hopefully. 00:36:07
We don't experience that again where something having to do with the undocumented community and the city benefiting from deporting 00:36:09
them. 00:36:12
Is added. 00:36:16
And so I appreciate that that was removed and it's a sign in good faith. I hope that undocumented community can can trust our city 00:36:18
that we're not just looking at profiting off. 00:36:23
Deporting them. 00:36:28
Or participating in their deportation. 00:36:30
And so I appreciate those. I appreciate the other additions. 00:36:34
For the other parts of the legislative platform, I do have a concern around item under general governance, so actually the first 00:36:38
page. 00:36:43
2B Under workers compensation. 00:36:50
It's a support legislation that would reform the workers compensation process to incentivize employees returning to work. 00:36:57
Creating a disincentive for those that do not return. 00:37:05
To available modified duty on an alternative positions. 00:37:09
I'm just concerned that there's some elements in the platform that are still kind of anti worker and I think that is anti worker. 00:37:17
Anti union worker, An anti worker. And so I believe the city should be supporting the Wellness of our staff and not creating 00:37:25
disincentives. 00:37:30
For them, especially if they're going through the workers compensation process, that means that they've had an experience. 00:37:36
That they need to be supported through. 00:37:42
And whether that's an injury on the job or something else, I'm concerned that the city would be supporting legislation. 00:37:44
That would be penalizing. 00:37:51
US staff at any time. 00:37:54
Under Labor Relations #4. 00:37:57
For B. 00:38:01
Excuse me? That's not the one for E is what I'm referring to, and that is opposed legislation that requires the use of city 00:38:05
employees rather than a city giving the city. 00:38:10
The flexibility determine the most effective means of providing a service, including contracting out. 00:38:15
This item I'm also not totally comfortable with. It's kind of a well known anti collective bargaining, anti labor. 00:38:23
Union Labor. 00:38:32
Platform. 00:38:34
To weaken the use of unionized labor and instead contract out. 00:38:36
Those services. So in general it would be opposed to 4E. 00:38:42
Umm N2B. 00:38:48
For similar reasons, I think we need to be pro worker support our staff. 00:38:51
And impose the elimination of our staff members. 00:38:55
So with that, I don't know if my colleagues have comments on those two points. 00:39:01
On your two points. 00:39:11
To be in 4 E on the. 00:39:13
It's it's not. 00:39:17
I think it's how you interpret it as a business owner. 00:39:19
And in the state of California. 00:39:24
Brooklyn's compensation? 00:39:27
Is challenging to say the least. 00:39:29
And I you know, incentivizing people to come back to work is very important because the the legal system is. 00:39:32
Is very, very difficult to navigate as a business owner and imagine it's probably the same with the city, so to. 00:39:43
To incentivize people to get back to work and try to provide a better path forward for them. 00:39:51
I do. I think it's an important. 00:39:55
Topic to consider. 00:39:58
I think that. 00:40:00
You know, to de incentivize those who do not return to work. 00:40:02
You know I think that that's how you interpret that. I think that if we, if our incentives are are to come back to work are are. 00:40:06
Fair, reasonable and and meaningful to the employee. I think that that that's a really good. 00:40:13
'Cause to have. 00:40:21
And if and but to try to mitigate the legal aspect of people who try to to not come back to work and just use the system is where 00:40:23
I think that. 00:40:28
I think is what the interpretation and the meaning is here, and I think that it's important that we realize and be cognizant of 00:40:33
that fact that. 00:40:36
Is there, I mean having. 00:40:40
Have to deal with, you know? 00:40:43
A lot of cases in my past, it's it's tough. 00:40:45
Out of business, and I'm sure it's tough on the city, too. 00:40:49
So I I. 00:40:53
I don't necessarily agree 100% with your your your points. I do agree that it's important to incentivize people to come back to 00:40:55
work and then on on your your. 00:41:00
Second point. 00:41:05
Opposed legislation? 00:41:08
That requires city employees. 00:41:10
To have the flexibility to. 00:41:12
To contract out, basically. 00:41:16
We're small city. 00:41:19
We can't exactly. We can't hire all of the resources that we need. 00:41:21
Sometimes we have special projects, sometimes we have special. 00:41:25
Temporary work. Sometimes we have special needs for specific. 00:41:30
Tasks and As a small city, we can't necessarily afford to hire full time staff. 00:41:35
From some of the positions that we need. 00:41:42
Again, as a business owner. 00:41:44
And a small. 00:41:46
Medium sized company. 00:41:48
I from time to time do. 00:41:51
Higher for specific projects and I think it's reasonable to to do so and I think that. 00:41:53
You know, if we have the opportunity for a special. 00:41:59
Master plan or a special? 00:42:03
Project that the City Council would like to see done. 00:42:07
And the staff has to execute it. They may not have the resources and like it's sort of like this. Is events Event is a very good 00:42:10
example of that. 00:42:14
You know, maybe the city decided to bring it back in house, which is terrific, to keep it local, to keep it. 00:42:18
A project that's run by the city. 00:42:28
There may be times when they want want to outsource some pieces of that. So I think we just need to find that balance and I think 00:42:31
that I what I'd like to recommend is that we keep that in there because it gives the we got to give the city some flexibility. 00:42:37
On other Commissioners on that, on those two points. 00:42:47
Would the Commission entertain for #2B? 00:42:57
To eliminate creating a, recommend the removal of, creating a disincentive for those that do not return to work. 00:43:01
That section. 00:43:11
To focus on incentives rather than creating a disincentive. 00:43:14
Well, again, my question would be how do you define this incentive? 00:43:22
Well, right now, if we adopt this as is, we're leaving it completely open. 00:43:28
That we would allow, we would support the state. 00:43:33
Passing legislation that could penalize employees in any way they see fit for going on workers compensation. 00:43:37
Well, the city is very limited as to how they can disincentivize. 00:43:53
That but. 00:43:57
Could we eliminate that one phrase? 00:43:59
I would be OK with that. I think that it's it's. 00:44:02
Maybe understood that we try to work through those things, those challenges and try to. 00:44:06
Make the best of them, so I'd be OK with that. 00:44:12
OK. 00:44:21
So with that, are there any other comments? 00:44:24
On the platform. 00:44:28
I'll get the feedback that I have heard and then it will go to staff. 00:44:33
Is around the crime. 00:44:37
Being more expansive on item F. 00:44:40
Umm, which had to do with. 00:44:44
The type of areas that. 00:44:46
It's just so we all review kind of the feedback we've given. 00:44:49
To staff. If we reach consensus on this, feedback would be even even stronger. 00:44:53
Would be under public protection under Crime Item F support legislation that would enhance local control over public nuisances. 00:45:00
Including adult entertainment facilities. 00:45:10
Problem problem alcohol establishments and properties where illegal drugs are sold. 00:45:13
No, it would be. It would read, including, but not limited to. 00:45:19
So adding not limited to it. 00:45:27
Do we have that noted? 00:45:34
To figure those things out. Is there a consensus on that recommendation? 00:45:37
I agree with Jen. 00:45:42
OK for. 00:45:44
Under the Arts section. 00:45:46
Commissioner Moody had suggested that instead of. 00:45:53
Currently, there is only one item under the arts, which is support legislation for continued state funding that recognizes the 00:45:57
role. 00:46:01
Of the Sorry the role that local art activities and historic preservation have in community life. 00:46:05
Just a recommendation that we're a little bit more expansive in that area and leave it deferred to staff on what that looks like. 00:46:12
I agree with Commissioner Moody's recommendation and I think that, you know, adding even just as simple as arts and culture. 00:46:24
Arts, culture and historic preservation. 00:46:33
Could help that but and I just looking to because it's it's in the title but it's not in the the the the language of the topic so. 00:46:36
I think if we can. 00:46:46
Flush that out a bit more, a little more robust. 00:46:48
All-encompassing. 00:46:56
For arts, culture, and historic preservation. 00:47:00
Is there any other? Yeah, just just maybe you know what what direction the city wants to go and you know, to specify that. 00:47:05
So there's consensus around that, feedback on that item. 00:47:15
OK. And then the item I raised, which is under general general governance. 00:47:21
Under workers compensation, it's #2B. 00:47:28
And it would be to. 00:47:32
End #2B at returning to work. 00:47:35
So striking from creating a disincentive all the way to alternative positions. 00:47:39
There's consensus on that. 00:47:48
Any other items, yes. 00:47:52
Section C. 00:47:57
Let's all support legislation that provides local government the power to determine whether anti opiate medication should be 00:48:00
deployed in a given community. 00:48:06
I'm sorry, can you can you refer to the reference Public protection drugs and it's part C? 00:48:13
Page 9. 00:48:22
9. 00:48:25
Yes, on page line at the top, page 9 of 16 top. OK, see. 00:48:27
What does that mean? 00:48:33
Why? Why does the city? 00:48:36
Trying to be doctors. I mean, I don't understand what it's trying to say. 00:48:39
I don't know if that city manager's office or staff can speak to that. I have a. 00:48:48
We have a theory that what that might be, yeah. I have a theory of what that might be referring to. But if the city manager. 00:48:55
So it's not not my area of expertise. When we put the legislative platform together, we did ask all departments to review and 00:49:05
provide there's. 00:49:09
