Item #5 - Port Hueneme Water Agency Audit Report FY 2022-23 | |
Item #6 - 2024 PHWA Meeting Schedule | |
Members Jerry. | 00:05:16 | |
Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Remember Bouchard? | 00:05:21 | |
Here a member McQueen, Lashawn, Member Perez, and Vice Chair LeBeau. | 00:05:24 | |
I'd let the record reflect that Chair Hernandez is currently absent. | 00:05:31 | |
We will now hear public comments. You'll have 3 minutes to provide your comments. Madam Clerk, do we have any public comments | 00:05:45 | |
today? | 00:05:48 | |
No public comments. | 00:05:52 | |
And Mr. Agency Attorney, please read the closed session items in direct. Thank you, Vice Chair LeBeau. We have two items of | 00:05:58 | |
business on the closed session agenda tonight. | 00:06:02 | |
First one is conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 that case | 00:06:07 | |
name is OPV Coalition ET al. Versus Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency. And the second one is conference with legal counsel | 00:06:13 | |
for anticipated litigation and this is a pond based. This is based upon facts and circumstances arising out of a tripartite | 00:06:19 | |
agreement between the City of Port Hueneme, City of Oxnard and Cogas. | 00:06:25 | |
Municipal Water District regarding water credits and pumping allocations. | 00:06:31 | |
Do any agency members have any conflicts to disclose for the listed closed session agenda items? | 00:06:35 | |
Thank you, Vice Chair. This is Member Bouchard. I will not be participating for potential conflict reasons in the first item under | 00:06:42 | |
the closed session of existing litigation regarding OPB Coalition versus Fox Canning Groundwater Management Agency. | 00:06:50 | |
The conflict is related to my employer, Pleasant Valley County Water District, as a potential conflict in the case. | 00:07:00 | |
We will recess to closed session. Now the time is 2:36 PM. | 00:07:13 | |
Good afternoon. | 01:30:22 | |
It is 4:00 and I'd like to call the PHW a regular meeting. | 01:30:24 | |
To order. If you don't know what PHWA means, it stands for Port Hueneme Water Agency and. | 01:30:29 | |
I'd like to ask Clerk now to take roll call, please. | 01:30:37 | |
Remember Bouchard? | 01:30:42 | |
Remember McQueen, Lejeune member Perez here, Vice chair LeBeau and Chair Hernandez. | 01:30:45 | |
My apologies for missing the closed session. | 01:30:53 | |
We will now hear public comments. Do we have any public comments, Madam Clerk? No public comments. | 01:30:57 | |
Mr. Agency Attorney, can you please provide the closed session report? Thank you, Chair Hernandez. With respect to the first item | 01:31:03 | |
of business, there was no reportable action. With respect to the second item of business, the PHWA Board agreed to enter into a | 01:31:10 | |
tolling agreement with the City of Oxnard related relative to the tripartite agreement for a period of six months and authorized | 01:31:17 | |
the Executive Director to sign same. The vote was unanimous with Chair Hernandez absent. | 01:31:23 | |
The agenda is before us and. | 01:31:35 | |
If you not had a chance to take a look at it, please do and then I will entertain a motion to approve. | 01:31:38 | |
Move to approve. | 01:31:45 | |
All in favor. | 01:31:49 | |
Aye, all opposed. | 01:31:51 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:31:53 | |
OK, Now we'll consider the items on the consent agenda. | 01:31:57 | |
Enact in one motion unless any agency member has the desire to pull an item for discussion. | 01:32:01 | |
May I have a motion and a second to approve our consent agenda? | 01:32:08 | |
Approve. | 01:32:14 | |
All in favor. | 01:32:18 | |
All opposed. | 01:32:21 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:32:22 | |
This brings us to our business items on item number 5, Port Hueneme Water Agency Audit Report for 20 Fiscal Year 2223 Will staff. | 01:32:25 | |
Present. | 01:32:37 | |
Yes. And our Finance Director, Lupe Acero is going to be giving us a brief presentation on that item. | 01:32:39 | |
Apologize. Give me one moment to pull it up. | 01:32:53 | |
