No Bookmarks Exist.
A place for. 00:00:55
I was just gonna say, Mr. Jacobson, I actually have a packet right here for you at this table. 00:00:57
OK. Are there any public comments? 00:01:05
There are no public comments. OK, all right. This brings us to agenda approval for the water agency. May I have a motion and a 00:01:09
second to approve the agenda? 00:01:14
Move to approve. 00:01:19
2nd. 00:01:22
2nd. 00:01:23
Director Martinez. 00:01:25
All in favor. 00:01:28
Aye, all opposed. 00:01:30
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:01:32
OK. We're going to move on to this is the time of year where we do rotate the chair and vice chair. So at this point, I'm going to 00:01:36
open the floor for nomination. Oh, that's your job. I'm sorry. 00:01:42
Let's turn it over to our clerk. The floor is now open for nominations for chair. 00:01:49
Do I have any nominations? 00:01:54
Move to approve Director Remember Le Beau as the chair of the agency. 00:01:57
Do you have any comments? Does the board have any comments? 00:02:07
No, I just think for those who are new to the board, we usually switch back between a city representative has the chair. 00:02:12
And then the subsequent year, it goes to the PHW, a member of the PHWA. 00:02:20
One of the other AG. 00:02:27
OK, so. 00:02:30
If you're ready, I can take A roll call vote. 00:02:33
So remember Martinez. 00:02:35
Yes, yes, yes. 00:02:38
Now. 00:02:43
Hey, sorry, Chair Le Beau. Yes, Chair Hernandez. OK. 00:02:45
Motion approved. 00:02:50
Do I turn this over to him at this point? 00:02:53
And can you? 00:02:55
Instruct us at the seating arrangements. 00:02:58
I will now open the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Do I have a nomination? 00:03:11
I'll nominate Nominate Director Martha McQueen. 00:03:18
2nd. 00:03:23
And Madam Clerk, can you please conduct any other nominations first? 00:03:26
Hearing none, Madam Clerk, can you please conduct A roll call vote? 00:03:31
Yes. 00:03:35
Member McQueen Lejeune. 00:03:37
For Vice chair now member Bouchard. 00:03:39
Vice Chair No. Sorry. Chair LeBeau and member Hernandez. 00:03:43
Yes, ocean. 00:03:50
Congratulations. Congratulations. 00:03:51
Now do we want to change? 00:03:56
Traffic. 00:04:09
OK. 00:04:13
It was a pleasure serving. Thank you, Laura. 00:04:21
Musical chairs. 00:04:40
Yeah, she's in LA right now. 00:04:43
OK, we'll now consider items on the consent calendar, which will be enacted in one motion unless an agency member has a request to 00:04:54
remove an item for discussion. 00:04:58
May have a motion and 2nd to approve our consent calendar. 00:05:03
Move to Appro. 00:05:10
2nd. 00:05:11
Madame Clerk, can you please take a vote? All in favor? 00:05:13
Aye. 00:05:17
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:05:20
Moving along to our first item of business after the consent calendar. 00:05:31
Appointment to the Association of Water Agencies of Ventura County Board of Directors. 00:05:37
Will staff please present the report? Yes. 00:05:43
Similar to the reorganization item, each year or two we review our appointments to the Association of Water Agencies of Ventura 00:05:48
County. 00:05:53
Which is a 21 member board made-up of directors from various water agencies and cities throughout the. 00:05:59
So recently. 00:06:08
Heard back from AWA that it was time for us to make our appointments and so we. 00:06:12
Have agenda is the item to allow the board to make the appointments. 00:06:17
Current appointees for our agency is where Misty Perez is director and Nathan Jacobson as the alternate. 00:06:20
And so we have the opportunity now to. 00:06:30
Appoint our new member and alternate on to the AWA. 00:06:33
The Awa's next meeting is March 7th, 2024 and installation is scheduled for the new members on March 21st. 00:06:38
They're holding their water wise meeting. 00:06:48
So at this point, oh, and then just one last point there, the regular meetings of the AWA, our first Thursdays of every other 00:06:51
month starting in January. So January, March, May. 00:06:56
1st Thursday at 3:00 PM and they do have a zoom option available in case anybody's wondering about being able to attend those 00:07:03
meetings. So. 00:07:07
So at this time, we recommend. 00:07:13
Board Make an appointment for a director and an alternate of the AWA. 00:07:16
Yeah. 00:07:27
Can you is the vice is. 00:07:29
Chair and vice chair. 00:07:32
The regular stand. 00:07:35
Or can it be? 00:07:37
I guess I'm asking because I think I'm on committee #15 right now. 00:07:42
So does it have to? Does it have to be a current PHWA member or could it be? 00:07:47