Given your background, you may be able to quickly correct my assumption here, but I'll throw one thing out. I know that. 00:49:14
This is under crime and drugs and law enforcement. 00:49:21
When police officers come into contact with people that have overdosed Narcan and other. 00:49:25
Drugs are sometimes administered to help bring them back. 00:49:33
This speaks to the local power to administer certain drugs. So if that falls into the category of. 00:49:37
Anti opiate, perhaps it's referring to that. 00:49:43
OK. But those guys are trained. 00:49:49
Correct, yes. 00:49:51
OK, I got you. All right. So that makes sense. 00:49:52
To me now. 00:49:55
On the on that item, we should perhaps have a conversation around do we? 00:49:57
Think the city. 00:50:05
Should be in favor in the expansion use of Narcan, for example on this item? Or are we opposing because this says that the cities? 00:50:08
One second to support legislation. 00:50:21
Yeah. This is that provides local. Yeah. It's so it's it's saying, hey, it's saying they have the power to yeah, I mean whether to 00:50:24
use it or not. Excuse me over and over again. 00:50:29
I mean essentially this is coming from the leagues of city, is my assumption right? And it's all about local control, local 00:50:34
control, local control, every every one of these bullet points pretty much is the state is us saying. 00:50:39
State don't tell us what to do. We want local control. 00:50:45
Now when I see this, it's telling me. 00:50:49
Perhaps. 00:50:53
Do we view the opiate crisis in such a way that we're saying, hey, let's do all options on the table, or are we going to say hey 00:50:56
no, we want local control on the use of Narcan? 00:51:01
And I'm not sure how the Commission feels on that. I would rather be part of a regional or statewide approach. 00:51:07
Then say hey no, we want local control on whether how we save lives. 00:51:15
With Narcan, well, yeah. 00:51:19
It makes sense to have the experts tell us what's good. 00:51:22
But we didn't. CDC didn't do a hell of a good job, so. 00:51:25
But I agree that. 00:51:30
No, the city. 00:51:34
If what? 00:51:39
The city manager said is accurate. 00:51:41
I'm sure it is. I mean that makes sense, but. 00:51:43
For the city to decide what? 00:51:47
Is medically. 00:51:49
Good or bad for these opiate computers? 00:51:51
I mean that's. 00:51:55
Not doctors. 00:51:56
To the conversation that the Commission is having, I'll just add there's nobody in the city that considers themselves a medical 00:51:58
expert. Those decisions on whether to administer and use would be based on best practice on. 00:52:04
Medical journals, medical publications, and studies that suggest that it is or is not an effective tool. 00:52:11
And you're right, Chair, it is really about local control, the city being able to research, gather data and make those decisions 00:52:17
rather than. 00:52:21
Be told by another agency whether it should or should not use those. 00:52:25
I mean in general when it comes to this use. 00:52:30
I would defer to the statewide agencies who are addressing the opiate use and and things like the California Department of Public 00:52:33
Health and others. 00:52:37
On how we can best deploy these life saving measures. 00:52:42
As the city manager's office mentioned, we don't necessarily have an expert on. 00:52:46
On Narcan and we would be referring to these same departments, so to say, kind of. 00:52:51
I don't want to make a mountain out of mole mole hill here, but um. 00:52:57
I'm just cautious around, especially public health and saying hey. 00:53:02
Actually, somehow we we will know more. 00:53:06
Then then statewide experts in Narcan. 00:53:09
Generally, the people that administer that stuff are trained like medical personnel, they are ambulance people. 00:53:15
And largely because officers that have this stuff are trained on it also. But it's. 00:53:23
Usually for extreme emergencies, right? And largely regulated by the state. 00:53:28
Correct. Right. And so. 00:53:33
There was a movement to actually make Narcan available as broadly as possible, and so, for example, many schools in the country, 00:53:36
or a state rather, are now being supplied with Narcan. 00:53:42
I know in some instances municipalities are training things like individuals like front, front desk, administrative assistants and 00:53:49
others on both like the paddles on heart attacks and Narcan. 00:53:56
In case somebody shows up. 00:54:04
In your lobby, who's overdosing? 00:54:06
So we don't need to belabor this point, but I. 00:54:08
That two point, since you brought it up, that was kind of my concern is. 00:54:11
Especially right now with the opiate crisis so. 00:54:16
Our communities, I think it's fine the way it's written to support legislation that provides local government the power to 00:54:19
determine whether an anti opioid medication should be deployed. 00:54:24
In a given community and who has the authority to administer it? So I think that the wording is actually appropriate. Well, it. 00:54:30
Acknowledge that, Yeah, I I. 00:54:39
My concern is it's it, it sounds like. 00:54:41
It's positive, but it's actually about local control. It's saying we're not going to listen to the necessarily deferred to the 00:54:45
experts at public health, at the state or statewide strategies. 00:54:49
Where? Well, it's saying we're going to provide that local government has the power that we're going to. 00:54:54
Decide. Somebody here at the City Hall is going to decide. 00:55:00
Whether or not they follow best practices. Whether or not they follow. 00:55:03
Public health guidance. 00:55:07
And I don't know if I'm comfortable. 00:55:09
Saying umm. 00:55:11
That we're going to just oppose any kind of. 00:55:15
Recommended guidance from the state. 00:55:18
Again, I don't want to belabor the point, but in general that's where I see this contrast between local control. 00:55:21
And things like, hey, we need to save lives. Why are we saying hey, keep, stay, stay out of our backyard, let us can decide 00:55:27
whether or not and how we save lives. 00:55:31
The way I'm reading this. 00:55:37
Is that they're wanting? 00:55:40
To be able to. 00:55:44
Use an anti opiate medication. 00:55:46
Maybe it should be should say should be deployed in a given situation. 00:55:52
And set a. 00:55:59
Yeah, because even where it says given, community seems kind of problematic to me, right? We're going to decide that when you mean 00:56:01
Bay is not going to get, it should probably say should be deployed in a given situation. 00:56:07
And who has the authority to administer it? 00:56:15
I understand where they're going with this, yeah. 00:56:18
I have a medical background. 00:56:22
So they're wanting to say. 00:56:24
We want the power to administer. 00:56:28
One of these drugs, if we need to. 00:56:32
But when it says in a given community, that's that's a broadband. 00:56:36
It should say get in a given situation. 00:56:42
I'll second that. 00:56:47
Any other commissioners comments on that? 00:56:50
Maybe we add some language in there with regards to the science. 00:56:56
Based on science. 00:57:01
The most recent science based knowledge and learnings that we can. 00:57:03
Determine as the best practices. Just something simple like that, OK? 00:57:09
Including some. 00:57:14
I mean, you have to use discretion, you have to use common sense. But you, you know, using science as the. 00:57:17
As the, as the. 00:57:24
Navigational tool to get us where we need to be? Yeah. Scientific guidance, right? 00:57:25
OK. Any other? I think we're getting close to consensus on this item. Any other feedback? 00:57:32
I just want to thank you, Commissioner, for bringing up this item, and it sounds like we've reached consensus on this, at least 00:57:39
providing some feedback. 00:57:42
There any other any other feedback on this platform? 00:57:46
OK, let me find my little CHEAT SHEET here. 00:57:51
OK, so. 00:58:02
Just in summary of the recommended changes that we've reached consensus on, we're about to do a motion on all of them together. 00:58:04
Would be crime. 00:58:12
Having to do with the more expansive language. 00:58:14
The Arts section having more specifics. 00:58:17
The item having to do with workers compensation removing and striking the section of the sentence having to do with creating a. 00:58:22
Disincentive all the way through the remainder of that sentence. That's number. 00:58:29
To be under general governance. 00:58:34
And then under crime. 00:58:37
Excuse me, under public protection? 00:58:40
Under Section 2, which is drugs. 00:58:43
Striking the the section of the sentence referring to a given community and instead say a given situation, right? 00:58:48
And then adding some language they're having to do with following. 00:58:56
Guidance. Medical scientific guidance. 00:59:00
OK. Is that clear for staff? 00:59:03
Is there a motion to approve those recommendations? I make a motion to approve those. 00:59:07
OK. Is there a second? I'll second it. OK, there is a second. 00:59:13
OK. All those in favor, say aye. 00:59:20
Aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:59:22
OK. That item is adopted. 00:59:26
Excuse me, those recommendations are made to staff. 00:59:28
OK, now we are going to make a little bit of an exception here. 00:59:33
We are now going to briefly return to public comment. 00:59:37
And just because we we had overlooked an individual who wanted to speak. 00:59:43
On an item and while we have already. 00:59:47
Addressed item 5, which is the update on the Heroes heritage and. 00:59:52
Policy. I would like to just briefly give that an opportunity for the member of the public that wanted to address that item. 00:59:56
As a reminder, we can't enter into a discussion because we've already handled that item, but if that individual wanted to come 01:00:02
forward and give public comment. 01:00:06
I believe they have 3 minutes. 01:00:10
Thank you, take 3 minutes, but first of all. 01:00:12
Chairperson. 01:00:17
Members of the committee and staff. 01:00:19
My name is Tom King. I'm a resident. Poor way. Nimi been here for. 01:00:23
Over 20 years. 01:00:27
My comment has to do. 01:00:31
And I really want to appreciate what the chair has said, Mr. Moody said. 01:00:34