Do you want to just walk us through it, Lupe? I think we're having technical difficulties. | 01:33:29 | |
Everybody, good afternoon, board members and staff. | 01:33:37 | |
I suspect you guys have the financials in front of you. I just had a couple of slides to highlight. | 01:33:44 | |
The revenues and expenditures of the agency for the fiscal year that was just audited, which is fiscal year ending ending June | 01:33:52 | |
30th, 2023. And I just wanted to recap the audit opinion of the financial statements, so the financial statements. | 01:34:00 | |
For this fiscal year represent fairly the financial and all material respects the financial position of the agency as of June | 01:34:09 | |
30th, 20. | 01:34:14 | |
Three, so the audit is was conducted by Brown Armstrong, a CPA firm located in Bakersfield. | 01:34:20 | |
They've been conducting the audit for PHWA for. | 01:34:27 | |
A number of years, actually, over 20. | 01:34:32 | |
Management is responsible for the preparation and the fair presentation of financial statements. | 01:34:35 | |
And the auditors responsibility for the audit of the financial statements is to obtain reasonable assurance that whether the | 01:34:42 | |
financial statements. | 01:34:47 | |
Are free of material misstatements. So basically we, the agency received a clean opinion. | 01:34:52 | |
For this audit. | 01:34:59 | |
And. | 01:35:02 | |
The summary of the revenues and expenditures. There's a lot of detail in the audit report, but the total revenues for the agency | 01:35:04 | |
were $5.7 million. | 01:35:11 | |
And the expenditures were just under six point. | 01:35:19 | |
So the loss is 433,000? | 01:35:23 | |
And that loss is annually we're depreciating the assets. | 01:35:27 | |
So the losses is the depreciation. So it's a book entry, so it's not a. | 01:35:33 | |
Outlay of funds. It's a depreciation. | 01:35:37 | |
I think they got it up, so I'll just pause for a second. | 01:35:47 | |
OK. Thank you. | 01:35:51 | |
Hence, the tonight's board action steps, just to back up a little bit, is to receive and file the Annual Comprehensive Financial | 01:35:55 | |
Report for the year ended June 30th, 2023. | 01:36:00 | |
And I kind of went through this. It is a clean audit opinion from the auditors that just completed the audit. | 01:36:07 | |
And then here are is the are the highlights of the agencies. | 01:36:16 | |
Financials, audited financials, I think, I apologize, I think the years cut off, but the first column is the 2023 as compared to | 01:36:20 | |
last year 2022. | 01:36:25 | |
And so again revenues at 5.7. | 01:36:30 | |
Million and expenditures were six point. | 01:36:33 | |
And you can see that the last year was basically the net loss is the same every year because like I said, we have. | 01:36:37 | |
The assets that are being depreciated every year and that's really the net loss other than it the position and that's the change | 01:36:43 | |
in that position every year you start with the beginning. | 01:36:47 | |
And then the ending. | 01:36:52 | |
And and this next slide is a lot more detail of really what makes up all those revenues and so from it's the variable and fixed | 01:36:56 | |
revenue from the various customers which is the city, the Navy. | 01:37:02 | |
Channel Islands, some irrigation revenue down towards the middle of variable revenue. | 01:37:09 | |
Want to talk a little bit about the billing adjustment. Every year per the agreement, we do a reconciliation at the end of the | 01:37:17 | |
year, staff does the reconciliation of revenues versus expenditures and then that gets trued up. | 01:37:23 | |
And then? | 01:37:30 | |
Passed through to the members in the next billing cycle. So usually it gets passed through like around October because it takes a | 01:37:33 | |
little bit to close it and do the reconciliation. So when, so I guess passed through. | 01:37:39 | |
And. | 01:37:46 | |
So the total revenue for the year was like $370,000 higher? | 01:37:49 | |
Than the. | 01:37:55 | |
On the billing adjustment. | 01:37:57 | |
It all, it's a variable based on the budget because we do a budget every year and those are the inputs. | 01:38:00 | |