No, no. Does it have to be the chair? I mean, you said the last names were chair and vice chair, right? No, sorry. No. And no, it 00:07:51
does not have to be the chair and vice chair. 00:07:55
Can I ask a question before I? 00:08:01
Member Jacobson. 00:08:04
Would you be willing to serve in that role? Do you want? 00:08:06
As you were the alternate. 00:08:10
I actually tried to get out last time and didn't take. 00:08:13
So I would like to. 00:08:18
OK and answers that. 00:08:21
Does anybody have any other questions for staff? Well, I'm going to whittle it down to even smaller. I already serve on the AWA as 00:08:24
a agricultural appointee, so I'm an alternate there. I can't serve in two separate official roles, but it's really not just so you 00:08:29
all know. 00:08:34
It is not a big commitment, not. 00:08:39
Requirement. They're not a body that does. 00:08:42
Any legisl. 00:08:45
They don't have any standing that way. They're more of an educational. 00:08:48
Program. 00:08:52
They're there to bring issues forward. 00:08:54
The water community in Ventura County to to bring information out, so it's not an overwhelming obligation by any means and they do 00:08:57
have a zoom option that you can zoom into the meetings from. 00:09:03
So for what it's worth, for those of you that are left in the mix. 00:09:09
Are there any public comments regarding this item? 00:09:17
No public comments. 00:09:21
Noted. 00:09:29
Is there anybody interested in serving? 00:09:34
Yeah, I'd be in. I'd be interested. It's at 3:00 PM, right? So I'm not, I'm not sure why they have breakfast burritos at 3:00. 00:09:37
They do water wise breakfast programs that they usually have them out if you want. Those are not part of the board meeting 00:09:44
schedule but. 00:09:48
Yeah, so I would. 00:09:54
Nominate Member Martinez to serve as the regular member. 00:09:58
And is there anybody willing to do the alternate or do you want a roll call on that first? 00:10:06
Might as well. Yeah, I can go ahead and do that, but we'll just say all in favor. 00:10:11
All opposed. 00:10:17
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:10:18
Do we have a nomination or is anybody interested in serving as the alternate? 00:10:21
I think I can do it. I was. 00:10:26
I was originally thinking it was 830 Thursday morning. 00:10:29
So if it's 3:00 in the afternoon. 00:10:33
And Director Martinez Cantitan I can make myself available. 00:10:36
Unless somebody else wants it. Second, I will nominate director Excuse me, member Hernandez. 00:10:42
Second, Yeah. 00:10:50
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. Motion passes unanimously. 00:10:52
Thank you both. 00:10:59
Does anyone have any reports, comments, or requests for future agenda items? 00:11:11
I think I'm skipping around here. 00:11:18
I think you're right. 00:11:21
I just like to. I know it's been quite a while and Staffs very busy with much more meaningful things. 00:11:23
About about mid year last year we had asked to bring back and then we've got some new seated members to the board. 00:11:30
A look at board members stipend payments. I'm not doing this to make make money, but. 00:11:38
At 50. 00:11:43
A meeting. It's hard to incentivize other board members to sit in this role, and hasn't changed. I'll. 00:11:45
In 30 years. 00:11:50
Or since the agency's inception. 00:11:52
And we've we've heard that one of the questions this will likely come back for a for a future agenda item in that we would have to 00:11:56
amend the joint powers agreement. 00:12:00
Because that's where this is set. And so if we're going to go through that undertaking, we might as well review the whole 00:12:03
agreement and see if there's anything else we might want to change while we're at it. 00:12:07
Well, I did not. I wasn't aware it was that level of effort for you all. Generally it's done via resolution with the body. So I 00:12:11
would say at this point we'll leave it alone unless it's something the agents, at least from my perspective. 00:12:18
If it's that big of an undertaking that we got to go through all that, it's not that important. 00:12:25
So I'll resend my request. 00:12:33
We'll take a look at it and if it if there is a simpler route then we'll come back. If not then we'll consider it rescinded. So 00:12:37
thank you. 00:12:41
Any other reports, comments, or requests for future agenda items? 00:12:46
Hearing none, that concludes our business items today. 00:12:52
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 18th, 2024 at 4:00 PM. 00:12:57
I'd like to adjourn the meeting. The time is now for 12. 00:13:02
Got to get useless. 00:13:08
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A place for. 00:00:55