And what? 01:00:38
Committee member Burke has said in regards to flushing out certain language about the monument. 01:00:42
And what the port is doing? 01:00:48
And you've been wrestling with language. 01:00:51
And so getting to the point which is in flushing out particular issue. 01:00:55
Umm, myself And certainly people that I'm very familiar with. 01:01:02
Have the highest regard for the Bart family, certainly the city. 01:01:10
And people that are working with the city's. 01:01:13
And like yourselves, committee doing the hard work, work that a lot of people apparently don't see. 01:01:18
So I'm sorry about that. 01:01:25
But I wanted to speak because it has to do with the survey. 01:01:27
The survey has been proposed, has been postponed, I guess in regards to the language and some of the. 01:01:32
Meat of the survey. 01:01:42
What is concerning to me, and I wanted to bring it to the attention of the committee, so there's nothing to decide. 01:01:45
But apparently. 01:01:52
Why Nimi Wharf? 01:01:53
And the Flood Plaza is no longer that. 01:01:56
According to the draft of the port. 01:01:58
That was published March 18. It's the Bard Wharf and Flag Plaza. 01:02:03
Apparently Bubbling Springs Park is not Bubbling Springs Park, but is, at least according to this draft. 01:02:10
Richard Bart. Bubbling Springs Park. 01:02:19
Perhaps I missed the meeting. 01:02:23
Where this was approved by the city. 01:02:25
But it occurs to me that. 01:02:28
What I have here is a published document. It's a draft. 01:02:32
But if we're going to parse out words. 01:02:37
And language. 01:02:41
It's pretty biased. 01:02:43
And if you were doing a survey where you wanted independent? 01:02:45
Judgment, Spirit of the community. 01:02:50
I just would argue. 01:02:54
This, in terms of appearances, seems biased to me. 01:02:57
And I can tell you there's a concerted group that would be against the placement of this monument. 01:03:01
At the Flag Plaza. 01:03:07
And I made about 3 minutes, but thank you for the opportunity to speak. Thank you. Thank you for your public comment. And I know 01:03:10
staff was taking some notes there. And we appreciate your public comment. Thank you. 01:03:16
So we're now going to move to staff comments. This is an opportunity for the staff to provide any comments or reminders that they 01:03:24
have for the commissioners. 01:03:28
I only had one comment to make this afternoon. I don't know if anybody was able to attend, but I. 01:03:34
Since we last met, we did hold our Run For Your Heart 5K event down at the beach. 01:03:42
That was an item that this Commission had the opportunity to review the plan for and was ultimately approved. 01:03:50
The special use permit was approved by the City Council for that, and I just wanted to share. We had between 5 and 600 01:03:57
participants we had a Wellness fair with. 01:04:01
A dozen service providers providing various services to members of our community and overall it was generally a very successful 01:04:06
event, so just wanted to. 01:04:10
Thank you for your review and your input about that event, and in case you didn't get a chance, I just want to let everybody know 01:04:15
that. 01:04:18
It was a it was a great success and we look forward to. 01:04:22
Hosting another one and as a reminder, that was through the Community Benefit Fund and was in partnership. 01:04:25
With the Oxnard Harbor district, So we look forward to more partnerships with community benefit funds in the future. 01:04:31
Thank you. Thank you. Want to make a comment on that if I may. That was I I got to watch it and it was it was lovely and I got to 01:04:39
watch it from my my home and I saw. 01:04:43
All kinds of crazy outfits during the run, even even tutus, which was really funny. 01:04:49
But it was I was, I was surprised how many people showed up for that. That was a wildly successful event. So thank you for for 01:04:55
putting that on. 01:04:59
Any other staff updates or reminders? 01:05:06
OK, we're now going to move to commissioner comments. This is the time for the commissioners to provide any general comments. 01:05:09
We can't enter into discussion on specific items, but any general comments they have. 01:05:16
As well, of course, you can always reach out to staff. Are there any commissioner comments? 01:05:22
Just a quick comment, I just I found out today that. 01:05:27
Grocery Outlet is opening next week. 01:05:31
And they have a $1000 grocery giveaway for people that sign up on Facebook. 01:05:34
So I'm excited to finally have a grocery store in our backyard and and I hope everyone will go out and support. 01:05:40
Grocery Outlet, it's such a wonderful thing to have something close by that we can all. 01:05:48
Participate in and it's a great step forward for our economic development for our city. 01:05:54
Any other Commissioner comments, Commissioner Moody? 01:06:02
Yeah, if you're. 01:06:04
Over by the high school. 01:06:07
And you're on C St. 01:06:09
And you're driving down. Take a look up at the tennis courts. We have a really cool banner from the port. 01:06:11
Working with Adam Vega. 01:06:19
Who's been supporting our? 01:06:22
Viking tennis down there and. 01:06:25
It's just really cool, you know? The kids are really jazzed. 01:06:28
You know, they've taken a real sense of pride, Mr. Vega came over to the school. 01:06:33
And did a presentation. 01:06:38
For both teams. 01:06:40
Brought a bunch of swag just like Mr. Miguel has on with the logo right there. Brought all the kids hats and. 01:06:43
You know, we took a lot of pictures and stuff and it was. 01:06:50
And it was just really cool. 01:06:56
I feel good every time I drive down C St. and I see the banner it says. 01:06:59
Port Away Nimi supports biking, tennis. 01:07:03
And I just think that's really cool. You know, and. 01:07:07
Kudos to your organization, you know. 01:07:10
We are grateful, you know, on behalf of the kids. 01:07:12
You know, they walk around with the beanies on and. 01:07:15
The hats on, you know and it's. 01:07:18
They feel good, you know. So thanks very much for listening to me. 01:07:20
Thank you, Commissioner Moody. Any other? 01:07:24
Comments from a commissioners. 01:07:26
I just want to really appreciate staff. 01:07:32
Putting this all of course, this agenda together, all of our other work we've done in the the last six months or so, the 01:07:36
Commission has been more active than it's ever been and so this is. 01:07:41
What although another step in this kind of process for all of these items, I think it's a meaningful 1. 01:07:48
I know the city's also been improving, or rather expanding its communications online on its website. 01:07:55
And that's a big deal. I know that takes staff time and it's it's important. 01:08:02
As well as. 01:08:07
I know we're kind of navigating on certain times right now. 01:08:08
As far as state funding, we have state proposition one that passed that's going to have impacts in our city. 01:08:12
The state budget deficit is going to have an impact in our city and so that's very unknown time for our staff to navigate what 01:08:18
exactly our budget is going to look like. And so I just want to appreciate them and and their wisdom as we navigate these kind of. 01:08:25
Possibly difficult times that our city will be having, hopefully not where weather the storm. 01:08:32
Finally, I just want to acknowledge. So our next meeting is in July, so I just want to. 01:08:38
Encourage everybody and to continue to attend our community events both in the City of Winemie and an Oxnard and county wide. 01:08:42
In June, we will have the Juneteenth Festival in downtown Oxnard. There will also be Oxnard Pride and that's going to be a 01:08:51
wonderful that of course includes Port Hueneme. It's our LGBTQ plus Pride event in June. And so I really encourage everyone to 01:08:57
participate in those and any other community events that we have. 01:09:04
Coming up. 01:09:12
With. 01:09:13
Our next regular meeting of the Citizen Advisory Commission is Monday. 01:09:15
July 8th at 4:00 PM. 01:09:19
And with that, the meeting is now adjourned. The time is 509. Thank you everyone, and thank you to the commissioners and the 01:09:22
members of the public that are here. And of course, thank you to our fabulous staff. Thank you so much. 01:09:27
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Welcome to the Citizen Advisory Commission meeting. I'd like to call the meeting to order. The time is now 403. 00:03:37
Madam Clerk, please take roll call. 00:03:47
Commissioner Burke. 00:03:50
Here, Commissioner Moody. 00:03:53
Commissioner Savala here. 00:03:57
Oh, there he is. 00:03:59
Chair bruning and we'll give a vice chair. 00:04:02
I. 00:04:06
And Vice Chair Eau Claire. 00:04:18
Just in the nick of time, I'm present. Thank you. 00:04:22
We will now hear public comments not pertaining to items on the agenda. 00:04:27
Comments are limited to 3 minutes the process. 00:04:32
The same for comments pertaining to each. 00:04:37
Agenda item. 00:04:40
Madam Clerk, do we have anyone who has a public comment? 00:04:42
We have 1 written public comment. It says. Please consider electing Jan Burke, a Citizen Advisory Commission Chairperson. She is 00:04:46
well qualified as a longtime neighborhood resident who is active in the community and in touch with many residents. 00:04:53
The CAC represents. 00:05:01
She currently serves as chairperson of the Whining Me HOA Coalition group and is involved in the local business community as an 00:05:02
owner operator. 00:05:06
Her experience and community connections make for an excellent chairperson candidate. Thank you Mr. Jeffrey Scarberry. 00:05:11
And that concludes public comment. 00:05:18
Thank you. Now we'll have installation of officers. 00:05:21
The oath of office for newly appointed Commissioner. I'd like to welcome our newly appointed Commissioner. 00:05:27
Mark Zavala and Invite of the City Clerk to administer the oath of office. 00:05:33
Hi, Mark Zavala. 00:05:55
Do solemnly swear. 00:05:57
That I will support and defend. 00:06:00
The Constitution of the United States. 00:06:03
In the constitution of the State of California. 00:06:07
Against all enemies. 00:06:10
Foreign and domestic. 00:06:12
That I will bear true faith and allegiance. 00:06:15