That we input to come up with what the rates are going to be, the fixed and the variable. So the if something is in the budget, an | 01:38:07 | |
item and expense and it doesn't take place then that will create that billing adjustment because that expense didn't occur, but | 01:38:14 | |
those expenses were charged to the customer. So that's basically what we have that. | 01:38:20 | |
If we could get in a perfect world, you know, the budget a little bit tighter, that billing adjustment would be less. | 01:38:28 | |
And then here are the expenditures. I get the water purchases, the largest expense. | 01:38:38 | |
We had a little bit of part-time charges that were being charged. | 01:38:44 | |
We didn't build any into this year's budget for. | 01:38:49 | |
And then so those. | 01:38:54 | |
Benefits associated with the part time. | 01:38:56 | |
Legal fees, The audit. | 01:38:59 | |
Property insurance. | 01:39:02 | |
Interest expense and then the water plant expenses, those are the operating expenses. | 01:39:04 | |
Of the water plant. So those are all of the salaries, benefits. | 01:39:10 | |
Of and other expenses incurred for the water plan, the enterprise fund that are passed through at the end of the year. | 01:39:16 | |
To PHW. | 01:39:25 | |
And then there's the depreciation expands, stays pretty consistent because not a whole lot of new assets have been added. | 01:39:27 | |
And. | 01:39:37 | |
Again, that's the operating loss at $433,000. | 01:39:39 | |
Just restating the tonight's action to receive and file the report. | 01:39:49 | |
And I did want to talk a little bit about future action items for the agency. | 01:39:55 | |
My recommendation would be to do an RFP for a new just to receive proposals for audit firm since the audit firm has been preparing | 01:40:01 | |
the report for over 20 years. | 01:40:07 | |
Usually it's recommended every five to six years a new audit to change auditors just because of the independence and. | 01:40:13 | |
And it's always nice to have a new set of ice. New auditors take a look at it. So I would propose that. | 01:40:21 | |
We issue an RFP and then we would bring back to the board the recommendation of. | 01:40:26 | |
The farm that is being recommended. | 01:40:32 | |
To do. | 01:40:34 | |
And then we'll be working on the operating budget for fiscal year 2425 and we'll. | 01:40:36 | |
We're targeting to present that to the board. | 01:40:42 | |
In May and June, so we'll be working on. | 01:40:45 | |
So those are the. | 01:40:48 | |
Items that we have for. | 01:40:49 | |
Any questions? | 01:40:53 | |
Any questions for miss? | 01:40:55 | |
I was going to ask the question about the auditor, whether or not we had plans. | 01:40:59 | |
To go out to bed for a new. | 01:41:05 | |
Company it's not in the recommendation I've noticed in the report, so is that an issue? | 01:41:08 | |
Agency director or city? | 01:41:15 | |
We. | 01:41:20 | |
We will bring items back to the board to approve the actual. | 01:41:22 | |
Selection and everything of new auditors, so at this time. | 01:41:28 | |
No actions needed other than just we're well, we're reporting that we will go through that process. | 01:41:32 | |
Thank you. | 01:41:39 | |
Umm any questions for staff? Any more questions for staff? | 01:41:40 | |
All right. How about public comments? Any public comments? | 01:41:46 | |
No public comments. | 01:41:49 | |
Roy, did you have something? OK, going to move staff's recommendation. | 01:41:54 | |
We have a motion. | 01:42:00 | |
2nd 2nd. | 01:42:02 | |
Motion then. | 01:42:05 | |
Madam Clerk, please take. | 01:42:07 | |
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. | 01:42:09 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:42:12 | |
Here you. | 01:42:15 | |
Hey, on the next item is item 6, the 2024 PHWA meeting schedule. | 01:42:19 | |
Mr. Agency Director, are you going to present that or is that somebody else's? | 01:42:26 | |
I I don't see that in. | 01:42:33 | |
Oh, there it is in the pocket. OK. | 01:42:36 | |
So with the approval. | 01:42:39 | |
With that council last meeting of our regular council meeting schedule, we also want to follow that up with our approval of our | 01:42:44 | |