I was just gonna say, Mr. Jacobson, I actually have a packet right here for you at this table. 00:00:57
OK. Are there any public comments? 00:01:05
There are no public comments. OK, all right. This brings us to agenda approval for the water agency. May I have a motion and a 00:01:09
second to approve the agenda? 00:01:14
Move to approve. 00:01:19
2nd. 00:01:22
2nd. 00:01:23
Director Martinez. 00:01:25
All in favor. 00:01:28
Aye, all opposed. 00:01:30
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:01:32
OK. We're going to move on to this is the time of year where we do rotate the chair and vice chair. So at this point, I'm going to 00:01:36
open the floor for nomination. Oh, that's your job. I'm sorry. 00:01:42
Let's turn it over to our clerk. The floor is now open for nominations for chair. 00:01:49
Do I have any nominations? 00:01:54
Move to approve Director Remember Le Beau as the chair of the agency. 00:01:57
Do you have any comments? Does the board have any comments? 00:02:07
No, I just think for those who are new to the board, we usually switch back between a city representative has the chair. 00:02:12
And then the subsequent year, it goes to the PHW, a member of the PHWA. 00:02:20
One of the other AG. 00:02:27
OK, so. 00:02:30
If you're ready, I can take A roll call vote. 00:02:33
So remember Martinez. 00:02:35
Yes, yes, yes. 00:02:38
Now. 00:02:43
Hey, sorry, Chair Le Beau. Yes, Chair Hernandez. OK. 00:02:45
Motion approved. 00:02:50
Do I turn this over to him at this point? 00:02:53
And can you? 00:02:55
Instruct us at the seating arrangements. 00:02:58
I will now open the floor for nominations for Vice Chair. Do I have a nomination? 00:03:11
I'll nominate Nominate Director Martha McQueen. 00:03:18
2nd. 00:03:23
And Madam Clerk, can you please conduct any other nominations first? 00:03:26
Hearing none, Madam Clerk, can you please conduct A roll call vote? 00:03:31
Yes. 00:03:35
Member McQueen Lejeune. 00:03:37
For Vice chair now member Bouchard. 00:03:39
Vice Chair No. Sorry. Chair LeBeau and member Hernandez. 00:03:43
Yes, ocean. 00:03:50
Congratulations. Congratulations. 00:03:51
Now do we want to change? 00:03:56
Traffic. 00:04:09
OK. 00:04:13
It was a pleasure serving. Thank you, Laura. 00:04:21
Musical chairs. 00:04:40
Yeah, she's in LA right now. 00:04:43
OK, we'll now consider items on the consent calendar, which will be enacted in one motion unless an agency member has a request to 00:04:54
remove an item for discussion. 00:04:58
May have a motion and 2nd to approve our consent calendar. 00:05:03
Move to Appro. 00:05:10
2nd. 00:05:11
Madame Clerk, can you please take a vote? All in favor? 00:05:13
Aye. 00:05:17
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:05:20
Moving along to our first item of business after the consent calendar. 00:05:31
Appointment to the Association of Water Agencies of Ventura County Board of Directors. 00:05:37
Will staff please present the report? Yes. 00:05:43
Similar to the reorganization item, each year or two we review our appointments to the Association of Water Agencies of Ventura 00:05:48
County. 00:05:53
Which is a 21 member board made-up of directors from various water agencies and cities throughout the. 00:05:59
So recently. 00:06:08
Heard back from AWA that it was time for us to make our appointments and so we. 00:06:12
Have agenda is the item to allow the board to make the appointments. 00:06:17
Current appointees for our agency is where Misty Perez is director and Nathan Jacobson as the alternate. 00:06:20
And so we have the opportunity now to. 00:06:30
Appoint our new member and alternate on to the AWA. 00:06:33
The Awa's next meeting is March 7th, 2024 and installation is scheduled for the new members on March 21st. 00:06:38
They're holding their water wise meeting. 00:06:48
So at this point, oh, and then just one last point there, the regular meetings of the AWA, our first Thursdays of every other 00:06:51
month starting in January. So January, March, May. 00:06:56
1st Thursday at 3:00 PM and they do have a zoom option available in case anybody's wondering about being able to attend those 00:07:03
meetings. So. 00:07:07
So at this time, we recommend. 00:07:13
Board Make an appointment for a director and an alternate of the AWA. 00:07:16
Yeah. 00:07:27
Can you is the vice is. 00:07:29
Chair and vice chair. 00:07:32
The regular stand. 00:07:35
Or can it be? 00:07:37
I guess I'm asking because I think I'm on committee #15 right now. 00:07:42
So does it have to? Does it have to be a current PHWA member or could it be? 00:07:47