To the Constitution of the United States. 00:06:20
Into the constitution of the State of California. 00:06:24
Did I take this kind of this obligation freely? 00:06:28
Without any mental reservations. 00:06:32
Or purpose of evasion. 00:06:36
And I will. 00:06:39
Well and faithfully. 00:06:40
Discharge the duties. 00:06:43
Upon which I am about to enter. 00:06:46
Well, thank you. 00:06:49
Thank you. 00:06:51
Commissioner Savala, would you like to say a few words? 00:06:53
Very few. 00:06:57
Sure. I'll just just a little short history. My name is Mark Zavala. 00:06:59
I was born and raised in Illinois. Went to school there. 00:07:05
Initially went to college and ran out of money, so I joined the Air Force at 4:00. 00:07:10
14 months in Vietnam when I got out of the Air Force. 00:07:16
Finished college at Western Illinois University. Applied for a job with the Los Angeles Police Department. 00:07:19
Came out here in 1972. 00:07:25
I worked 33 years with them. 00:07:28
And I'm happily married. I live in Port Hueneme. I've been here since 2006. 00:07:31
When I retired, I had a house up here. Little house. 00:07:37
And I have a daughter in San Diego. She's a District Attorney. I have a daughter in. 00:07:41
Bend OR. 00:07:46
And she's working on her master's as a teacher. 00:07:48
And I've got 4 grandchildren. 00:07:52
And happily married and I love poor Amy. 00:07:55
So. 00:08:00
OK, now I will turn it over to the clerk for this next item. 00:08:05
We are going to open nominations for the election of Chair. Do I have any nominations? 00:08:11
I would like to nominate Steven Eau Claire. 00:08:20
Do I have any other nominations? 00:08:26
OK, hearing none, I will proceed with a roll call vote for the nomination of Stephen Ecclair for Chair. 00:08:30
Commissioner Burke. 00:08:37
Commissioner Moody. 00:08:41
Commissioner Zavala. 00:08:44
Chair Rooney, Mr. Eau Claire. 00:08:48
Epstein abstain. OK, motion passes with Mr. Claire abstaining. 00:08:53
Welcome and congratulations, Carol, Claire and you may know conduct. 00:09:00
The yay. Thank you. I have a oh, OK. 00:09:04
So I now declare the The next thing we're going to be doing is electing conducting the election of a vice chair. 00:09:18
The position of the vice chair is vacant. The floor is now open for nominations for vice chair of this Commission. Are there any 00:09:25
nominations from a commissioner? 00:09:29
Yeah, I know. I need. 00:09:34
OK, there is one nomination. Are there any other nominations? 00:09:38
Any other nominations? Clerk if you'd like to call the roll. 00:09:45
OK. Thank you. 00:09:49
We will go with. 00:09:51
Commissioner Moody. 00:09:53
Commissioner Zavala. 00:09:56
Commissioner Bernie. 00:09:59
We'll say Eau Claire, aye and. 00:10:03
Miss Burke? 00:10:06
I too will abstain. 00:10:08
OK, motion passes. 00:10:09
Vice Chair Burke abstaining. 00:10:12
Thank you and congratulations. This is going to be a good year. So we're now going to move to the next item, which is the consent 00:10:15
calendar. 00:10:19
These items are considered together as one unless a member wishes to discuss it. 00:10:24
May I entertain a motion and a second to approve? The consent calendar contains the minutes from our last meeting. 00:10:29
Is there a motion? 00:10:36
I'll make a motion to accept it. There is a motion. Is there a second? Second. 00:10:38
There is a second. 00:10:43
Are there any opposed to the motion or all in favor? 00:10:48
Say aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:10:51
Seeing none, the consent calendar is agreed to and the minutes are adopted, we're now going to move to business item number 2, 00:10:54
which is. 00:10:59
A business item. 00:11:07
And that is the update regarding the Heroes history and Heritage policy policy nomination. 00:11:10
Which is the Richard Bard monument. Will staff please present the report. 00:11:16
Good afternoon and congratulations to Chair Eau Claire and Vice Chair Burke. 00:11:24
As many of you will recall, the Commission reviewed Oxnard Harbor District's application for a Barred monument. 00:11:30
At its November 13th, 2023 meeting. 00:11:38
The item is included on today's agenda in order to provide. 00:11:41
An update. Since that review happened, no action is requested from the Commission this afternoon. 00:11:44
After the commission's review, the item was discussed at a city. 00:11:52
Port joint committee meeting. 00:11:56
And the port indicated their intent to develop a survey to receive public input about the location of the proposed monument. 00:11:58
A draft survey which was included in your agenda packet. 00:12:06
Was presented to the City Council on March 18th. 00:12:10
And reviewed At that time, the Council supported the use of the survey, but made specific requests for amendments to the draft 00:12:14
survey that had been prepared. 00:12:18
Specifically the changes that were requested. 00:12:23
Included ensuring the location options on the survey are properly described. 00:12:26
That a map which identifies the geographic locations. 00:12:32
Is included. 00:12:35
In a statement indicating that the survey was intended for Port Hueneme, residents also be included on the survey. 00:12:37
I am recently advised that the survey that the port had developed is on hold. 00:12:45
And that the Oxnard Harbor District will be meeting to consider. 00:12:52
An alternate location to the one that was initially presented to this body. 00:12:57
As you may have noticed in the audience, Miguel Rodriguez, a representative from the Oxnard Harbor District, is here. 00:13:04
Again, this was intended as an update, since this body reviewed the item and it did go to council. An additional review and 00:13:11
consideration and direction was provided by Council. 00:13:15
No action has been requested if there are questions for staff. 00:13:19
Or for Mr. Rodriguez, we'd be happy to respond. 00:13:23
Thank you very much. Does the Commission have any questions for staff? This is only take questions at the time. 00:13:30
At this time Rather comments and discussion will be heard later after public comment. Are there any questions clarifying questions 00:13:37
though of staff? 00:13:40
Just a clarifying question, so turn on your mic, OK? 00:13:44
So if if I heard you right. 00:13:51
They're looking to the original proposed location is going to be. 00:13:55
Not considered and they're going to consider other locations. Is that correct, Might did I hear that right? 00:14:01
I'll give a, I'll give a quick answer and then Miguel can provide clarity. If I don't state it right. I think that the. 00:14:07
Commissioners are going to meet and consider an alternative location. Other than the one that was presented, I don't know that any 00:14:15
firm decision has been made to officially. 00:14:19
Omit anything but there is interest in considering alternate locations. 00:14:27
Is that correct? Thank you. Any other clarifying questions of staff from the commissioners? 00:14:32
OK, we're now going to move to public comment. Are there any public comments? 00:14:40
From the applicants or others on this item. No public comments. 00:14:45
OK. With that, are there any? 00:14:49
Comments from the Commissioners on this item. 00:14:55
Our discussion. 00:14:59
Right. I do want to thank the the port and the city for working on this item. I know it's. 00:15:04
It's been a long, I think a couple of years that they've been working on this going back and forth and so. 00:15:10
While in some ways. 00:15:16
They're having to go back to the. 00:15:18
The drawing board and exactly where it's placed, I appreciate that. Hopefully there's collaboration between the port and the city 00:15:21
and they're going to find a location for this statue. 00:15:25
And I look forward to a. 00:15:31
An update in the future. 00:15:33
Commissioners, any other comments? 00:15:36
OK, go ahead, Commissioner Moody. 00:15:39
On for this survey. 00:15:44
Is is it going to be only what Port Hueneme residents or is it? 00:15:45
Oxnard residents also. 00:15:50
Commissioner Moody, to answer your question right now, the survey will be placed on hold, however, based on the recommendations. 00:15:56
From City Council At the council meeting, there was a stipulation that the survey include text or language to differentiate 00:16:04
residents from my name from other residents. So. But as of right now there's. 00:16:12
No movement on the survey whatsoever. OK, It's on hold. Thank you, Sir. 00:16:20
I too just want to say thank you for. 00:16:28
Reevaluating the situation and trying to look for the best possible solution here, because I don't think anybody we know that 00:16:31
statues right now is not necessarily really popular topic. 00:16:37
From society but. 00:16:44
We appreciate Mr. Bard's contribution to our city. 00:16:46
And we do want to acknowledge that and we just want to find the right home for him. 00:16:50
Thank you. 00:16:55
Any other comments from any other commissioners? 00:16:57
OK, this item is a. 00:17:02
Receive and file and it's on the update. Rather, it's an update on the status of the application of the Bard monument. 00:17:05
Is there a motion now since we've received the update to receive and file this report? 00:17:12
I'll make a motion. I'll second. 00:17:20
It's been moved in second seconded. 00:17:23
Are there any all in favor? Say aye. 00:17:25
Aye. Are there any opposed? 00:17:28
Hearing none, the motion passes and is agreed to. 00:17:30
And the item is received and filed. Thank you to staff. 00:17:33
We're now going to move to a business item. 00:17:38
Well, it's a. 00:17:42
Interesting. It's the next business item which is the to review the cities legislative platform. 00:17:45
Will staff please present the report on this item? 00:17:52
OK. So the next business item, as the Chair indicated, is an opportunity to review the city's legislative platform? 00:17:57
A legislative platform allows. 00:18:04
For a prompt response by the city to propose legislation at the county, state or federal levels. 00:18:07
Also provides clarity regarding the City's position on various forms of legislation. 00:18:15
And allows for either the. 00:18:20
Mayor Pro Tem where city manager to issue a letter of support or opposition based on that position. 00:18:22
The Commission reviewed the city's proposed legislative platform back in October of 2022. 00:18:28