regular PHWA meeting schedule and the two are a little bit interrelated because some of the dates are are coordinated. | 01:42:52 | |
So we've presented A proposed schedule. The schedule shows meetings on page three of three, it shows our meetings for the year and | 01:43:01 | |
it proposes being dark for the month of August. | 01:43:06 | |
But otherwise. | 01:43:13 | |
Meeting each month with the dates proposed I. | 01:43:14 | |
On that schedule, typically on Mondays, but today and on next month, we propose moving to Tuesday due to the holidays. | 01:43:18 | |
So in line with how we normally schedule it, nothing really out of place. We are recommending that the PHWA approve that meeting | 01:43:28 | |
schedule and then we will move forward with regular meeting set for those dates. | 01:43:35 | |
Very good. Any questions for? | 01:43:42 | |
Just very quickly, I want to confirm because I didn't see it that we're we're going to continue at 4:00, right? | 01:43:45 | |
Yes, I just saw that the first two paragraphs of the of the staff report and I thought, are we recommending a change? Am I missing | 01:43:53 | |
it here OK? | 01:43:58 | |
Any other questions for? | 01:44:05 | |
OK. | 01:44:09 | |
A motion to approve the meeting scheduled for 2024. Move to approve second. You, Madam Clerk, may we have a vote, please? All in | 01:44:12 | |
favor. Aye. All opposed. | 01:44:17 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:44:22 | |
Oh, I forgot to ask for public comments. | 01:44:25 | |
There's no public comment. | 01:44:28 | |
All right. Agency member reports comments and requests for future agenda items. Does anybody have? | 01:44:32 | |
Comments or requests? | 01:44:38 | |
Hearing. | 01:44:42 | |
I'll go ahead and adjourn this meeting. | 01:44:44 | |
Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20th. | 01:44:46 | |
Due to the observance of President's Day and will start the meeting at 4:00 Tuesday, February 20th. | 01:44:51 | |
I'd like to adjourn the meeting. The time is now 414. Thank you, everybody. | 01:44:58 |
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Members Jerry. | 00:05:16 | |
Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Remember Bouchard? | 00:05:21 | |
Here a member McQueen, Lashawn, Member Perez, and Vice Chair LeBeau. | 00:05:24 | |
I'd let the record reflect that Chair Hernandez is currently absent. | 00:05:31 | |
We will now hear public comments. You'll have 3 minutes to provide your comments. Madam Clerk, do we have any public comments | 00:05:45 | |
today? | 00:05:48 | |
No public comments. | 00:05:52 | |
And Mr. Agency Attorney, please read the closed session items in direct. Thank you, Vice Chair LeBeau. We have two items of | 00:05:58 | |
business on the closed session agenda tonight. | 00:06:02 | |
First one is conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 that case | 00:06:07 | |
name is OPV Coalition ET al. Versus Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency. And the second one is conference with legal counsel | 00:06:13 | |
for anticipated litigation and this is a pond based. This is based upon facts and circumstances arising out of a tripartite | 00:06:19 | |
agreement between the City of Port Hueneme, City of Oxnard and Cogas. | 00:06:25 | |
Municipal Water District regarding water credits and pumping allocations. | 00:06:31 | |
Do any agency members have any conflicts to disclose for the listed closed session agenda items? | 00:06:35 | |
Thank you, Vice Chair. This is Member Bouchard. I will not be participating for potential conflict reasons in the first item under | 00:06:42 | |
the closed session of existing litigation regarding OPB Coalition versus Fox Canning Groundwater Management Agency. | 00:06:50 | |
The conflict is related to my employer, Pleasant Valley County Water District, as a potential conflict in the case. | 00:07:00 | |
We will recess to closed session. Now the time is 2:36 PM. | 00:07:13 | |
Good afternoon. | 01:30:22 | |
It is 4:00 and I'd like to call the PHW a regular meeting. | 01:30:24 | |