No, no. Does it have to be the chair? I mean, you said the last names were chair and vice chair, right? No, sorry. No. And no, it 00:07:51
does not have to be the chair and vice chair. 00:07:55
Can I ask a question before I? 00:08:01
Member Jacobson. 00:08:04
Would you be willing to serve in that role? Do you want? 00:08:06
As you were the alternate. 00:08:10
I actually tried to get out last time and didn't take. 00:08:13
So I would like to. 00:08:18
OK and answers that. 00:08:21
Does anybody have any other questions for staff? Well, I'm going to whittle it down to even smaller. I already serve on the AWA as 00:08:24
a agricultural appointee, so I'm an alternate there. I can't serve in two separate official roles, but it's really not just so you 00:08:29
all know. 00:08:34
It is not a big commitment, not. 00:08:39
Requirement. They're not a body that does. 00:08:42
Any legisl. 00:08:45
They don't have any standing that way. They're more of an educational. 00:08:48
Program. 00:08:52
They're there to bring issues forward. 00:08:54
The water community in Ventura County to to bring information out, so it's not an overwhelming obligation by any means and they do 00:08:57
have a zoom option that you can zoom into the meetings from. 00:09:03
So for what it's worth, for those of you that are left in the mix. 00:09:09
Are there any public comments regarding this item? 00:09:17
No public comments. 00:09:21
Noted. 00:09:29
Is there anybody interested in serving? 00:09:34
Yeah, I'd be in. I'd be interested. It's at 3:00 PM, right? So I'm not, I'm not sure why they have breakfast burritos at 3:00. 00:09:37
They do water wise breakfast programs that they usually have them out if you want. Those are not part of the board meeting 00:09:44
schedule but. 00:09:48
Yeah, so I would. 00:09:54
Nominate Member Martinez to serve as the regular member. 00:09:58
And is there anybody willing to do the alternate or do you want a roll call on that first? 00:10:06
Might as well. Yeah, I can go ahead and do that, but we'll just say all in favor. 00:10:11
All opposed. 00:10:17
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. 00:10:18
Do we have a nomination or is anybody interested in serving as the alternate? 00:10:21
I think I can do it. I was. 00:10:26
I was originally thinking it was 830 Thursday morning. 00:10:29
So if it's 3:00 in the afternoon. 00:10:33
And Director Martinez Cantitan I can make myself available. 00:10:36
Unless somebody else wants it. Second, I will nominate director Excuse me, member Hernandez. 00:10:42
Second, Yeah. 00:10:50
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. Motion passes unanimously. 00:10:52
Thank you both. 00:10:59
Does anyone have any reports, comments, or requests for future agenda items? 00:11:11
I think I'm skipping around here. 00:11:18
I think you're right. 00:11:21
I just like to. I know it's been quite a while and Staffs very busy with much more meaningful things. 00:11:23
About about mid year last year we had asked to bring back and then we've got some new seated members to the board. 00:11:30
A look at board members stipend payments. I'm not doing this to make make money, but. 00:11:38
At 50. 00:11:43
A meeting. It's hard to incentivize other board members to sit in this role, and hasn't changed. I'll. 00:11:45
In 30 years. 00:11:50
Or since the agency's inception. 00:11:52
And we've we've heard that one of the questions this will likely come back for a for a future agenda item in that we would have to 00:11:56
amend the joint powers agreement. 00:12:00
Because that's where this is set. And so if we're going to go through that undertaking, we might as well review the whole 00:12:03
agreement and see if there's anything else we might want to change while we're at it. 00:12:07
Well, I did not. I wasn't aware it was that level of effort for you all. Generally it's done via resolution with the body. So I 00:12:11
would say at this point we'll leave it alone unless it's something the agents, at least from my perspective. 00:12:18
If it's that big of an undertaking that we got to go through all that, it's not that important. 00:12:25
So I'll resend my request. 00:12:33
We'll take a look at it and if it if there is a simpler route then we'll come back. If not then we'll consider it rescinded. So 00:12:37
thank you. 00:12:41
Any other reports, comments, or requests for future agenda items? 00:12:46
Hearing none, that concludes our business items today. 00:12:52
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 18th, 2024 at 4:00 PM. 00:12:57
I'd like to adjourn the meeting. The time is now for 12. 00:13:02
Got to get useless. 00:13:08
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