When the platform was initially put together, the document was reviewed by the Commission and forwarded to council. They reviewed 00:18:35
it on December 19th. 00:18:39
2022 and January 17, 2023 and was ultimately approved at the subsequent Council meeting on February 6th of 2023. 00:18:44
The version presented to CAC was amended through that council review process. 00:18:53
And I wanted to let the Commission know specifically how it was amended from when it was presented to the Commission. 00:18:59
So it's included in the staff report, but I'll just read it for those who may be watching the meeting or listening. 00:19:06
First, the section 12A. 00:19:14
Which referred to opposing legislation that would increase work. 00:19:19
Workman's compensation benefits. 00:19:22
That would result in additional employer costs was removed from the platform. 00:19:24
Also removed with section 31F. 00:19:29
Which Reads support legislation that would. 00:19:33
Support reimbursement by federal government for costs associated with incarcerating deportable criminals. 00:19:36
And then we had some additions. Section 7 is a new section of the platform entitled Mental Health. 00:19:44
And it expresses the city's support for community based mental health initiatives. 00:19:49
Outreach to those in need of mental health services. 00:19:54
Providing a continuum of mental health care for all, Increasing funding and services for suicide awareness and prevention. 00:19:57
And access to telehealth services. 00:20:03
There was also language that enhanced the scope of support for legislation relating to veterans services, military spouses and 00:20:06
financial incentives for former and current service members. 00:20:11
That was added to section 12 of the platform. 00:20:17
And then lastly, Section 13 entitled Law Enforcement was added and again as a new section to express the city's advocacy for law 00:20:20
enforcement related legislation in the following categories. 00:20:26
Social support, peer support and mental health suicide prevention training. 00:20:32
Familial support and technology in the field of law enforcement. 00:20:37
So those were the changes that were made and approved by the Council after the Commission had the opportunity to review that. 00:20:42
It's prudent for any city to review and consider its legislative platform periodically and that's why it is once again brought 00:20:49
forward. Not necessarily that there are any required changes, but it's an opportunity for the Commission to review, weigh in and 00:20:55
provide any. 00:21:01
Advice to ensure that. 00:21:07
Current or anticipated future needs within the Community are accounted for in the legislative platform. 00:21:10
So the item provides the opportunity for the commissioners and any interested members of the public to provide input on the 00:21:17
document. 00:21:20
Any recommended changes? 00:21:23
Would be presented to Council for final consideration. 00:21:25
That concludes the staff presentation available to answer any questions the Commission may have. 00:21:30
Thank you to the staff for that. 00:21:38
Presentation and preparing this report. Does the Commission have any questions for staff? Only questions at this time? 00:21:40
I have one question. 00:21:50
Given this started in 22 and 23. 00:21:53
And just as a point of clarification, the current city manager. 00:21:58
Did he have any chance or opportunity to weigh in on some of these changes? 00:22:04
As the new leader of our organization here. 00:22:09
Just curious because it this took place prior to his coming on board. 00:22:14
And if you had any recommendations or changes that he would like to. 00:22:20
Put forward. 00:22:23
Yeah, I did have a conversation with him. And you're absolutely correct in stating that both the original draft and the changes 00:22:25
that were made by the council, both of those. 00:22:29
We're prepared and approved prior to his arrival to the city. 00:22:33
He did not have any recommended changes for the Commission to consider. 00:22:37
The one conversation we did have there are. 00:22:42
Certain things happening out in the Ethos Metropolitan Water District recently raised some rates which will have a direct impact 00:22:45
on our water users. 00:22:49
So that may be things of that nature just, you know, kind of the protection of. 00:22:54
Our taxpayers. Our residents. Utility users. 00:22:59
Protection from unfunded mandates or pass through costs from other agencies, things of that nature. 00:23:03
But other than that, no specific requests or recommendations for the Commission to consider. 00:23:10
Any other questions of staff on this item? We can enter into discussion after this. 00:23:20
OK, we're now going to move to public comments. Are there any public comments regarding this item? No public comments. 00:23:26
There are no public comments on this item. The recommendation is to conduct a review of the legislative platform and consider the 00:23:32
need for. 00:23:36
Rather consider the need for recommended changes to the city councils consideration. 00:23:40
I'll now invite. 00:23:47
A discussion regarding any recommended changes to this item. Before we do that, Commissioners, I recommend that we take maybe two 00:23:48
or three minutes to review the document. 00:23:53
I'm sure many of us have reviewed this before we came to the meeting, but I know it's a long document, so let's take maybe 3 00:23:58
minutes to just. 00:24:00
Look through it. 00:24:04
And glance through and see if we have any questions. 00:24:06
You don't have a OK, so it should be. 00:24:10
Yeah, it should be. 00:24:14
Tab 6 I believe. 00:24:16
Yeah, so if you go to tab 6, it's a Gray tab. 00:24:20
Absolutely. So we're going to take just a few minutes to review this. 00:24:24
And then we'll come back together, Commissioners, and discuss. 00:24:28
We're now going to be entering discussion on this item. Again, this is the consideration of. 00:29:13
The legislative platform, Any recommendations we have or general feedback for staff? 00:29:19
We're not, of course, the final body on this, we're just providing feedback that eventually will go on to the. 00:29:25
The council members. 00:29:30
What feedback does the Commission have or discussion or recommendations? 00:29:32
I have one. I think overall this is well done. 00:29:39
On the section Public Protection section #3. 00:29:45
Crime F. 00:29:51
It says support legislation that would enhance local control over public nuisances. 00:29:55
Including adult entertainment problem, alcohol establishments and properties where illegal drugs are sold. 00:30:01
I'm just curious why we wouldn't just say. 00:30:08
Included, but not limited to. 00:30:11
It seems like it's. I mean, we don't, first of all, we don't even have an alcohol establishment anymore. We don't even have a bar 00:30:13
in our town. So it just seems kind of limited as far as. 00:30:18
What it is calling out specifically? 00:30:24
So these are just examples and just. 00:30:28
Just one. It's just a little wordsmithing, that's all. 00:30:32
OK. Is there any other feedback? 00:30:37
Commissioner Burke. 00:30:40
Well done. Any other commissioners? 00:30:44
Yeah. 00:30:49
On page 15. 00:30:53
Number Roman numeral #10. 00:30:57
And it speaks of the arts. 00:31:00
And I just think it's kind of nebulous. 00:31:03
And I know we talked about it as far as the. 00:31:10
Beach Festival and the funding and. 00:31:15
You know anything that's going to enhance the quality of life and. 00:31:19
I would just think that as far as the arts and cultural resources and. 00:31:24
Historic preservation, You know that that. 00:31:29
Maybe could be flushed out a little bit more. 00:31:33
You know. 00:31:37
You know, and and I'm, you know, and I'm OK with not having any bars, you know, in the city, you know, or anything like that. That 00:31:39
doesn't bother me, but. 00:31:43
But I mean. 00:31:46
You know what would be the? You know there could be a process for. 00:31:48
You know, concerts and. 00:31:53
Poetry readings, you know, or anything that would enhance the quality of life. 00:31:55
And you know, yeah, I understand, you know, when you say support legislation, you know, but. 00:32:01
What specifically are we talking about? 00:32:08
You know, it kind of just makes me think of what I'm. 00:32:11
Teaching kids how to write an essay and the whole thing. 00:32:16
About flushing out your points and stuff like that. 00:32:19
And I just think that that could be something that would be really great for the city. 00:32:23
You know, and we we did speak of. 00:32:26
The budget how it wasn't paying for itself. 00:32:30
I'm just kind of. 00:32:34
You know, we're trying to remember off the top of my head, but. 00:32:35
I would just think those are things that we would want to. 00:32:40
Make sure that we're on point with as far as. 00:32:44
The quality of life for the city, you know, especially for the kids. 00:32:47
You know, being a coach. 00:32:51
I know that. 00:32:54
You know, and I'll just bring up one point and I'll be brief, you know, but with the use of the boys club. 00:32:57
My kids a basketball player and. 00:33:03
You can't. You know you can't use the gym if you're under 18. 00:33:08
You know, and I don't mind bringing him over there. 00:33:12
But it's it's within walking distance of my house and you know, and I feel comfortable having my kid, you know, go down there. 00:33:16
And be able to play pick up games and stuff like that. 00:33:23
I just think it's you know, broad based and I think that we could do a better job as far as you know. 00:33:26
You know, we are talking arts, cultural resources and historic preservation. The other point I'd like to make too is. 00:33:32
Concerning the. 00:33:39
It kind of dovetails with the statue of Mr. Bard. 00:33:41
You know, and perhaps if there was more information. 00:33:46
That talked about, you know, I mean, I I understand, you know, because I was part of the presentation. 00:33:49
When the gentleman was talking about that, but what about other people who? 00:33:55
Don't really know exactly the insurance and outs of everything he did you know to. 00:33:59
To, you know, bring the city to where it is today. 00:34:04