To order. If you don't know what PHWA means, it stands for Port Hueneme Water Agency and. | 01:30:29 | |
I'd like to ask Clerk now to take roll call, please. | 01:30:37 | |
Remember Bouchard? | 01:30:42 | |
Remember McQueen, Lejeune member Perez here, Vice chair LeBeau and Chair Hernandez. | 01:30:45 | |
My apologies for missing the closed session. | 01:30:53 | |
We will now hear public comments. Do we have any public comments, Madam Clerk? No public comments. | 01:30:57 | |
Mr. Agency Attorney, can you please provide the closed session report? Thank you, Chair Hernandez. With respect to the first item | 01:31:03 | |
of business, there was no reportable action. With respect to the second item of business, the PHWA Board agreed to enter into a | 01:31:10 | |
tolling agreement with the City of Oxnard related relative to the tripartite agreement for a period of six months and authorized | 01:31:17 | |
the Executive Director to sign same. The vote was unanimous with Chair Hernandez absent. | 01:31:23 | |
The agenda is before us and. | 01:31:35 | |
If you not had a chance to take a look at it, please do and then I will entertain a motion to approve. | 01:31:38 | |
Move to approve. | 01:31:45 | |
All in favor. | 01:31:49 | |
Aye, all opposed. | 01:31:51 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:31:53 | |
OK, Now we'll consider the items on the consent agenda. | 01:31:57 | |
Enact in one motion unless any agency member has the desire to pull an item for discussion. | 01:32:01 | |
May I have a motion and a second to approve our consent agenda? | 01:32:08 | |
Approve. | 01:32:14 | |
All in favor. | 01:32:18 | |
All opposed. | 01:32:21 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:32:22 | |
This brings us to our business items on item number 5, Port Hueneme Water Agency Audit Report for 20 Fiscal Year 2223 Will staff. | 01:32:25 | |
Present. | 01:32:37 | |
Yes. And our Finance Director, Lupe Acero is going to be giving us a brief presentation on that item. | 01:32:39 | |
Apologize. Give me one moment to pull it up. | 01:32:53 | |
Do you want to just walk us through it, Lupe? I think we're having technical difficulties. | 01:33:29 | |
Everybody, good afternoon, board members and staff. | 01:33:37 | |
I suspect you guys have the financials in front of you. I just had a couple of slides to highlight. | 01:33:44 | |
The revenues and expenditures of the agency for the fiscal year that was just audited, which is fiscal year ending ending June | 01:33:52 | |
30th, 2023. And I just wanted to recap the audit opinion of the financial statements, so the financial statements. | 01:34:00 | |
For this fiscal year represent fairly the financial and all material respects the financial position of the agency as of June | 01:34:09 | |
30th, 20. | 01:34:14 | |
Three, so the audit is was conducted by Brown Armstrong, a CPA firm located in Bakersfield. | 01:34:20 | |
They've been conducting the audit for PHWA for. | 01:34:27 | |
A number of years, actually, over 20. | 01:34:32 | |
Management is responsible for the preparation and the fair presentation of financial statements. | 01:34:35 | |
And the auditors responsibility for the audit of the financial statements is to obtain reasonable assurance that whether the | 01:34:42 | |
financial statements. | 01:34:47 | |
Are free of material misstatements. So basically we, the agency received a clean opinion. | 01:34:52 | |
For this audit. | 01:34:59 | |
And. | 01:35:02 | |
The summary of the revenues and expenditures. There's a lot of detail in the audit report, but the total revenues for the agency | 01:35:04 | |
were $5.7 million. | 01:35:11 | |
And the expenditures were just under six point. | 01:35:19 | |
So the loss is 433,000? | 01:35:23 | |
And that loss is annually we're depreciating the assets. | 01:35:27 | |
So the losses is the depreciation. So it's a book entry, so it's not a. | 01:35:33 | |
Outlay of funds. It's a depreciation. | 01:35:37 | |
I think they got it up, so I'll just pause for a second. | 01:35:47 | |
OK. Thank you. | 01:35:51 | |
Hence, the tonight's board action steps, just to back up a little bit, is to receive and file the Annual Comprehensive Financial | 01:35:55 | |
Report for the year ended June 30th, 2023. | 01:36:00 | |
And I kind of went through this. It is a clean audit opinion from the auditors that just completed the audit. | 01:36:07 | |
And then here are is the are the highlights of the agencies. | 01:36:16 | |
Financials, audited financials, I think, I apologize, I think the years cut off, but the first column is the 2023 as compared to | 01:36:20 | |
last year 2022. | 01:36:25 | |
And so again revenues at 5.7. | 01:36:30 | |
Million and expenditures were six point. | 01:36:33 | |
And you can see that the last year was basically the net loss is the same every year because like I said, we have. | 01:36:37 | |
The assets that are being depreciated every year and that's really the net loss other than it the position and that's the change | 01:36:43 | |
in that position every year you start with the beginning. | 01:36:47 | |
And then the ending. | 01:36:52 | |
And and this next slide is a lot more detail of really what makes up all those revenues and so from it's the variable and fixed | 01:36:56 | |
revenue from the various customers which is the city, the Navy. | 01:37:02 | |
Channel Islands, some irrigation revenue down towards the middle of variable revenue. | 01:37:09 | |
Want to talk a little bit about the billing adjustment. Every year per the agreement, we do a reconciliation at the end of the | 01:37:17 | |
year, staff does the reconciliation of revenues versus expenditures and then that gets trued up. | 01:37:23 | |
And then? | 01:37:30 | |
Passed through to the members in the next billing cycle. So usually it gets passed through like around October because it takes a | 01:37:33 | |
little bit to close it and do the reconciliation. So when, so I guess passed through. | 01:37:39 | |
And. | 01:37:46 | |
So the total revenue for the year was like $370,000 higher? | 01:37:49 | |
Than the. | 01:37:55 | |
On the billing adjustment. | 01:37:57 | |
It all, it's a variable based on the budget because we do a budget every year and those are the inputs. | 01:38:00 | |
That we input to come up with what the rates are going to be, the fixed and the variable. So the if something is in the budget, an | 01:38:07 | |
item and expense and it doesn't take place then that will create that billing adjustment because that expense didn't occur, but | 01:38:14 | |
those expenses were charged to the customer. So that's basically what we have that. | 01:38:20 | |
If we could get in a perfect world, you know, the budget a little bit tighter, that billing adjustment would be less. | 01:38:28 | |
And then here are the expenditures. I get the water purchases, the largest expense. | 01:38:38 | |
We had a little bit of part-time charges that were being charged. | 01:38:44 | |
We didn't build any into this year's budget for. | 01:38:49 | |
And then so those. | 01:38:54 | |
Benefits associated with the part time. | 01:38:56 | |
Legal fees, The audit. | 01:38:59 | |
Property insurance. | 01:39:02 | |
Interest expense and then the water plant expenses, those are the operating expenses. | 01:39:04 | |
Of the water plant. So those are all of the salaries, benefits. | 01:39:10 | |
Of and other expenses incurred for the water plan, the enterprise fund that are passed through at the end of the year. | 01:39:16 | |
To PHW. | 01:39:25 | |
And then there's the depreciation expands, stays pretty consistent because not a whole lot of new assets have been added. | 01:39:27 | |
And. | 01:39:37 | |
Again, that's the operating loss at $433,000. | 01:39:39 | |
Just restating the tonight's action to receive and file the report. | 01:39:49 | |
And I did want to talk a little bit about future action items for the agency. | 01:39:55 | |
My recommendation would be to do an RFP for a new just to receive proposals for audit firm since the audit firm has been preparing | 01:40:01 | |
the report for over 20 years. | 01:40:07 | |
Usually it's recommended every five to six years a new audit to change auditors just because of the independence and. | 01:40:13 | |
And it's always nice to have a new set of ice. New auditors take a look at it. So I would propose that. | 01:40:21 | |