To me, that's like a historic preservation, you know? And I think that that should be really fleshed out. 00:34:06
You know, as far as the legislative process goes, right? 00:34:12
If we're going to put money behind that to make sure that everybody knows what's going on, you know, within this. 00:34:15
You know, especially the residents, and that's why I asked Mr. Miguel. 00:34:20
About the survey concerning if it was only going out to whining residents. 00:34:24
You know who is going to have input. 00:34:29
You know, because it says Oxnard Harbor district, right? So. 00:34:31
I know that they're all connected, right? You know? 00:34:35
And if that makes sense, but that's kind of what I'm thinking right now. 00:34:37
You know, looking at this. 00:34:40
Thank you, Thank you, Commissioner Moody, So I've noted that. 00:34:43
You would like more specifics around the arts platform section of the platform, maybe a little bit more expansive? 00:34:47
Right. Well, just enhance you know, to know exactly where you know. 00:34:53
What the process is? 00:34:57
Any other commissioners? 00:35:04
Well, I have a few. Um. 00:35:11
That I would like a few comments to make. I appreciate that the Council and the proposal that went to Council last time ultimately 00:35:14
removed some of the items. 00:35:18
That I believe I actually made the motion on two of these to have them removed, including the. 00:35:23
Opposition. Or to remove the opposition to rather to oppose legislation that would increase worker compensation benefits. 00:35:28
I stand by that. I think it was. 00:35:38
Not great. It's not a good look as a city to say let's pay our staff as little as possible when it comes to work or compensation. 00:35:41
And then the other item which I. 00:35:49
Was still shocked was in that proposal, which had to do with reimbursement of incarcerating deportable criminals, as it says. 00:35:52
In a community that has undocumented individuals, that's language we should not have in our platform and I'm glad that it was 00:35:59
removed. 00:36:03
And hopefully. 00:36:07
We don't experience that again where something having to do with the undocumented community and the city benefiting from deporting 00:36:09
them. 00:36:12
Is added. 00:36:16
And so I appreciate that that was removed and it's a sign in good faith. I hope that undocumented community can can trust our city 00:36:18
that we're not just looking at profiting off. 00:36:23
Deporting them. 00:36:28
Or participating in their deportation. 00:36:30
And so I appreciate those. I appreciate the other additions. 00:36:34
For the other parts of the legislative platform, I do have a concern around item under general governance, so actually the first 00:36:38
page. 00:36:43
2B Under workers compensation. 00:36:50
It's a support legislation that would reform the workers compensation process to incentivize employees returning to work. 00:36:57
Creating a disincentive for those that do not return. 00:37:05
To available modified duty on an alternative positions. 00:37:09
I'm just concerned that there's some elements in the platform that are still kind of anti worker and I think that is anti worker. 00:37:17
Anti union worker, An anti worker. And so I believe the city should be supporting the Wellness of our staff and not creating 00:37:25
disincentives. 00:37:30
For them, especially if they're going through the workers compensation process, that means that they've had an experience. 00:37:36
That they need to be supported through. 00:37:42
And whether that's an injury on the job or something else, I'm concerned that the city would be supporting legislation. 00:37:44
That would be penalizing. 00:37:51
US staff at any time. 00:37:54
Under Labor Relations #4. 00:37:57
For B. 00:38:01
Excuse me? That's not the one for E is what I'm referring to, and that is opposed legislation that requires the use of city 00:38:05
employees rather than a city giving the city. 00:38:10
The flexibility determine the most effective means of providing a service, including contracting out. 00:38:15
This item I'm also not totally comfortable with. It's kind of a well known anti collective bargaining, anti labor. 00:38:23
Union Labor. 00:38:32
Platform. 00:38:34
To weaken the use of unionized labor and instead contract out. 00:38:36
Those services. So in general it would be opposed to 4E. 00:38:42
Umm N2B. 00:38:48
For similar reasons, I think we need to be pro worker support our staff. 00:38:51
And impose the elimination of our staff members. 00:38:55
So with that, I don't know if my colleagues have comments on those two points. 00:39:01
On your two points. 00:39:11
To be in 4 E on the. 00:39:13
It's it's not. 00:39:17
I think it's how you interpret it as a business owner. 00:39:19
And in the state of California. 00:39:24
Brooklyn's compensation? 00:39:27
Is challenging to say the least. 00:39:29
And I you know, incentivizing people to come back to work is very important because the the legal system is. 00:39:32
Is very, very difficult to navigate as a business owner and imagine it's probably the same with the city, so to. 00:39:43
To incentivize people to get back to work and try to provide a better path forward for them. 00:39:51
I do. I think it's an important. 00:39:55
Topic to consider. 00:39:58
I think that. 00:40:00
You know, to de incentivize those who do not return to work. 00:40:02
You know I think that that's how you interpret that. I think that if we, if our incentives are are to come back to work are are. 00:40:06
Fair, reasonable and and meaningful to the employee. I think that that that's a really good. 00:40:13
'Cause to have. 00:40:21
And if and but to try to mitigate the legal aspect of people who try to to not come back to work and just use the system is where 00:40:23
I think that. 00:40:28
I think is what the interpretation and the meaning is here, and I think that it's important that we realize and be cognizant of 00:40:33
that fact that. 00:40:36
Is there, I mean having. 00:40:40
Have to deal with, you know? 00:40:43
A lot of cases in my past, it's it's tough. 00:40:45
Out of business, and I'm sure it's tough on the city, too. 00:40:49
So I I. 00:40:53
I don't necessarily agree 100% with your your your points. I do agree that it's important to incentivize people to come back to 00:40:55
work and then on on your your. 00:41:00
Second point. 00:41:05
Opposed legislation? 00:41:08
That requires city employees. 00:41:10
To have the flexibility to. 00:41:12
To contract out, basically. 00:41:16
We're small city. 00:41:19
We can't exactly. We can't hire all of the resources that we need. 00:41:21
Sometimes we have special projects, sometimes we have special. 00:41:25
Temporary work. Sometimes we have special needs for specific. 00:41:30
Tasks and As a small city, we can't necessarily afford to hire full time staff. 00:41:35
From some of the positions that we need. 00:41:42
Again, as a business owner. 00:41:44
And a small. 00:41:46
Medium sized company. 00:41:48
I from time to time do. 00:41:51
Higher for specific projects and I think it's reasonable to to do so and I think that. 00:41:53
You know, if we have the opportunity for a special. 00:41:59
Master plan or a special? 00:42:03
Project that the City Council would like to see done. 00:42:07
And the staff has to execute it. They may not have the resources and like it's sort of like this. Is events Event is a very good 00:42:10
example of that. 00:42:14
You know, maybe the city decided to bring it back in house, which is terrific, to keep it local, to keep it. 00:42:18
A project that's run by the city. 00:42:28
There may be times when they want want to outsource some pieces of that. So I think we just need to find that balance and I think 00:42:31
that I what I'd like to recommend is that we keep that in there because it gives the we got to give the city some flexibility. 00:42:37
On other Commissioners on that, on those two points. 00:42:47
Would the Commission entertain for #2B? 00:42:57
To eliminate creating a, recommend the removal of, creating a disincentive for those that do not return to work. 00:43:01
That section. 00:43:11
To focus on incentives rather than creating a disincentive. 00:43:14
Well, again, my question would be how do you define this incentive? 00:43:22
Well, right now, if we adopt this as is, we're leaving it completely open. 00:43:28
That we would allow, we would support the state. 00:43:33
Passing legislation that could penalize employees in any way they see fit for going on workers compensation. 00:43:37
Well, the city is very limited as to how they can disincentivize. 00:43:53
That but. 00:43:57
Could we eliminate that one phrase? 00:43:59
I would be OK with that. I think that it's it's. 00:44:02
Maybe understood that we try to work through those things, those challenges and try to. 00:44:06
Make the best of them, so I'd be OK with that. 00:44:12
OK. 00:44:21
So with that, are there any other comments? 00:44:24
On the platform. 00:44:28
I'll get the feedback that I have heard and then it will go to staff. 00:44:33
Is around the crime. 00:44:37
Being more expansive on item F. 00:44:40
Umm, which had to do with. 00:44:44
The type of areas that. 00:44:46
It's just so we all review kind of the feedback we've given. 00:44:49
To staff. If we reach consensus on this, feedback would be even even stronger. 00:44:53
Would be under public protection under Crime Item F support legislation that would enhance local control over public nuisances. 00:45:00
Including adult entertainment facilities. 00:45:10
Problem problem alcohol establishments and properties where illegal drugs are sold. 00:45:13
No, it would be. It would read, including, but not limited to. 00:45:19
So adding not limited to it. 00:45:27
Do we have that noted? 00:45:34
To figure those things out. Is there a consensus on that recommendation? 00:45:37
I agree with Jen. 00:45:42
OK for. 00:45:44
Under the Arts section. 00:45:46
Commissioner Moody had suggested that instead of. 00:45:53
Currently, there is only one item under the arts, which is support legislation for continued state funding that recognizes the 00:45:57
role. 00:46:01
Of the Sorry the role that local art activities and historic preservation have in community life. 00:46:05
Just a recommendation that we're a little bit more expansive in that area and leave it deferred to staff on what that looks like. 00:46:12
I agree with Commissioner Moody's recommendation and I think that, you know, adding even just as simple as arts and culture. 00:46:24
Arts, culture and historic preservation. 00:46:33
Could help that but and I just looking to because it's it's in the title but it's not in the the the the language of the topic so. 00:46:36
I think if we can. 00:46:46
Flush that out a bit more, a little more robust. 00:46:48
All-encompassing. 00:46:56
For arts, culture, and historic preservation. 00:47:00
Is there any other? Yeah, just just maybe you know what what direction the city wants to go and you know, to specify that. 00:47:05
So there's consensus around that, feedback on that item. 00:47:15
OK. And then the item I raised, which is under general general governance. 00:47:21
Under workers compensation, it's #2B. 00:47:28
And it would be to. 00:47:32
End #2B at returning to work. 00:47:35
So striking from creating a disincentive all the way to alternative positions. 00:47:39
There's consensus on that. 00:47:48
Any other items, yes. 00:47:52
Section C. 00:47:57
Let's all support legislation that provides local government the power to determine whether anti opiate medication should be 00:48:00
deployed in a given community. 00:48:06
I'm sorry, can you can you refer to the reference Public protection drugs and it's part C? 00:48:13
Page 9. 00:48:22
9. 00:48:25
Yes, on page line at the top, page 9 of 16 top. OK, see. 00:48:27
What does that mean? 00:48:33
Why? Why does the city? 00:48:36
Trying to be doctors. I mean, I don't understand what it's trying to say. 00:48:39
I don't know if that city manager's office or staff can speak to that. I have a. 00:48:48
We have a theory that what that might be, yeah. I have a theory of what that might be referring to. But if the city manager. 00:48:55
So it's not not my area of expertise. When we put the legislative platform together, we did ask all departments to review and 00:49:05
provide there's. 00:49:09
Given your background, you may be able to quickly correct my assumption here, but I'll throw one thing out. I know that. 00:49:14
This is under crime and drugs and law enforcement. 00:49:21
When police officers come into contact with people that have overdosed Narcan and other. 00:49:25
Drugs are sometimes administered to help bring them back. 00:49:33
This speaks to the local power to administer certain drugs. So if that falls into the category of. 00:49:37
Anti opiate, perhaps it's referring to that. 00:49:43
OK. But those guys are trained. 00:49:49
Correct, yes. 00:49:51
OK, I got you. All right. So that makes sense. 00:49:52
To me now. 00:49:55
On the on that item, we should perhaps have a conversation around do we? 00:49:57
Think the city. 00:50:05
Should be in favor in the expansion use of Narcan, for example on this item? Or are we opposing because this says that the cities? 00:50:08
One second to support legislation. 00:50:21
Yeah. This is that provides local. Yeah. It's so it's it's saying, hey, it's saying they have the power to yeah, I mean whether to 00:50:24
use it or not. Excuse me over and over again. 00:50:29
I mean essentially this is coming from the leagues of city, is my assumption right? And it's all about local control, local 00:50:34
control, local control, every every one of these bullet points pretty much is the state is us saying. 00:50:39
State don't tell us what to do. We want local control. 00:50:45
Now when I see this, it's telling me. 00:50:49
Perhaps. 00:50:53
Do we view the opiate crisis in such a way that we're saying, hey, let's do all options on the table, or are we going to say hey 00:50:56
no, we want local control on the use of Narcan? 00:51:01
And I'm not sure how the Commission feels on that. I would rather be part of a regional or statewide approach. 00:51:07
Then say hey no, we want local control on whether how we save lives. 00:51:15
With Narcan, well, yeah. 00:51:19
It makes sense to have the experts tell us what's good. 00:51:22
But we didn't. CDC didn't do a hell of a good job, so. 00:51:25
But I agree that. 00:51:30
No, the city. 00:51:34
If what? 00:51:39
The city manager said is accurate. 00:51:41
I'm sure it is. I mean that makes sense, but. 00:51:43
For the city to decide what? 00:51:47
Is medically. 00:51:49
Good or bad for these opiate computers? 00:51:51
I mean that's. 00:51:55
Not doctors. 00:51:56
To the conversation that the Commission is having, I'll just add there's nobody in the city that considers themselves a medical 00:51:58
expert. Those decisions on whether to administer and use would be based on best practice on. 00:52:04
Medical journals, medical publications, and studies that suggest that it is or is not an effective tool. 00:52:11
And you're right, Chair, it is really about local control, the city being able to research, gather data and make those decisions 00:52:17
rather than. 00:52:21
Be told by another agency whether it should or should not use those. 00:52:25
I mean in general when it comes to this use. 00:52:30
I would defer to the statewide agencies who are addressing the opiate use and and things like the California Department of Public 00:52:33
Health and others. 00:52:37
On how we can best deploy these life saving measures. 00:52:42
As the city manager's office mentioned, we don't necessarily have an expert on. 00:52:46
On Narcan and we would be referring to these same departments, so to say, kind of. 00:52:51
I don't want to make a mountain out of mole mole hill here, but um. 00:52:57
I'm just cautious around, especially public health and saying hey. 00:53:02
Actually, somehow we we will know more. 00:53:06
Then then statewide experts in Narcan. 00:53:09
Generally, the people that administer that stuff are trained like medical personnel, they are ambulance people. 00:53:15
And largely because officers that have this stuff are trained on it also. But it's. 00:53:23
Usually for extreme emergencies, right? And largely regulated by the state. 00:53:28
Correct. Right. And so. 00:53:33
There was a movement to actually make Narcan available as broadly as possible, and so, for example, many schools in the country, 00:53:36
or a state rather, are now being supplied with Narcan. 00:53:42
I know in some instances municipalities are training things like individuals like front, front desk, administrative assistants and 00:53:49
others on both like the paddles on heart attacks and Narcan. 00:53:56
In case somebody shows up. 00:54:04
In your lobby, who's overdosing? 00:54:06
So we don't need to belabor this point, but I. 00:54:08
That two point, since you brought it up, that was kind of my concern is. 00:54:11
Especially right now with the opiate crisis so. 00:54:16
Our communities, I think it's fine the way it's written to support legislation that provides local government the power to 00:54:19
determine whether an anti opioid medication should be deployed. 00:54:24
In a given community and who has the authority to administer it? So I think that the wording is actually appropriate. Well, it. 00:54:30
Acknowledge that, Yeah, I I. 00:54:39
My concern is it's it, it sounds like. 00:54:41
It's positive, but it's actually about local control. It's saying we're not going to listen to the necessarily deferred to the 00:54:45
experts at public health, at the state or statewide strategies. 00:54:49
Where? Well, it's saying we're going to provide that local government has the power that we're going to. 00:54:54
Decide. Somebody here at the City Hall is going to decide. 00:55:00
Whether or not they follow best practices. Whether or not they follow. 00:55:03
Public health guidance. 00:55:07
And I don't know if I'm comfortable. 00:55:09
Saying umm. 00:55:11
That we're going to just oppose any kind of. 00:55:15
Recommended guidance from the state. 00:55:18
Again, I don't want to belabor the point, but in general that's where I see this contrast between local control. 00:55:21
And things like, hey, we need to save lives. Why are we saying hey, keep, stay, stay out of our backyard, let us can decide 00:55:27
whether or not and how we save lives. 00:55:31
The way I'm reading this. 00:55:37
Is that they're wanting? 00:55:40
To be able to. 00:55:44
Use an anti opiate medication. 00:55:46
Maybe it should be should say should be deployed in a given situation. 00:55:52
And set a. 00:55:59
Yeah, because even where it says given, community seems kind of problematic to me, right? We're going to decide that when you mean 00:56:01
Bay is not going to get, it should probably say should be deployed in a given situation. 00:56:07
And who has the authority to administer it? 00:56:15
I understand where they're going with this, yeah. 00:56:18
I have a medical background. 00:56:22
So they're wanting to say. 00:56:24
We want the power to administer. 00:56:28
One of these drugs, if we need to. 00:56:32
But when it says in a given community, that's that's a broadband. 00:56:36
It should say get in a given situation. 00:56:42
I'll second that. 00:56:47
Any other commissioners comments on that? 00:56:50
Maybe we add some language in there with regards to the science. 00:56:56
Based on science. 00:57:01
The most recent science based knowledge and learnings that we can. 00:57:03
Determine as the best practices. Just something simple like that, OK? 00:57:09
Including some. 00:57:14
I mean, you have to use discretion, you have to use common sense. But you, you know, using science as the. 00:57:17
As the, as the. 00:57:24
Navigational tool to get us where we need to be? Yeah. Scientific guidance, right? 00:57:25
OK. Any other? I think we're getting close to consensus on this item. Any other feedback? 00:57:32
I just want to thank you, Commissioner, for bringing up this item, and it sounds like we've reached consensus on this, at least 00:57:39
providing some feedback. 00:57:42
There any other any other feedback on this platform? 00:57:46
OK, let me find my little CHEAT SHEET here. 00:57:51
OK, so. 00:58:02
Just in summary of the recommended changes that we've reached consensus on, we're about to do a motion on all of them together. 00:58:04
Would be crime. 00:58:12
Having to do with the more expansive language. 00:58:14
The Arts section having more specifics. 00:58:17