We issue an RFP and then we would bring back to the board the recommendation of. | 01:40:26 | |
The farm that is being recommended. | 01:40:32 | |
To do. | 01:40:34 | |
And then we'll be working on the operating budget for fiscal year 2425 and we'll. | 01:40:36 | |
We're targeting to present that to the board. | 01:40:42 | |
In May and June, so we'll be working on. | 01:40:45 | |
So those are the. | 01:40:48 | |
Items that we have for. | 01:40:49 | |
Any questions? | 01:40:53 | |
Any questions for miss? | 01:40:55 | |
I was going to ask the question about the auditor, whether or not we had plans. | 01:40:59 | |
To go out to bed for a new. | 01:41:05 | |
Company it's not in the recommendation I've noticed in the report, so is that an issue? | 01:41:08 | |
Agency director or city? | 01:41:15 | |
We. | 01:41:20 | |
We will bring items back to the board to approve the actual. | 01:41:22 | |
Selection and everything of new auditors, so at this time. | 01:41:28 | |
No actions needed other than just we're well, we're reporting that we will go through that process. | 01:41:32 | |
Thank you. | 01:41:39 | |
Umm any questions for staff? Any more questions for staff? | 01:41:40 | |
All right. How about public comments? Any public comments? | 01:41:46 | |
No public comments. | 01:41:49 | |
Roy, did you have something? OK, going to move staff's recommendation. | 01:41:54 | |
We have a motion. | 01:42:00 | |
2nd 2nd. | 01:42:02 | |
Motion then. | 01:42:05 | |
Madam Clerk, please take. | 01:42:07 | |
All in favor? Aye. All opposed. | 01:42:09 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:42:12 | |
Here you. | 01:42:15 | |
Hey, on the next item is item 6, the 2024 PHWA meeting schedule. | 01:42:19 | |
Mr. Agency Director, are you going to present that or is that somebody else's? | 01:42:26 | |
I I don't see that in. | 01:42:33 | |
Oh, there it is in the pocket. OK. | 01:42:36 | |
So with the approval. | 01:42:39 | |
With that council last meeting of our regular council meeting schedule, we also want to follow that up with our approval of our | 01:42:44 | |
regular PHWA meeting schedule and the two are a little bit interrelated because some of the dates are are coordinated. | 01:42:52 | |
So we've presented A proposed schedule. The schedule shows meetings on page three of three, it shows our meetings for the year and | 01:43:01 | |
it proposes being dark for the month of August. | 01:43:06 | |
But otherwise. | 01:43:13 | |
Meeting each month with the dates proposed I. | 01:43:14 | |
On that schedule, typically on Mondays, but today and on next month, we propose moving to Tuesday due to the holidays. | 01:43:18 | |
So in line with how we normally schedule it, nothing really out of place. We are recommending that the PHWA approve that meeting | 01:43:28 | |
schedule and then we will move forward with regular meeting set for those dates. | 01:43:35 | |
Very good. Any questions for? | 01:43:42 | |
Just very quickly, I want to confirm because I didn't see it that we're we're going to continue at 4:00, right? | 01:43:45 | |
Yes, I just saw that the first two paragraphs of the of the staff report and I thought, are we recommending a change? Am I missing | 01:43:53 | |
it here OK? | 01:43:58 | |
Any other questions for? | 01:44:05 | |
OK. | 01:44:09 | |
A motion to approve the meeting scheduled for 2024. Move to approve second. You, Madam Clerk, may we have a vote, please? All in | 01:44:12 | |
favor. Aye. All opposed. | 01:44:17 | |
Hearing none motion passes unanimously. | 01:44:22 | |
Oh, I forgot to ask for public comments. | 01:44:25 | |
There's no public comment. | 01:44:28 | |
All right. Agency member reports comments and requests for future agenda items. Does anybody have? | 01:44:32 | |
Comments or requests? | 01:44:38 | |
Hearing. | 01:44:42 | |
I'll go ahead and adjourn this meeting. | 01:44:44 | |
Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20th. | 01:44:46 | |
Due to the observance of President's Day and will start the meeting at 4:00 Tuesday, February 20th. | 01:44:51 | |
I'd like to adjourn the meeting. The time is now 414. Thank you, everybody. | 01:44:58 |