The item having to do with workers compensation removing and striking the section of the sentence having to do with creating a. 00:58:22
Disincentive all the way through the remainder of that sentence. That's number. 00:58:29
To be under general governance. 00:58:34
And then under crime. 00:58:37
Excuse me, under public protection? 00:58:40
Under Section 2, which is drugs. 00:58:43
Striking the the section of the sentence referring to a given community and instead say a given situation, right? 00:58:48
And then adding some language they're having to do with following. 00:58:56
Guidance. Medical scientific guidance. 00:59:00
OK. Is that clear for staff? 00:59:03
Is there a motion to approve those recommendations? I make a motion to approve those. 00:59:07
OK. Is there a second? I'll second it. OK, there is a second. 00:59:13
OK. All those in favor, say aye. 00:59:20
Aye, aye. Any opposed? 00:59:22
OK. That item is adopted. 00:59:26
Excuse me, those recommendations are made to staff. 00:59:28
OK, now we are going to make a little bit of an exception here. 00:59:33
We are now going to briefly return to public comment. 00:59:37
And just because we we had overlooked an individual who wanted to speak. 00:59:43
On an item and while we have already. 00:59:47
Addressed item 5, which is the update on the Heroes heritage and. 00:59:52
Policy. I would like to just briefly give that an opportunity for the member of the public that wanted to address that item. 00:59:56
As a reminder, we can't enter into a discussion because we've already handled that item, but if that individual wanted to come 01:00:02
forward and give public comment. 01:00:06
I believe they have 3 minutes. 01:00:10
Thank you, take 3 minutes, but first of all. 01:00:12
Chairperson. 01:00:17
Members of the committee and staff. 01:00:19
My name is Tom King. I'm a resident. Poor way. Nimi been here for. 01:00:23
Over 20 years. 01:00:27
My comment has to do. 01:00:31
And I really want to appreciate what the chair has said, Mr. Moody said. 01:00:34
And what? 01:00:38
Committee member Burke has said in regards to flushing out certain language about the monument. 01:00:42
And what the port is doing? 01:00:48
And you've been wrestling with language. 01:00:51
And so getting to the point which is in flushing out particular issue. 01:00:55
Umm, myself And certainly people that I'm very familiar with. 01:01:02
Have the highest regard for the Bart family, certainly the city. 01:01:10
And people that are working with the city's. 01:01:13
And like yourselves, committee doing the hard work, work that a lot of people apparently don't see. 01:01:18
So I'm sorry about that. 01:01:25
But I wanted to speak because it has to do with the survey. 01:01:27
The survey has been proposed, has been postponed, I guess in regards to the language and some of the. 01:01:32
Meat of the survey. 01:01:42
What is concerning to me, and I wanted to bring it to the attention of the committee, so there's nothing to decide. 01:01:45
But apparently. 01:01:52
Why Nimi Wharf? 01:01:53
And the Flood Plaza is no longer that. 01:01:56
According to the draft of the port. 01:01:58
That was published March 18. It's the Bard Wharf and Flag Plaza. 01:02:03
Apparently Bubbling Springs Park is not Bubbling Springs Park, but is, at least according to this draft. 01:02:10
Richard Bart. Bubbling Springs Park. 01:02:19
Perhaps I missed the meeting. 01:02:23
Where this was approved by the city. 01:02:25
But it occurs to me that. 01:02:28
What I have here is a published document. It's a draft. 01:02:32
But if we're going to parse out words. 01:02:37
And language. 01:02:41
It's pretty biased. 01:02:43
And if you were doing a survey where you wanted independent? 01:02:45
Judgment, Spirit of the community. 01:02:50
I just would argue. 01:02:54
This, in terms of appearances, seems biased to me. 01:02:57
And I can tell you there's a concerted group that would be against the placement of this monument. 01:03:01
At the Flag Plaza. 01:03:07
And I made about 3 minutes, but thank you for the opportunity to speak. Thank you. Thank you for your public comment. And I know 01:03:10
staff was taking some notes there. And we appreciate your public comment. Thank you. 01:03:16
So we're now going to move to staff comments. This is an opportunity for the staff to provide any comments or reminders that they 01:03:24
have for the commissioners. 01:03:28
I only had one comment to make this afternoon. I don't know if anybody was able to attend, but I. 01:03:34
Since we last met, we did hold our Run For Your Heart 5K event down at the beach. 01:03:42
That was an item that this Commission had the opportunity to review the plan for and was ultimately approved. 01:03:50
The special use permit was approved by the City Council for that, and I just wanted to share. We had between 5 and 600 01:03:57
participants we had a Wellness fair with. 01:04:01
A dozen service providers providing various services to members of our community and overall it was generally a very successful 01:04:06
event, so just wanted to. 01:04:10
Thank you for your review and your input about that event, and in case you didn't get a chance, I just want to let everybody know 01:04:15
that. 01:04:18
It was a it was a great success and we look forward to. 01:04:22
Hosting another one and as a reminder, that was through the Community Benefit Fund and was in partnership. 01:04:25
With the Oxnard Harbor district, So we look forward to more partnerships with community benefit funds in the future. 01:04:31
Thank you. Thank you. Want to make a comment on that if I may. That was I I got to watch it and it was it was lovely and I got to 01:04:39
watch it from my my home and I saw. 01:04:43
All kinds of crazy outfits during the run, even even tutus, which was really funny. 01:04:49
But it was I was, I was surprised how many people showed up for that. That was a wildly successful event. So thank you for for 01:04:55
putting that on. 01:04:59
Any other staff updates or reminders? 01:05:06
OK, we're now going to move to commissioner comments. This is the time for the commissioners to provide any general comments. 01:05:09
We can't enter into discussion on specific items, but any general comments they have. 01:05:16
As well, of course, you can always reach out to staff. Are there any commissioner comments? 01:05:22
Just a quick comment, I just I found out today that. 01:05:27
Grocery Outlet is opening next week. 01:05:31
And they have a $1000 grocery giveaway for people that sign up on Facebook. 01:05:34
So I'm excited to finally have a grocery store in our backyard and and I hope everyone will go out and support. 01:05:40
Grocery Outlet, it's such a wonderful thing to have something close by that we can all. 01:05:48
Participate in and it's a great step forward for our economic development for our city. 01:05:54
Any other Commissioner comments, Commissioner Moody? 01:06:02
Yeah, if you're. 01:06:04
Over by the high school. 01:06:07
And you're on C St. 01:06:09
And you're driving down. Take a look up at the tennis courts. We have a really cool banner from the port. 01:06:11
Working with Adam Vega. 01:06:19
Who's been supporting our? 01:06:22
Viking tennis down there and. 01:06:25
It's just really cool, you know? The kids are really jazzed. 01:06:28
You know, they've taken a real sense of pride, Mr. Vega came over to the school. 01:06:33
And did a presentation. 01:06:38
For both teams. 01:06:40
Brought a bunch of swag just like Mr. Miguel has on with the logo right there. Brought all the kids hats and. 01:06:43
You know, we took a lot of pictures and stuff and it was. 01:06:50
And it was just really cool. 01:06:56
I feel good every time I drive down C St. and I see the banner it says. 01:06:59
Port Away Nimi supports biking, tennis. 01:07:03
And I just think that's really cool. You know, and. 01:07:07
Kudos to your organization, you know. 01:07:10
We are grateful, you know, on behalf of the kids. 01:07:12
You know, they walk around with the beanies on and. 01:07:15
The hats on, you know and it's. 01:07:18
They feel good, you know. So thanks very much for listening to me. 01:07:20
Thank you, Commissioner Moody. Any other? 01:07:24
Comments from a commissioners. 01:07:26
I just want to really appreciate staff. 01:07:32
Putting this all of course, this agenda together, all of our other work we've done in the the last six months or so, the 01:07:36
Commission has been more active than it's ever been and so this is. 01:07:41
What although another step in this kind of process for all of these items, I think it's a meaningful 1. 01:07:48
I know the city's also been improving, or rather expanding its communications online on its website. 01:07:55
And that's a big deal. I know that takes staff time and it's it's important. 01:08:02
As well as. 01:08:07
I know we're kind of navigating on certain times right now. 01:08:08
As far as state funding, we have state proposition one that passed that's going to have impacts in our city. 01:08:12
The state budget deficit is going to have an impact in our city and so that's very unknown time for our staff to navigate what 01:08:18
exactly our budget is going to look like. And so I just want to appreciate them and and their wisdom as we navigate these kind of. 01:08:25
Possibly difficult times that our city will be having, hopefully not where weather the storm. 01:08:32
Finally, I just want to acknowledge. So our next meeting is in July, so I just want to. 01:08:38
Encourage everybody and to continue to attend our community events both in the City of Winemie and an Oxnard and county wide. 01:08:42
In June, we will have the Juneteenth Festival in downtown Oxnard. There will also be Oxnard Pride and that's going to be a 01:08:51
wonderful that of course includes Port Hueneme. It's our LGBTQ plus Pride event in June. And so I really encourage everyone to 01:08:57
participate in those and any other community events that we have. 01:09:04
Coming up. 01:09:12
With. 01:09:13
Our next regular meeting of the Citizen Advisory Commission is Monday. 01:09:15
July 8th at 4:00 PM. 01:09:19
And with that, the meeting is now adjourned. The time is 509. Thank you everyone, and thank you to the commissioners and the 01:09:22
members of the public that are here. And of course, thank you to our fabulous staff. Thank you so much.